Skype Therapy Sessions for Anxiety and Depression

Mindfulness Therapy for overcoming anxiety and depression without drugs

Treat the underlying psychological cause – habitual reactive thinking

This approach yields results much faster than the usual “talk therapy”

Skype Therapy Sessions for Help with chronic Anxiety and Depression using Mindfulness rather than medications

During these Skype therapy sessions I will work with you one-on-one to help you learn how to apply mindfulness skills for managing and resolving long-standing patterns of anxiety, panic attacks and depression.

Mindfulness Therapy is one of the most effective approaches available for undoing the underlying reactive psychological habits that create anxiety and depression and other forms of emotional suffering.

Reach out to me by email to schedule Online Mindfulness-based psychotherapy with me. During these sessions I will teach you mindfulness-based methods for promoting recovery from all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, OCD, depression and other forms of emotional suffering using the well-tested methods of Mindfulness Therapy. I also offer mindfulness-based couples therapy.

This approach is very effective and you will notice significant recovery after the first few sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness-based Skype Therapy is very effective for managing anxiety and depression without relying on medications. It is far better to treat the cause of your psychological suffering as opposed to just treating symptoms.

The principle healing factors cultivated during mindfulness-based psychotherapy are Consciousness, which is essential for breaking free from the negative habits that cause emotional suffering, and Inner Compassion, which is what allows healing and resolution of emotional pain.

“I have practiced working with difficult emotions with many wonderful Buddhist teachers, including Pema Chodron and Adyashanti. Peter taught me aspects and nuances that were completely new to me that are making a huge difference and allowing me to meet and heal these parts of myself more efficiently and actually with less distress.”

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for anxiety and depression

Therapy Sessions by Skype for Managing Anxiety and Depression

Playlist: Skype Therapy Sessions

Psychotherapy Sessions via Skype for healing anxiety and depression

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy and I offer therapy sessions via Skype for overcoming anxiety and depression using Mindfulness Therapy.

So first of all, is Skype therapy effective? Yes, the answer is that Skype Therapy is most definitely it is effective and more effective than other forms of online therapy, such as email counseling or using a chat format because you can see each other.

So Skype allows you to see each other and that’s a tremendous advantage over these other forms of online therapy. And from my experience doing both, there’s no difference in effectiveness between therapy delivered via Skype when compared to psychotherapy in person with a therapist. There’s really no difference as long as you can see each other.

So the other advantage of Skype therapy is that it allows you to have your sessions from home or from work or from a place where you feel more comfortable, and this is really important. It means that the quality of your therapy sessions will be better because you are in a much more comfortable place, and that’s something that is very, very important.

You need to feel in control of your therapy sessions, you need to feel that you are taking the lead rather than going to a traditional psychotherapist for some form of treatment or evaluation. That approach tends to leave you feeling more like a victim and that will not help the therapy process. So online therapy typically eliminates this area and allows you to feel more comfortable and more in control of your therapy process.

So I teach Mindfulness Therapy and I find this to be extremely effective when delivered via Skype, and it’s very, very effective for it for overcoming anxiety and depression and for working with addictions as well.

Break free from Reactive Identification

The main focus in mindfulness-based therapy is on teaching you how to fundamentally change the relationship that you have with your emotions. This is so, so important. Most people fall into a habit of becoming identified with their emotions, the painful ones that get activated when the conditions are right.

We tend to become totally identified with the emotions. We become overwhelmed by them. We tend to fall into patterns of reactivity such as rumination and excessive worrying and catastrophic thinking, and any kind of reactivity like that simply has the effect of reinforcing the underlying anxiety or depression.

We must change our relationship to our emotions so that we have a relationship that is not reactive and where we do not become blindly identified with those emotions. We learn instead to develop a conscious presence with our emotions in which we are the observer. This is very important. So training to be the observer in itself, begins to change the whole impact of that emotional reactivity on you, because the more that you can become the observer, the less you will be feeding the anxiety or depression through reactivity. So being the conscious observer is a primary training that I will teach you during our Skype therapy sessions together. I will teach you how to do this.

Learn how to meditate on your emotions

The main mechanism that we use to develop the skill of objective consciousness is to learn how to meditate on your emotions. We do not use meditation to escape our emotional pain or to try and create some idealized world in which there is no emotional pain. Instead, we use mindfulness meditation to focus directly on those emotions. This is the primary function of mindfulness meditation. It is to heal emotional suffering, to see emotional pain directly, to form a non-reactive relationship with that emotional pain as the observer and then to respond in a skillful and compassionate way to that emotion to help it heal.

So we learn to see our emotions rather like children. We train to become the parent that can best respond to the needs of the child. We train to become the observer so we can best respond to the needs of the emotion that is in pain. And there are various ways we do this. The first thing, of course, is to break free from the blind habitual reactivity that feeds the anxiety or depression. So that’s the first major achievement and it’s not that difficult to do.

With skilled guidance, you can develop that objective consciousness and sit with your emotional pain without becoming consumed by it within a few sessions. It doesn’t take that long. It’s really more about understanding the process that feeds emotional pain, the process that sustains anxiety and depression.

So that’s the first part of mindfulness therapy. The second part is the response of compassion that is learning how to help those emotions heal. And this very often involves the use of imagery because, the fact is, that all emotions are based around psychological imagery. The way you see the emotion in the mind is what really determines that emotion. Well that imagery, just like the emotion itself, is basically habitual in nature.

So in mindfulness therapy, we of course, we are training to become more conscious as the observer and we can see this anxiety-based imagery more clearly when we stop reacting. Then we can help that imagery change, and when the imagery changes, the emotion heals.

So that’s a fundamental part of Mindfulness Therapy and mindfulness meditation in general. It’s about looking at the structure of your emotions and then responding in a way that helps them heal. This is mindfulness meditation as taught by the Buddha and it works extremely well when put into practice.

So if you’d like to learn more about this approach, do please contact me and we can schedule a few Skype therapy sessions so you can see for yourself how effective this mindfulness-based approach can be for healing anxiety and depression and other forms of emotional suffering. Thank you.

Online therapy through Skype - Speak to a therapist online through Skype for help with anxiety
Speak to a therapist online through Skype therapy sessions


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Online Mindfulness Therapy

Online Psychotherapy by Skype

Online therapy offers a lot or advantages for many people and it makes online psychotherapy much more available, which is a very good thing. Online therapy is just as good as in-person therapy sessions as long as you use Skype or similar video platform so that you can see each other. This is why I recommend Skype Therapy over other forms of web-based psychotherapy.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I’m a professional psychotherapist based in Colorado and I offer therapy by Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression and for help with recovery from addictions and also for work with PTSD and traumatic emotional trauma.

So people like therapy by Skype because it’s very convenient. It means you can conduct your sessions from your home or your office or wherever is most convenient for you. And that’s an important factor because we all have very busy schedules. So the online approach makes it much easier to to fit your therapy sessions into your schedule.

If you are considering online therapy it’s very important that you do use Skype because Skype allows you to see each other and that’s really quite important to make sure that the communication is going to be effective. If you can see each other, then therapy by Skype is just as good as in-person psychotherapy for the vast majority of people. It really doesn’t make any difference whether you’re physically present or not.

What is much more important is the style of psychotherapy that is being offered. Some forms of psychotherapy work extremely well over Skype and others may be less so. Typically, the best kinds of psychotherapies that work well over Skype is going to be those that help you work at the psychological level that creates your anxiety or depression or other emotional suffering.

In the process-oriented approach, we’re not trying to develop a relationship so much between a client and therapist, which might benefit from physical presence in some kinds of psychotherapy, but we are really more focused on trying to examine how your mind works and how it produces anxiety or depression. The goal is to teach you how to work more effectively with your emotions.

So some of the process-oriented psychotherapies that work really well online are CBT and Mindfulness Therapy. I teach Mindfulness Therapy, that’s my speciality. I’ve been working on Mindfulness Therapy for many years and offering it online by Skype and it proves to be very effective indeed at helping you change the underlying process that causes your emotional suffering.

One of the key things we look for are the underlying subconscious patterns of reactive habitual thinking. This is quite crucial and a major factor in anxiety and also depression.

So in Mindfulness Therapy we understand that the best way to overcome reactive thinking is by learning how to meditate on your emotions. Most people think meditation is a way of escaping the mind, but that is not an effective use of meditation and especially mindfulness meditation, which is what I teach.

Really, the focus of mindfulness meditation is the mind. It is about changing the relationship that you have with your experience, and that experience includes thoughts, that’s part of your present experience. The quality of your relationship to those thoughts is what we’re interested in, because for most people it is just reactive, it’s automatic and conditioned. Reactive thinking, and especially blind habitual reactive thinking causes you to become a victim of these intrusive, reactive thoughts.

So that’s what leads to rumination and excessive obsessive thinking. And these patterns of habitual reactive thinking are a fundamental part of the structure of anxiety and depression and also, of course, OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder. Reactive thoughts have the effect of feeding the anxiety or depression. They reinforce it, they prevent the emotions from changing and they prevent the emotions from healing.

So it’s really important to get on top of your reactive thinking. And the best way to do that is but to deliberately developing mindfulness around her emotions to look very closely for any reactive thinking. When you find reactive thoughts, you then respond to those thoughts with full conscious awareness. You train yourself to stay as the OBSERVER.

This response of objective consciousness, the response of mindfulness, has a very profound effect on inhibiting reactive habitual thoughts. It stops them. It neutralizes those blind reactive thoughts very effectively.

We don’t try to get rid of the thoughts. It’s not necessary. What is necessary is to stop becoming lost in those thoughts. The process where we become our thoughts is called reactive identification and it’s really the major problem that sustains anxiety and depression and that prevents emotional healing and emotional well-being.

So overcoming reactive identification is our primary focus during mindfulness meditation. We learn to see the thoughts as objects in the mind and not become caught up in them or react to those thoughts with other thoughts.

So this is a very, very effective way of overcoming reactive thinking. And when you take away that fuel source, then you greatly increase the rate of healing and resolution for the underlying emotions of anxiety and depression. It’s really important that you learn how to develop mindfulness around your thoughts.

There are lots of other aspects to Mindfulness Therapy that I will be happy to teach you during our Skype therapy sessions together.

So if you’d like to schedule Skype therapy with me, then please contact me. Tell me more about self and how I can help you. And tell me what time’s work for you. And then we can go ahead and schedule a Skype Therapy session.

Most people see substantial improvements within the first three or four sessions once you start learning how to apply mindfulness to work with habitual reactive thinking.

So please contact me if you would like to get started with therapy by Skype. Thank you.

Go to my Contact Page to contact me about starting online therapy sessions with me

The benefits of Skype therapy sessions

The main benefits of being able to do psychotherapy via Skype are:

  1. It is easier to fit an online therapy session into your busy schedule
  2. It is an excellent choice if you are homebound or if you suffer from agoraphobia or driving anxiety
  3. Online therapy gives you access to a greater variety of therapists so you can find the one that best matches your beliefs and needs
  4. It is a great choice if you have children to look after. You don’t need to hire a babysitter
  5. It gives you access to psychotherapy if you live in a remote area or if you are stationed abroad
  6. Everyone feels more comfortable with online therapy and there is less of a barrier to getting the help that you need
  7. Online therapy sessions offer greater privacy and anonymity

So it can be difficult to get the help that you need if you don’t feel comfortable talking face-to-face in-person with a therapist. But there’s a solution and an extremely good one too, where you can talk to a therapist online via Skype.

So Skype Therapy sessions allow you to engage in the kind of counseling or psychotherapy that you need, but without having to leave your home. So this can be very effective and very necessary if you don’t have access to local psychotherapists to work with or if you prefer not to work with a local therapist because of issues of privacy and where you want to have more anonymity.

So during Skype Therapy sessions we can deal with a host of different issues such as depression, relationship problems. We can work on anger management and stress management and certainly on anxiety, such as agoraphobia or driving anxiety. Many of my clients suffer from agoraphobia and driving anxiety and appreciate being able to get the help that they need online.

There are lots of advantages for doing therapy via Skype. The first is that you can choose a time to suit you and that fits in your daily routine. You don’t have to waste time commuting to a therapist’s office. It offers you greater choice as well. It means you can have access to a wider range of psychotherapists to find the one that really fits your needs. Many people come to me specifically for Mindfulness Therapy, which is not readily available.

You may have young children to look after and so it may be difficult to leave home. So therapy sessions by Skype provides a very good solution if you are looking after children.

Also, you may be living in a remote area where you don’t have access to local therapists, and so being able to see someone in a different state or different country can be tremendously valuable for getting the help that you need for working with anxiety or depression.

Online therapy and counseling via Skype is also entirely confidential. Skype is encrypted and provides a very confidential way of communicating with your therapist.

Another advantage of psychotherapy via Skype, is that it’s much more comfortable for you. Typically, people feel much less embarrassment than they would sitting in a counselor’s office.

Of course, it’s very important that you use Skype so that you can see each other because that really improves communication and that will be an important factor in making your psychotherapy sessions effective.

It’s not necessary to be in the same room with your therapist, but it is necessary that you can see each other and be able to see each other’s expressions. It is very important for good good communication.

Another great advantage of using Skype for therapy sessions is that Skype is free of charge. Most people are able to use the microphone and speakers that are built into your computer or laptop or smartphone. It is very easy to to organize a Skype therapy call. All you need is a good Internet connection and the Internet speed these days is very much better than it used to be a few years ago, so that’s rarely a problem now.

So if you would like to schedule some Skype Therapy sessions with me to work on your anxiety or your depression or to work on any other emotional problem that might benefit from online Mindfulness Therapy, then do simply contact me through my Contact Page and we can schedule a personal one-on-one session via Skype.

Skype psychotherapy sessions

If you wish to speak to an online psychotherapist, then go to my website to find out more about Online Psychological counseling through Skype for overcoming anxiety and chronic depression, help with addiction recovery, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychological Trauma and other varieties of emotional suffering not requiring medical treatment.

I will be most happy to answer your questions about seeing an online therapist, and when you feel ready, you can schedule an online therapy session with me.

Standard talk therapy can be beneficial, but often common talk therapy does not alter the the underlying process that is the real cause of your anxiety and depression.

This also applies to the use of medications – anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants may reduce symptoms for a while, but medications are not able to transform the underlying psychological process that produces the emotional suffering. To do this effectively you need some form of psychotherapy or coaching to give you the tools you need to bring about healing.

The style of psychotherapy that I provide is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which can be very successful for eliminating anxiety and for treating chronic depression and other common psychological issues resulting from habitual negative thinking. Most people notice quite substantial improvements after 3-4 sessions of Skype Therapy.

Skype psychotherapy sessions are appropriate for people who do not require medical treatment but who are interested in learning better strategies for managing anxiety and depression. During our sessions together I will teach you how to apply mindfulness and mindfulness meditation for promoting healing.

Contact me to find out more about this online counseling service and to arrange for a therapy session with me.

This online counseling service is available world-wide, including the USA, UK and Europe. All you need is a reliable internet connection and you are ready to start Skype therapy with me.

Talk to an Online Therapist via Skype to Overcome Anxiety and Depression
Talk to an Online Therapist – Skype therapy sessions to overcome Anxiety and Depression

Skype Therapy – Online therapy through Skype

If you would like to talk to a psychotherapist online go to my online therapy site to find out more about online psychological counseling via Skype.

Learn more about specific methods for overcoming anxiety and chronic depression, help with addiction recovery, OCD, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Emotional Trauma and other varieties of emotional suffering not requiring medical treatment.

Standard counseling can be useful, but often it does not change the underlying psychological process that creates your emotional suffering.

The same can be said for medications – antidepressants and other medications may reduce symptoms for awhile, but medications are not going to transform the underlying process that produces the anxiety or depression.

The style of psychotherapy that I offer is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which can be quite successful for managing chronic anxiety as well as for treating chronic depression or other mental issues where there is an underlying habit of negative thinking.

Welcome! I offer online therapy through Skype. Skype therapy is a very effective and convenient option especially if you don’t have access to suitable psychotherapists in your local area or if you are living abroad, or if you are specifically interested in the mindfulness-based psychotherapy that I offer online.

Many people have tried conventional talking therapy and also have tried medications for treating their anxiety or depression and are perhaps not very satisfied. The conventional talking therapy approach or medications can be useful for providing greater insight or treating the symptoms of your anxiety or depression or panic attacks. But, they do very little to change the underlying cause of your anxiety, panic attacks, depression or other forms of emotional suffering. That’s what I focus on during Mindfulness Therapy. I will teach you very specific methods of working with your emotions and with your thoughts based on mindfulness.

This is a very well-tested and effective way of giving you the tools for how to manage your emotions so that you don’t become overwhelmed by anxiety or depression or habitual negative thinking.

Online Therapist for Anxiety via Skype
Online Therapist for Anxiety via Skype

If you would like to learn more about Skype therapy and this mindfulness approach, then simply go to my website, read more on the website, watch more videos and then email me.

It is very easy to get started. Simply email me, tell me about yourself and how I can help you and I will answer any questions you may have, and we can schedule a trial Skype therapy session at a time that works for you.

I see people throughout the world, throughout the USA and Europe. All you need is an internet connection and Skype and PayPal to make your payment for Skype therapy sessions, and you are ready to go. So, please contact me. Thank you!

Online Therapy – Talk to a Therapist online through Skype for highly effective online counseling for Depression and Anxiety, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including Post-traumatic stress.

Email me to discover more about this online therapy service and to organize a therapy session with me.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for anxiety and depression

Skype Therapy Sessions – Therapy via Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I offer Skype therapy sessions for the treatment of anxiety and Skype therapy sessions for working with panic attacks and many other common anxiety disorders that don’t require medical treatment. Most anxiety responds extremely well to the process of Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I offer during these therapy sessions.

Mindfulness teaches you how to break free from that tendency to become identified with your anxiety. This is the biggest problem that we face when we’re trying to break free from anxiety. We get sucked into our anxiety, we literally become the anxiety itself. What we need to do is trying to develop a conscious relationship with our emotions. We need to become like the caring parent to our anxiety, instead of just becoming swallowed up by the anxiety. This is what we train in during the Skype therapy sessions that I offer for the treatment of anxiety and also depression. It’s not that difficult, but it does require some guidance on how to do this, on how to build a conscious and also a friendly relationship with your anxiety.

The friendliness aspect is very important because the more friendly you become the better the relationship, and the better the relationship with your anxiety, the freer you will become from the grip of the anxiety. So friendliness actually aids the process of becoming free from your anxiety. You do this by actually meditating on how anxiety you learn how to hold anxiety within the mind without becoming reactive and without becoming swallowed up by the anxiety, without becoming reactive and identified.

In technical terms this is often referred to as mindfulness-based affect tolerance. So we are learning to tolerate the anxiety without becoming reactive and without feeding that anxiety.

If you’d like to learn more about how to apply mindfulness for healing anxiety and depression, as well, then please go to my website and email me to schedule a Skype therapy session. Therapy via Skype is very effective and mindfulness therapy works very well online. So I look forward to hearing from you.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for anxiety and depression

Skype therapy sessions using Mindfulness for Anxiety & Depression – A better approach to psychotherapy

Learn how to eliminate anxiety or depression. Speak with a Psychotherapist Online via Skype for effective online therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD and intrusive thoughts, Addictions, including eating disorders, Post-traumatic stress or any other forms of emotional stress that do not require treatment by a medical professional. Email me to discover more about this online psychotherapy service and to arrange for an online Skype therapy session with me.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I’m a professional psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness. And I offer Skype therapy sessions to help overcome anxiety, panic attacks, depression, addictions and other common emotional psychological problems.

During the Skype therapy sessions, I’ll be teaching you very specific mindfulness techniques for reducing anxiety and depression and other emotional problems. The mindfulness approach is immensely effective and my clients almost always see quite dramatic improvements after the first two or three sessions. It is quite different than standard talk therapy. We don’t spend so much time talking about our emotions but rather changing the way that we see our emotions in the mind and the relationship that we have with our emotions.

It’s very important to develop a conscious and friendly relationship with your anxiety or depression. If you don’t then the anxiety or depression basically begins to become isolated and contracted and starts to become more intense. But if you do develop conscious friendly awareness, mindfulness, towards your anxiety or depression then it begins to change quite dramatically and that change will always lead in the direction of healing, if you bring mindfulness to your emotions.

If you continue to react to your emotions then the emotions become worse. If you develop non-reactive mindfulness towards your emotions then they tend to heal, and mindfulness really speeds up the process of natural healing and that’s why it’s so effective.

If you’d like to learn more about mindfulness-based Skype therapy sessions with me, do please go to my website and then email me to ask any questions you have about Skype therapy sessions and also about the mindfulness approach and how it can work for you and let’s schedule a trial Skype therapy session so you can experience for yourself directly just how effective mindfulness therapy can be. Thank you.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for anxiety and depression

Skype Therapy – Using Skype for therapy sessions

Let me answer your questions about therapy via Skype, and when you feel ready, you can schedule an online therapy session with me.

If you wish to talk to an online therapist, then visit my website to learn about Online Psychotherapy via Skype for eliminating chronic anxiety and excessive worrying and chronic depression, help with addiction recovery, OCD, PTSD, Psychological Trauma and other varieties of psychological suffering not requiring medical treatment.

Conventional counseling can be beneficial, but often common talk therapy does not look at the underlying psychological process that creates your anxiety and depression.

The same can be said for medications – the antidepressant may relieve symptoms for a while, but medications can not are not effective for changing the underlying psychological process that causes your emotional suffering.

The school of psychotherapy that I offer is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which can be extremely successful for overcoming anxiety and for treating depression and other emotional difficulties caused by habitual reactive thinking. Most of my clients see quite substantial improvements after 3-4 sessions of Skype Therapy.

The advantage of using Skype is that it means that client and psychotherapist can see each other and this will make the psychotherapy process far more effective. Email counseling has been around for decades but it will never be as effective as therapy via Skype or other video interface.

Skype Therapy Service – Online Therapy – Get help from a Therapist online using Skype for highly effective online counseling for Depression and Anxiety, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including PTSD.

Contact me to find out more about this online counseling service and to organize a Skype therapy session with me.

This online psychotherapy service is available throughout the USA, UK and Western Europe and world-wide. All you need is a good internet connection and you are ready to start online therapy using Skype with me.

Skype Therapy Sessions for Overcoming Anxiety and Depression without Medications

Psychotherapy w/o Medications

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I provide Skype therapy sessions for the treatment of anxiety and depression and for many other common psychological problems that are caused by habitual reactive thinking.

This is by far the most common cause of anxiety and depression, where the mind becomes trapped in patterns of recurring reactive thoughts that simply feeds the underlying emotions, rather like feeding a fire with wood. In the mindfulness therapy approach that I teach during the Skype therapy sessions we work on changing this habitual reactive thinking, quite dramatically.

We learn to take charge of our thoughts and our mind in general. We learn to break free from this blind habit of becoming lost in reactive thinking and we start to break free from the pattern of emotional suffering that is produced by that reactive thinking.

If you’d like to learn more about mindfulness therapy and this approach to changing longstanding patterns of anxiety or panic attacks or OCD, please go to my website and learn more about Skype therapy and these mindfulness sessions that they teach and then email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.

I see people all over the world as far away as India. And people really enjoy the mindfulness approach. Most of my clients have already tried traditional talking therapies. They have already tried medications, and they’re looking to something different.

So if you’re interested in an alternative approach to give you the tools and methods for managing your mind more effectively, then please contact me and let’s schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you.

Skype therapy sessions – Healing Anxiety w/o medications

Learn how to eliminate anxiety or depression. Speak with a Therapist Online through Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Anxiety Disorders and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) and emotional trauma or any other emotional problems that do not require medical treatment. Contact me to find out more about this online therapy service and to organize a Skype therapy session with me.

Therapy by Skype - Skype Therapy Services USA, UK, Canada, Australia
Therapy by Skype – Skype Therapy Services UK and world-wide

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I’m a professional mindfulness-based therapist living in Boulder, Colorado and I offer Skype therapy sessions for work on anxiety and depression and other common psychological problems that you may be experiencing. If you’re interested in working with a Skype therapist, please go to my website and learn more about my online psychotherapy service.

Seeing a Skype therapist is a very good choice if you want to find an alternative to medical treatments or the standard form of talking therapy that often really doesn’t seem to do the job. I developed this service, this mindfulness-based service as an alternative to conventional counseling or talk therapy and certainly as a way of trying to give you the tools to use to overcome your anxiety or depression without having to resort to medications.

Medications don’t really change the underlying psychological cause of your anxiety or depression. And often just talking about your emotions is not enough either. The whole focus of mindfulness therapy is to help you change those underlying patterns of habitual reactive thinking that feeds anxiety and depression. It’s a very direct and very practical approach that gives you tools that you can use by yourself to manage your emotions more effectively.

If you like to learn more about mindfulness therapy and you would like to schedule a Skype therapy session with me, do please go to my website and learn more about what is involved in Skype therapy sessions and also what it costs for therapy sessions and the times that I have available.

So, if you’d like to learn more please contact me and lets schedule a Skype therapy session at the time that works for you.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for anxiety and depression

Skype therapy sessions for healing anxiety and depression

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I’m a professional psychotherapist, based in Colorado, USA, and I offer Skype therapy sessions for the treatment of anxiety, panic attacks, depression, OCD, addictions, and many other common emotional and psychological problems that don’t require medication.

In fact there’s a lot that you can do yourself to manage anxiety or depression more effectively, and during these Skype therapy sessions I will teach you very specific and practical techniques based on mindfulness therapy, which is a system that I developed many years ago now, and that really focuses on teaching you how to break free from the prison of conditioned reactive thinking that keeps you trapped in anxiety and depression or addiction.

So during these online therapy sessions I will show you how to do this and give you the methods that you can practice by yourself between sessions, to really change things dramatically. In fact most of my clients see quite significant improvements after just the first two or three sessions with me once they learn how to apply mindfulness for working with anxiety and depression and other emotional conditions.

One of the most important mindfulness skills to learn is how to train yourself out of that blind and compulsive tendency to identify and become the emotional reactions and thoughts that arise in the mind. It is possible to see fear without becoming afraid, to see depression without becoming depressed, and so on. Learning this mindfulness skill alone can have very dramatic effects in reducing your emotional suffering.

If you’re interested in learning more about Skype therapy and you’d like to schedule some Skype therapy sessions with me, then please go to my website, learn more, watch more videos on the subject, and feel free to email me with any questions you have about how to get started with Skype therapy.

When you feel ready, please e-mail me and we can schedule some Skype therapy sessions so you can see for yourself just how effective this approach can be. Mindfulness Therapy is immensely effective for anxiety and depression, in particular, and well worth your consideration.

So if you’d like to get started please contact me now. Thank you.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions to learn how to recover from anxiety and depression

Skype Therapy Sessions for the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression

Skype Therapy Sessions for the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression

If you are interested in talk to an online therapist visit my website to find out more about Online Psychotherapy over Skype for the treatment of anxiety and chronic depression, help for recovery from an addiction, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, PTSD, Psychological Trauma and other varieties of psychological suffering not requiring medical treatment.

Traditional talk therapy can be useful, but often it does not transform the habitual psychological process that creates your emotional suffering.

This also applies to the use of medications – the anti-anxiety medication may reduce symptoms for awhile, but medications will not change the underlying cause that causes the anxiety or depression.

The type of psychotherapy I provide is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which can be quite powerful for eliminating chronic anxiety as well as for treating depression and other psychological difficulties where there is a problem with conditioned reactive thinking.

You have to break free from the habit of blind identification with reactive thoughts, because they feed anxiety and depression. This reactive identification with thoughts provides the fuel that sustains emotional-psychological suffering. Breaking this habit is essential for healing and eliminating anxiety and depression and most other forms of emotional suffering.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy sessions via Skype. Skype therapy sessions are very effective for working with anxiety, depressions and addictions.

Most people really benefit from the mindfulness-based techniques that I teach during these Skype therapy sessions. It is learning how to work with your emotions more effectively that is what is really needed, and for most people this produces lasting results that are far more effective than the temporary relief of symptoms provided by medications.

Medications may be useful for reducing the intensity of symptoms for a short period of time, but in the long term, medications are really not going to help change those underlying habitual patterns that create your anxiety and depression.

We have to really get to the root of the problem, which really means changing the underlying habitual patterns of reactive thinking and healing the core emotions that propagate that reactive thinking.

This requires the development of a very special kind of conscious awareness that we call mindfulness. Mindfulness is really my specialty, this is what I have been working on for many years now and that I talk about in my book, ‘The Path of Mindfulness Meditation.’ It is absolutely transforming our whole understanding of how how to help people change and transform the mind. It is really, very, very effective and well worth pursuing.

If you would like to learn more about Skype therapy with me and you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy and how it can help you, then email me.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for the treatment of anxiety and depression through Mindfulness Therapy

Therapy Sessions by Skype for Anxiety & Depression

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional online mindfulness therapist and I offer therapy by Skype for help with anxiety and depression and also for help with addictions, and with OCD and many other common psychological and emotional problems that respond well to psychotherapy.

So, therapy sessions by Skype are appropriate if you are dealing with an emotional problem and you would like help in learning more effective ways of working with your emotions. The mindfulness approach that I specialize in is extremely effective for anxiety and depression, and most of my clients see dramatic improvements after the first two or three sessions.

Really, when we are working with anxiety and depression, the primary focus is trying to prevent ourselves becoming overwhelmed. This becomes a habit that operates out of consciousness whereby we become automatically overwhelmed by anxiety or depression whenever they get triggered by thoughts or events. The key in mindfulness training is learning to see the emotion and change your relationship to it to one of being unconscious to one of being conscious and not getting swept away by the emotion. It’s possible to actually see the emotion and not become consumed by it. This is the foundation of mindfulness training and it is very very effective indeed.

So, if you’d like to learn more about therapy by Skype using the mindfulness approach, do please go to my website and email me to schedule a Skype therapy session at time that works for you.

I see people throughout North America and I see lots of people in the UK and also Western Europe. So, it’s very easy to get started. All you need to schedule therapy sessions by Skype is a good internet connection, Skype and also the PayPal account to make your payments for on my therapy sessions.

So please e-mail me if you’d like to get started with therapy by Skype and I’ll be happy to help you. Thank you.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for the treatment of anxiety and depression

Skype therapy sessions – Overcome Anxiety & Depression using Mindfulness Therapy

Psychotherapy via Skype is very effective for managing anxiety or depression without the need for drugs, which do little to change the underlying cause of emotional suffering.

If you’re struggling with anxiety or depression you might consider some Skype therapy sessions that help you work on changing the underlying psychological habits that cause your anxiety or depression.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I’ve been offering mindfulness therapy over Skype for over 10 years now and the results are amazing. There is nothing more effective than mindfulness training for overcome the anxiety and depression. This is because the mindfulness training helps you break free from those underlying habits that create anxiety and depression.

In my opinion it is wrong to think of anxiety or depression as an illness but rather think of it as a psychological habit that has become fixed in the minds and which simply operates automatically whenever the triggers are present. Those triggers could be thoughts they could be experiences. Any kind of trigger simply activates that already formed internal psychological habit. That’s what we focus on changing during mindfulness therapy. If you’re interested in learning more about Skype therapy sessions with me do go to my web site and then simply email me to schedule a Skype therapy session.

Most people see tremendous changes after the first two or three Skype therapy sessions. This is a very, very powerful approach in deed.

People wonder if online therapy is covered by insurance. I’m afraid it’s not. There is no insurance coverage for Skype therapy sessions. However, this approach that I teach over Skype is so effective that you will not need many sessions to successfully overcome your anxiety or depression.

So if you want to schedule some Skype therapy sessions with me please email me and let’s find the time that was for you. The first therapy session is a trial session and you’ll see for yourself if this is the right approach for you. Everyone I’ve worked with so far says that mindfulness therapy is the most effective approach that they have tried and they really enjoy the Skype therapy sessions that I offer. So please contact me and let’s schedule a Skype therapy session.

Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy is an excellent choice for most people because it works on healing the root cause of your anxiety or depression rather than just treating symptoms. The focus is on teaching you practical tools and methods between sessions. This is why most of my clients see changes very much quicker than is reported for the usual “talk therapy.”

Go to my website and contact me to find out more about this Skype-based counseling service and to schedule a therapy session with me.

This online therapy service is available world-wide, including the USA, UK and Europe. All you need is a good internet connection and you can start online psychotherapy with me.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for the treatment of anxiety and depression

Skype therapy sessions – Skype counseling therapy

Learn how to better manage anxiety or depression. Talk with a Psychotherapist Online over Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, Post-traumatic stress or any psychological problems that do not require treatment by a medical professional. Contact me to learn more about this online counseling therapy service and to book a Skype therapy session with me.

Using Skype for therapy sessions is both convenient and also very effective. I have been offering therapy sessions by Skype for over 10 years now and I do so because it is just as effective as seeing you in person. Most of my clients actually prefer online therapy because it feels more comfortable, which is a significant factor if you are struggling with anxiety or depression.

I offer Skype counseling therapy sessions for the treatment of anxiety, for help with panic attacks, and also for the treatment of depression, and also for help in managing the psychological component of addictions. If you’re interested in learning more about the value of Skype therapy sessions for managing anxiety and depression and other common emotional problems, do go to my website and then call me by e-mail to schedule a Skype therapy session.

The online therapy approach is immensely effective for most people who are not dealing with a medical problem. The online Skype therapy sessions are designed to give you the tools, the practical methods for managing emotional suffering. I teach mindfulness therapy and this works extremely well online. It gives you the tools to manage your emotional reactivity.

Usually when people start working with me they see quite dramatic improvements after the first three or four sessions, sometimes sooner than that, and this is because we focus on the real underlying cause of your anxiety or depression, and that is patterns of habitual reactive thinking that have gotten established and that operates habitually, out of consciousness.

Mindfulness is basically a consciousness skill. It’s the application of consciousness and friendliness towards your emotions. This combination is very effective indeed. Most of the time we struggle with our emotions. We try to avoid them. We have aversion towards them. We don’t like them we try to get rid of them. We try to fix them. We medicate them. All these approaches are not effective because it doesn’t establish the right quality of relationship with your emotions that helps them to heal.

You need to start approaching your emotions the same way that you might approach a child, a child that is in pain. Avoidance, aversion does not help. What does help always, is when you embrace that child’s pain with consciousness and love. This is the equivalent of what we learn how to do during mindfulness therapy sessions and it works extremely well.

If you like to learn more about mindfulness approach and schedule some Skype therapy sessions with me, go to my website, send me an email and we can set up a trial Skype therapy session. Skype counseling therapy is certainly on the rise and it is becoming very popular indeed, especially for people suffering from anxiety. So if this is of interest for you, go to my website and contact me.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for the treatment of anxiety and depression

Skype therapy using mindfulness meditation therapy

Learn how to overcome anxiety or depression. Speak with a Psychotherapist Online using Skype for effective online therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD and intrusive thoughts, Addictions, Post-traumatic stress or any psychological problems not requiring medical treatment. Contact me to discover more about this online counseling service and to organize an online psychotherapy session with me.

Skype therapy sessions using mindfulness is one of the best forms of online therapy for anxiety and depression. Email me to learn more about Skype counseling therapy and psychotherapy sessions via Skype.

Welcome. I offer mindfulness-based Skype therapy sessions for the treatment of anxiety and also for help with depression, and this approach does not use any kind of medication, but basically focuses on giving you the skills that you need to overcome these psychological habits that create anxiety and depression.

Medications do not change the psychological habits, they only reduce symptoms for a while. But usually medications are accompanied by very undesirable side effects, and also they tend to support the belief that you are helpless and make you feel more a victim of your anxiety or depression.

You need to learn skills on how to change these patterns yourself, and that’s what I really focus on during the Skype therapy sessions that I offer. If you’d like to learn more about these sessions of Skype therapy, do please go to my website and read more of the articles about Skype therapy and mindfulness therapy via Skype. When you feel confident and ready to schedule a Skype therapy session, simply email me and we can arrange a time that works for you and for me.

I see people all over the world and particularly people who are interested in mindfulness therapy and want to learn more about how to apply mindfulness for overcoming their anxiety or depression. So if you’re interested in Skype therapy sessions with me do please go to my website and e-mail me.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for the treatment of anxiety and depression

Skype Psychotherapy Sessions for Anxiety and Depression without Medications

My name is Peter Strong. I’m a professional psychotherapist and I offer online therapy for treating anxiety and depression without medications. So during Skype Therapy sessions we focus on helping you learn how to manage emotional and cognitive reactivity using the methods of mindfulness training.

The biggest cause of emotional suffering is the way that we become blindly identified with habitual patterns of emotional and cognitive reactivity. So thoughts and emotions get triggered by events, external or internal, and then we just become blindly identified with these reactions as they occur. And this causes us the suffering. This feeds our anxiety and depression, this processed that I have termed “reactive identification” is the real issue that we have to overcome.

So the first part of our mindfulness training, that I will teach you during these Skype Therapy sessions, is how to become conscious of these habitual reactions and then then how to not identify, how to break that habit of identifying with our reactive habits.

Mindfulness is a very good form of conscious awareness and mindfulness training is one of the best ways of overcoming reactive habits and this is central to recovering from emotional suffering, whether that’s anxiety or depression or even an addiction, which is usually a reaction to prolonged anxiety or depression.

Online therapist for anxiety and depression via Skype
Skype therapy for anxiety and depression

So people like Skype Therapy because it’s so convenient. And it puts you more in charge. You feel more empowered, which is very important. It’s important that you are learning how to work with your mind and not just going to a psychotherapist or a doctor for treatment.

Treatment with medications may have some usefulness, but of course, it’s only going to provide a temporary solution for the symptoms of your emotional suffering. Medications are not designed to change the underlying habitual process that causes your anxiety or depression. That has to be done through some form of psychotherapy, where you are really working with the mind.

And in my opinion, my experience now, after over ten years practicing Mindfulness Therapy, I feel that the mindfulness approach is one of the best ways of helping you develop these consciousness skills that allow you to break free from the habits that cause your emotional suffering.

One of the most important methods, that I will teach you during these online psychotherapy sessions, is how to meditate on your emotions and your thoughts and also traumatic memories and any other mental content that has become habitual and reactive and that feeds your anxiety or depression.

So we do this by meditating on these very things. We take a conscious choice to train ourselves to sit with our reactivity, without becoming overwhelmed by it and without becoming identified with it. This is extremely important and it is not going to happen by itself. You have to train with your emotions. You have to learn how to not react and not identify with them.

So that’s the central feature of mindfulness meditation therapy approach that I teach online. It works extremely well. Most people see significant changes within just a few sessions. Things really get better once you start learning yourself, how to apply the mindfulness methods, including mindfulness meditation, for working on your emotions and thoughts yourself between sessions.

When you learn how to do this effectively you will see improvements in a very short time. This approach is really state of the art in my opinion, and I have seen so many people benefit from this approach who have not benefited from traditional talk therapy or medications.

Online therapist for anxiety and depression via Skype
Online therapist for anxiety and depression via Skype

If you would like to learn more about mindfulness-based Skype Therapy sessions then please simply email me. Feel free to ask any questions you have. When you feel ready we can schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that works for you.

I see people worldwide. Most of my clients are living in the US. I am based in Colorado, but I also see lots of people in the UK and also in Western Europe and the Middle East and as far away as Australia. All you need for Skype Therapy is a good internet connection and a laptop or even a smartphone and then we can schedule a session and you’ll see for yourself, once you get started, just how effective this approach can be to help you with your specific needs.

So if you would like to get started with me then please simply email me.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for the treatment of anxiety and depression

Skype Therapy Sessions – Therapy via Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I specialize in online mindfulness therapy which I offer via Skype. So if you’re looking for Skype therapy sessions with a mindfulness therapist like myself to help you better manage anxiety or depression or addiction or OCD or any other psychological problem that responds well to mindfulness-based techniques, then I do invite you to contact me.

There’s no obligation just simply email me and tell me more about yourself and the particular problems that you’re dealing with and ask any questions that you may have about Skype therapy sessions for treating anxiety or depression.

This is a very effective approach for most people. Skype therapy is just as good as seeing a therapist online for the vast majority of people. You need to have Skype or similar video type interface so that you can see each other. Being able to see each other is really important for effective psychotherapy. So as long as you can see each other there’s really no difference and especially if you’re looking for practical methods that you can use yourself for working with your anxiety or depression.

Most people really need to learn how to work with their emotions more effectively. This doesn’t need treatment as such. This just needs better methods and tools and that’s what I will teach you during our Skype therapy sessions together. I will teach you how to work with your anxiety or depression or addiction or intrusive thoughts or whatever it might be using the well-tested methods of mindfulness therapy.

Many of these techniques I have developed myself over the last 10 years and people are incredibly happy with the results of the mindfulness methods I will teach you. You can read more about some of these results on my testimonial page.

The testimonies there are from real clients and most of them have already tried conventional talk therapy and medications, usually with very little success. But once they start taking charge themselves of their recovery process using the mindfulness-based tools that I teach, people see much better results and have far fewer sessions.

Typically people see substantial improvements after the first three or four sessions. Good psychotherapy should not be a long drawn out process. You should not be seeing a therapist indefinitely for years, as has been the case with some of my clients. That is not acceptable in my opinion. That just means that the therapy process is not working. You should expect to see substantial improvements in a far shorter time than that. Like I say, if you don’t see substantial improvements after three or four sessions then you should stop seeing me or any other therapist and find something that works better.

Many of my clients have tried medications for their anxiety or depression and usually they don’t really seem to work very well and they certainly seem to lose effectiveness over time. And there is a good reason why medications are not the preferred treatment for anxiety or depression and that is because they do not change the underlying psychological and habitual processes that cause your anxiety or depression or addiction or any other form of emotional suffering.

Medications will not change the psychology of your anxiety or depression. Medications are really nothing more than a Band-Aid that can provide temporary reduction in the severity of symptoms, but medications will never treat the underlying cause of your emotional suffering.

If you want to really change the underlying cause, if you want to free yourself from anxiety or depression, then you need to address the underlying psychological process. That is the primary focus of mindfulness therapy and my philosophy in general. It’s about getting to the root of the problem.

So the first thing that I will teach you during the first Skype therapy session is how to change the relationship that you have with your emotions. This is critical.

The primary problem that I see over and over again is that people become blindly identified with their anxiety, depression or guilt or shame or anger or stress or whatever it might be. They become identified with these emotions. They basically become overwhelmed by the emotion. They become lost in the emotion and then they become lost in the reactive thoughts that feed that emotion.

So this is a critical first step, to overcome that process that I call reactive identification. You have to learn to see your emotions objectively. You have to develop objective consciousness so that you can observe your anxiety or depression without becoming lost in it, without becoming overwhelmed, without becoming consumed by the emotion and its associated reactive conditioned thoughts.

So developing this is a central feature in mindfulness therapy. We technically refer to this as developing equanimity. This is one of the primary features of mindfulness – equanimity, non-reactivity, being able to basically see your emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them. This provides the very foundations for healing and changing that underlying psychological process that causes your anxiety or depression.

There are other things that we do in mindfulness therapy and that I will teach you during the mindfulness therapy sessions that that you will be having with me.

In the next stage of recovery and changing that underlying process that causes your anxiety and depression is developing friendliness and compassion towards your emotions.

If you have a hostile relationship with your painful emotions, that will simply feed those emotions. If you try to avoid your painful emotions that will feed them and it will stop them from healing. So we have to reverse our whole relationship to our emotions to being one based around friendliness, and this quality of friendliness is another major characteristic of mindfulness.

So mindfulness cultivates non-reactivity and it cultivates friendliness towards your emotions. These two qualities are essential for healing. When they are developed together the healing is greatly accelerated. This is really one of the reasons why mindfulness therapy is so very effective, because it understands that you have to develop this quality of relationship with your emotions and when you do they heal very quickly.

The best analogy is to think about how you would help a child heal if they were suffering with some problem or other. You know from experience, you know quite naturally that what that child needs is your consciousness, your awareness, your attention and your compassion, your friendliness. You need to embrace the child and when you do that the healing that takes place is very much faster. The child will stop crying if you exercise some compassion and show some attention to that child.

Well it’s exactly the same principle that we develop in our mindfulness therapy. We have to learn to embrace our emotions in the same way that we embrace that child. This is what works. This is not some form of New Age thinking. This is what has proven to work over and over again. So this is why mindfulness is so powerful because it understands the power of consciousness combined with compassion or love. So when you bring this to your emotional suffering it really accelerates healing a great deal.

So if you’re interested in scheduling some Skype therapy sessions with me so we can explore how to use mindfulness to heal your emotional suffering, then please contact me. We can schedule some therapy sessions at a time that works for you. I see people all over the world. Most of my clients live in America. But I do see a lot of people in the UK and Europe and as far away as Australia.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for the treatment of anxiety and depression

Skype therapy sessions for overcoming Anxiety and Depression

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy, which I offer online for healing anxiety and depression without the use of medications. Many people have tried medications but find that they don’t really seem to address the underlying cause of their anxiety or depression.

Medications are not really designed to treat the cause of anxiety or depression. They simply treat the symptoms and simply treating symptoms is not really sufficient. We need to get to the root cause of your anxiety or depression or other emotional psychological problems that you may be experiencing, and that’s the focus of Mindfulness Therapy.

During these Skype therapy sessions that I offer, I will be teaching you how to apply mindfulness to work with your anxiety and depression more effectively. The real thing to understand here is that anxiety and depression are really the product of habits, psychological habits that operate unconsciously, without our choice. We simply become slaves to psychological habits and the accumulation of these psychological habits creates sustained anxiety or depression.

First uncover the reactive habits that cause anxiety and depression

So the first function of mindfulness training and therapy is really to uncover these reactive conditioned habits so that you can see much more clearly what triggers these habits and how the habits work. And then to develop a conscious relationship with these habits, because that consciousness is what gives you the ability to break free from reactive unconscious habits. Consciousness is vital for real psychotherapy for effective change.

So uncovering the habits, that’s the first part of Mindfulness Therapy that I will teach you how to do during our online therapy sessions together. The second part of Mindfulness Therapy is very much concerned with looking at how to change the structure of those habits, how to basically bring about their healing, to heal the underlying fear that fuels the psychological habits. Fear is by far the most important core emotion that drives most of our anxiety, depression and problems with emotional trauma and also with intrusive thoughts. Fear is the real issue here. It provides a fuel source that sustains anxiety and depression.

So we need to work with that fear

One of the most important ways we can bring about healing and help heal that inner fear is by building a conscious and non-reactive relationship with that fear itself. So we call this developing the True Self-Little Self alliance. Your True Self is really that which is not the contents of your mind. It’s like a parent.

The parent is much bigger and less reactive than the child. The child is the Little Self. It’s these accumulated habits. So when we develop this relationship internally between your True Self and the Little Self, that sets the right conditions for healing. Because the True Self which really is simply that which observes, that which can see, the Little Self. The True Self does not react. It is free from reactivity and so it does not feed the anxiety or depression.

Reactivity is the issue here because that feeds the anxiety or depression or other psychological problems.

True Self-Little Self alliance

So we have to overcome this reactivity. Reactivity is typically habitual and blind and through mindfulness training we overcome that habitual blind aspect of the habits. So building this internal alignment is very important. True Self is able to bring a much bigger perspective to the habit, the Little Self. It is able to allow that Little Self to heal instead of feeding it through reactivity.

It can also interact with the Little Self, with the habit, in creative ways that help that habit heal faster than it would do by itself. So one way we do this is by working with the imagery of the emotion, the fear that’s fueling the suffering in the mind.

Emotional imagery is key

We look at the imagery of it. How do we see it in the mind? Where is it located? Can we find a position where we can see it? Often the emotion is located in the chest or heart area or throat or stomach or sometimes simply in the head itself. Its position is very much a part of the cause of the emotion. Its position is very important; it is part of the imagery that holds that emotion together, so changing the position of an emotion is one way that the emotion will start to heal. When you change its position it will facilitate healing, especially if you do it mindfully, which means that you explore the details of where it wants to move to. What makes it feel better?

A classic example of this is when you take fear, which is often located in the chest or throat area, as I say, and put it in a different position where it can feel comfort from you, such as putting it on your lap or holding it in your hands. If you can actually hold the fear, you will be building that alliance between the fear and your True Self. Remember, the True Self is fearless by nature rather like a parent. When that bond is strong between your True Self and the Little Self the fear begins to heal quite quickly. The stronger it is the faster it heals.

So mindfulness training and Mindfulness Therapy is all about developing this internal relationship that speeds up the healing of anxiety and depression.

Meditate on your emotions

You do this by meditating on your emotions instead of just talking about them, which will do very little to heal them. Instead of medicating them, which will do nothing to heal them. Instead of reacting to them with avoidance or aversion or trying to distract the mind from the experience of anxiety or depression, which will do nothing to help them heal, we instead turn our conscious awareness towards them.

We learn to sit with them and strengthen our ability to sit with our emotions without reacting. As we get stronger we strengthen that bond and that facilitates healing.

There are many other ways we can interact with the imagery of the emotion besides changing its position. We can also work on changing its color. For example, depression has the color black, typically. Anger probably red; anxiety very often orange or a bright color. Sadness may be gray or green or some color like that, that we discover by meditating on the emotion. The color is a very important part of its structure. That’s what makes the emotions work. If we change the color, if we discover the best color for the emotion where it feels better then that will help it heal.

When emotions heal they do so by changing their imagery. In meditation work with mindfulness we are doing this consciously and so we speed up the healing process.

Like to get started?

So if you’d like to learn more about how to heal anxiety and depression without using medications and without years of talk therapy or psychoanalysis, then I encourage you to visit my website and please feel free to contact me. Send me an email and tell me more about your particular situation. Ask any questions you have. And please consider scheduling a Skype therapy session with me.

People really enjoy Skype therapy. It’s so much more comfortable than conventional psychotherapy. It is not clinical at all in nature. It’s much more inspiring and positive, I would say, than typical clinical psychotherapy.

The mindfulness approach is very popular because it teaches you very practical ways of working with your emotions. So if you’d like to learn more and you’d like to schedule Skype therapy sessions with me please go to my website and contact me and then we can get started.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for the treatment of anxiety and depression

Online Psychotherapy Sessions via Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I’m a professional mindfulness therapist and I offer online psychotherapy sessions via Skype for help with anxiety and depression, with PTSD and also for help with addictions.

So I’m often asked if online psychotherapy is as good as meeting a therapist in person. And from my experience it’s actually often better than meeting in person. It really depends on what you are trying to do.

Some people like to find a therapist to just talk to about their problems, to get advice and to form a relationship with, basically to help them better understand their psychological process, and so on. And that traditional approach is very good for many people.

But most of the clients that I work with have already tried that approach and find that just talking about emotional suffering, anxiety, depression obsessions as in OCD, just talking about these things is not enough.

So when I developed mindfulness-based Skype therapy I wanted to try and deliver practical methods that you can use to help you heal from anxiety and depression and other forms of emotional suffering. So Mindfulness Therapy is much more practical and it is designed to give you the tools to work with your mind more effectively.

So there’s less talking and more action, if you like and more focus on working with the underlying psychological structures that create anxiety and depression. Working with those patterns of reactive thinking that feed anxiety and depression. Looking at the imagery of your emotions. That’s a very powerful part of the Mindfulness Therapy system that I have developed over the years.

Looking at the imagery is very, very important indeed. The imagery of emotions is really the primary structure in the mind that causes the emotion and so we need to examine that emotional imagery and see how it works and then we can change the imagery.

It’s not surprising that people say they feel overwhelmed, for example. That implies right there in that statement, that the imagery of that emotion is very large and also very high in the way they see it in the mind; it is above them.

That’s why it’s overwhelming. The imagery is very large and that is what creates that overwhelming feeling. So by changing the imagery we can actually help heal the emotion. We can help it reduce in intensity until it no longer creates the emotional suffering.

So working with imagery is vital, and all of these techniques that I’ll be teaching you during these online psychotherapy sessions are techniques that can be taught very easily through Skype. They do not require forming a personal relationship with a therapist. They simply require you learning how to do these methods and then how to apply them, and I will teach you in great detail how to do that.

Talk to an Online Therapist via Skype to Overcome Anxiety and Depression
Talk to an Online Therapist via Skype for help with Anxiety and Depression

Another advantage of the online format is that it really leaves you more empowered than taking on the role of a patient and going to see a therapist in a medical setting. That tends to disempower people and makes them feel more like a victim and more helpless, and that is not going to help you in the long run. You need to learn how to work with your mind. You need very positive methods and strategies to work with your anxiety or depression or addiction.

Another reason why people like the online format is it just feels more comfortable. It’s more convenient and it is easier to fit into a busy schedule.

I work a lot with people who stay at home for one reason or another; maybe they work from home or they are looking after children and can’t leave home or, of course, I work a lot with people suffering from anxiety disorders such as agoraphobia or driving phobia, which makes it very difficult to leave home in the first place.

So there are many advantages, but the over all advantage is that it just makes it much more accessible, and good psychotherapy should be accessible, it should not be hard for you to access.

So if you are interested in Mindfulness Therapy then you can go to my website and learn a lot more about the approach. And if you have any questions you can certainly email me and ask your questions. If you would like to schedule a Skype therapy session with me then please go ahead.

Go to the contact page and email me and tell me what times worked for you and what you’ve tried before, and then I’ll be happy to schedule a session with you and we can begin this process of Mindfulness Therapy.

Skype therapy and counseling for anxiety and depression
Skype therapy for anxiety and depression

Most people see really quite dramatic changes after just a few sessions because you’re able to apply the methods that I teach. It’s not like a treatment approach where you just have to wait until the next treatment session.

You’ll be able to start applying the mindfulness methods that I teach after the very first session and you’ll see results very quickly. So that’s another advantage of online psychotherapy in general. Typically it’s much faster. People do not expect to go for online sessions for four years at a time. That’s not the normal approach with online therapy. It’s much more practically oriented than that.

So if you’d like to get started with me, please contact me and we can schedule a session and you’ll see for yourself how effective this can be. That’s the most important thing with all psychotherapy, whether in person or online.

Make sure that it feels right for you. Trust your instinct. Trust your intuition. That is a far more effective guide than the list of letters after the therapist’s name. That does not mean that the approach that a therapist is offering is the right one for you. You must trust your feelings; that will tell you and look for the results.

As I say, if you do not see results within the first three or four sessions then you should really question whether the psychotherapy is right for you. It may be good for other people but it may not be appropriate for you. So do take that into account: Whatever kind of psychotherapy you are going to engage in, make sure that it feels right and that you see results within a short time period.

So if you like to get started with me and explore Mindfulness Therapy in more detail and online psychotherapy then please contact me. Thank you.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for online psychotherapy sessions over Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression

Skype therapy sessions – Healing Anxiety w/o medications

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I’m a professional psychotherapist and I specialize in online therapy by Skype. So if you’re interested in Skype therapy sessions for healing anxiety or depression without using medications, then please contact me and ask any questions that you have.

I’m happy to answer your questions. When you feel ready we can schedule a Skype therapy session to help you learn the best methods available for overcoming anxiety or depression without using medications or other treatment protocols.

It is much better in the end that you learn how to do this yourself. How to manage your own emotions more effectively yourself without relying on medications or an external person to do that for you. So that’s the whole emphasis of Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I specialize in and I’ve developed over the years for treating anxiety and depression.

It’s about teaching you how to work with your emotions and how to promote emotional healing. That is in a very significant theme and Mindfulness Therapy.

It’s really about how to learn how to change the relationship that you have with your emotional pain whether that’s anxiety or depression or anger or grief or guilt or addiction or obsession or whatever it might be. You have to change the relationship that you have with your emotions.

If you run away from your emotions, that avoidance will simply reinforce those emotions and will not allow them to heal effectively. If you indulge in emotions, if you identify with them, then that also will not promote healing. And if you attach to your emotions, if you grasp them believing that that’s who you are, then that will also lead to the proliferation of that emotional suffering.

So in Mindfulness Therapy we train ourselves to be able to be totally conscious with our anxiety or depression but without becoming identified with it, without becoming imprisoned by those conditioned emotional reactions.

Online Mindfulness-based Skype therapy service for anxiety and agoraphobia
Online Mindfulness-based Skype Therapy service for overcoming anxiety and depression without relying on medications.

We do this by meditating on the emotion itself. This is the primary focus of mindfulness meditation. Some people think that mindfulness meditation is about escaping your emotions and your thoughts and your mind.

Nothing can be further from the truth. True mindfulness meditation is about becoming more mindful of the mind, of your experiences, your perceptions, your thoughts, your emotions, all of that. We need to become much more conscious of these, and less driven by habit and unconscious reactive processes.

So the best way to develop more conscious presence with the mind is to meditate on the mind. And that is mindfulness meditation.

So if you are suffering from anxiety, you would deliberately meditate on that anxiety. You would find the situation that triggers that anxiety. You would find the thoughts that trigger that anxiety and then you develop mindfulness in relationship to the emotion that gets triggered.

In this way we train ourselves out of that unconscious aspect of emotional suffering. That is the real problem, the unconsciousness that drives the condition habits that lead to suffering. So by meditating on our emotions and on the triggers, on the thoughts, on the beliefs, whatever it may be, we bring in that consciousness and that begins to free us from the unconscious habit.

When we can sit with our emotions without reacting, then we can proceed to help the emotion heal. So healing is central to mindfulness meditation. It is not just about becoming more aware.

That’s obviously the first step, but the most important process that we then engage in is to facilitate the healing of that emotional pain. You cannot heal anxiety if you are not present with your anxiety. But when you are present consciously, mindfully, sitting with your anxiety, then you can begin to look at its structure and you can begin to help it change and heal.

All emotions are destined to heal. That is part of their very fabric, if you like. Emotional suffering is best described as an unstable state of consciousness. And any unstable state will always move towards a more stable state. And that process is what leads to the healing of anxiety or depression.

So your emotional suffering is already on a path of healing that is built in to its very structure, its very essence. The problem is that we interrupt that natural process of healing through our unconscious reactivity.

So think of an emotion like anxiety depression, anger, guilt, whatever it might be, as being like a wound. The moment that the body experiences a wound, it immediately starts a process of healing quite naturally, quite spontaneously and in a very intelligent direction. It does all that is necessary to promote the healing of that wound. It’s exactly the same for the mind.

All emotional suffering is destined to heal once it’s created. It starts on that path of healing, but the reactivity gets in the way of that healing in the same way as if we don’t take care of a wound. If we don’t bandage it or if we don’t treat it carefully then that opens up the wound and it gets infected and the wound doesn’t heal. It’s the same thing.

So learning to be present with our emotions without reacting is incredibly important. It’s the primary ingredient that allows healing.

Talk to a therapist online through Skype
Speak with an Online Therapist via Skype

But when we start to explore the structure, the reactive thoughts feed the anxiety or depression; the reactive behaviors that feed it; the secondary emotional reactions that get triggered that feed the emotion; all the internal imagery that provides structure to the emotion.

The more we see of all of this, the more we make it conscious, the freer we become from those unconscious patterns of reactivity, and the more that the emotion is able to heal itself.

The more you see the more it heals. But when we see reactive thinking for example, we can we can intervene. We can still see the thoughts very clearly. There is a reactive thought, and I choose not to unconsciously indulge in that reactive thought. If we see an emotional reaction to anger, for example, it might be sadness or a feeling of helplessness. We can respond to that emotion with mindfulness in the same way. I see that emotion. I choose not to become sad or afraid or whatever the secondary emotional reaction is. I choose not to do that. Instead I choose to embrace that emotion consciously.

It’s like putting a space around the emotion, and if you think of an emotion as being like a fire. Putting a space around a fire is a very skillful way of preventing that fire from growing.

So. This is part of the mindfulness training. Seeing every aspect of it and then seeing if we can become mindful of that aspect. Seeing the imagery of the emotion. How big is it? How large is it? Many emotions that are very intense are very large. That’s how we see them. That’s what makes them very intense. That’s part of the conditioned imagery of the emotion.

Well, make it smaller! It’s very simple. Try making the imagery of the emotion smaller. See if that helps. Change the position of the image. Many people see the emotion in the throat or the chest or in the stomach or sometimes just in the mind. That is its habitual position; it is part of its condition imagery. We can change its position.

We can take it out of the throat and we can put it in a better position that helps it heal. Being the throat does not help it heal. Putting it in another position, which could be putting it on your lap, for example, in a comforting position that helps you to develop compassion towards that emotion. That can make a huge difference.

So we start to interact skillfully with our emotions once we see the structure of the emotion. And this facilitates healing.

If you’d like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy and you are interested in Skype therapy sessions with me to help you heal your emotional suffering without using medications, then please do contact me.

Medications may have a role but it’s really important to understand that medications are not going to heal the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression or any other emotion. You have to address that psychologically. You have to work on changing the relationship that you have with your emotions.

So if this interests you, please email me. There is no obligation. I’m happy to answer your questions. If you would like to actually get started with me and start seeing some dramatic improvements in your emotional well-being, then please e-mail me and we can schedule Skype therapy at a time that works for you.

I see people throughout the world. All you need is a good internet connection and we can usually find a time when we are both available to do a Skype therapy session. It’s very easy to get started.

The effects of learning these mindfulness methods that I teach during the Skype therapy sessions are profound. You will see dramatic changes within the first few sessions with me.

So please contact me if you would like to get started and schedule Skype therapy sessions with me. Thank you.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for online psychotherapy sessions via Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression without medications

Skype Counseling Sessions – Overcome Anxiety & Depression

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide Skype Counseling sessions for the treatment of anxiety and also for the treatment of depression.

Skype counseling sessions are a very good way of getting the help you need for managing the process that produces anxiety and depression.

Many people choose to work online now rather that going to a traditional therapist in an office because it is so much more convenient and also there has been a big change in the general approach to psychotherapy these days, in which we are moving away from that clinical-based approach towards an educational approach, and of course, that works very well online.

Skype counseling is an example where you can effectively learn strategies and methods for overcoming anxiety and depression. I teach Mindfulness Therapy, that is my particular interest, and that works very well online through Skype.

My clients typically suffer from anxiety, that is the most common complaint, but many also are working with overcoming addictions, and I have a few that are struggling with PTSD, for example, or trying to work with overcoming childhood trauma, emotional trauma, and so on.

I also have many clients who come to me specifically for help with driving anxiety; this is quite a problem, especially in the United States. And again, working with a driving anxiety is about learning new methods of working with your mind, working with the anxiety itself, changing the way that you relate to your emotions in particular.

In Mindfulness Therapy you learn how to break free from emotional reactive habits and this is a very direct process, very focused and practical way to work with anxiety whatever the source. I also see many clients with social anxiety, sometimes agoraphobia. And, it’s the same thing, what they really need are practical methods for working with anxiety and that is what I offer in these Skype counseling therapy sessions.

If you would like to learn more about my Skype counseling service do please go to my website and simply email me and then we can set up a Skype therapy session for you.

Mindfulness is a remarkable, practical tool for working with difficult emotions and Mindfulness Therapy is, in my opinion, the very best choice there is for working with anxiety.

So, if you would like to learn more, do please go to my website and read more about Skype counseling and we can schedule a Skype counseling session at a time that works for you.

I see people throughout the United States, throughout Western Europe and the United Kingdom and I also have many clients in the Middle East as well. So, please go to my website, learn more about Skype counseling therapy and this approach that I offer and then contact me. Thank you!

Counseling via Skype for help with recovery from Anxiety Disorders and Depression. Email me to schedule a Skype counseling session for help with anxiety or depression.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for online therapy sessions via Skype for overcoming anxiety and depression

Online Therapy Sessions via Skype

Welcome! If you’re interested in mindfulness-based psychotherapy sessions by Skype for stopping anxiety and chronic depression using the techniques of mindfulness therapy, then do please look at my website and contact me and ask any questions you may have about mindfulness therapy.

This particular system that I’ve developed over the years has proved to be very effective indeed for stopping those underlying habits that cause anxiety and depression and other common psychological emotional problems like OCD and problems with intrusive thinking and intrusive imagery and memories and also for work with emotional trauma.

So mindfulness therapy really is a way of teaching you how to work with these underlying habits. And it’s best to think of anxiety and depression as being a series of conditioned habits. They are made up of conditioned reactive habits that are easily triggered by certain triggers, whatever they may be. They could be external triggers.

For example, if someone says something hurtful to you, then that would trigger internal anger, perhaps, or internal hurt or some other emotion. It’s a kind of a conditioned automatic reaction that happens. That is an example of a habit where there is an external cause. It could be anything that you are commonly familiar with. It could be, for example, if you take the issue of anxiety, it could be having to pay a bill, an expensive bill, and that can trigger internal anxiety.

So really, what causes the anxiety is not the external factor of having to pay a bill, but it’s that internal habit that is blindly conditioned and becomes activated when those triggers are present. And that varies a great deal from person to person. Some people would react totally differently to that same trigger. So these habits are very much subjective, they are something that we acquire, we learn unconsciously through our life experience and our upbringing.

So the important thing to think of here is that anxiety and depression are not illnesses, they are not medical conditions, they are simply a series of psychological habits.

Internal triggers a very common. We all know what those are. Mostly in the form of thoughts, beliefs and memories. So we often get sucked into patterns of rumination and reactive thinking, habitual reactive thinking, that feeds depression, for example. Or we might get sucked into chronic worry thoughts that triggers anxiety. We might remember a painful or traumatic memory, and that may trigger anxiety or depression or a host of other emotions.

But they are all habits and these habits can be changed once you learn how to bring conscious awareness to those habits. So that is really what mindfulness therapy is all about, and mindfulness training in general, is one of bringing pure conscious awareness to see these underlying blind habits that tend to cause our suffering.

So the we identify these habits, we identify the triggers and then we start learning how to change that conditioning to break free from those habits. And the best way to do that is through mindfulness meditation, where we learn how to meditate on our anxiety or depression and on those particular triggers that we identified, whether it’s internal as thoughts or memories or external in the form of, for example, an interaction with another person.

Whatever gets triggered, we need to illuminate that with consciousness, we need to develop a very conscious and non-reactive relationship with that emotional habit and those triggers. And this takes some training because we training ourselves out of a conditioned habitual reaction.

So we learn to meditate on those habits. And every time we come to it with a little more consciousness, we start to break free from the habit. We become a little freer each time we bring mindfulness to bear on those habits.

So that’s a very important part of mindfulness meditation, it is meditating on your emotional habits and on those triggers to effectively neutralize those habitual reactions so that you are free from that conditioned anxiety or depression or anger or grief or trauma.

So that’s a big part of mindfulness therapy. It’s really learning how to face your emotions consciously instead of avoiding them or instead of just acting them out. That’s a very common problem. So if someone hurts us, we tend to react with anger. So that’s an example of acting out, that is a form of conditioned emotional reactivity to being hurt.

And the golden rule here is that any kind of reactivity simply reinforces that underlying emotion, that tendency, that habit to get hurt, for example, or to become afraid to become depressed. So reactivity is the real issue here. And we are learning how to overcome this blind reactivity. So that’s a very important part of mindfulness therapy.

If you’d like to learn more about how to apply mindfulness and mindfulness meditation for healing anxiety and depression without relying on drugs, then please reach out to me and let’s schedule a Skype therapy session.

So in my opinion as a psychotherapist, drugs and prescription medications, antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications are not really what we want to be looking at, because in essence, that’s simply another form of avoidance. Those medications may provide temporary relief, but you cannot expect a medication to change those underlying habits that cause your anxiety or depression.

So we must use medications very carefully and only as a last resort or a tool to help in our recovery process. But the focus must be on changing those habits, and that is the chief path of mindfulness meditation therapy, this approach that I teach online.

Many people really like having their sessions online is much more comfortable and of course it’s much more convenient and it is perfectly fine as long as you can see each other. So that’s why I recommend Skype or other video platform so that you can see each other.

You need to see each other in order for communication to be effective and that’s a very important part of good psychotherapy. You need good communication. You don’t need to meet in person for that. You do need to see each other.

So, if you’re interested in learning how to use mindfulness to work with your anxiety or depression or other emotional problems without relying on medication, then do please contact me and schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you.

Go to my Contact Page if you are looking for Skype Therapy Sessions for overcoming anxiety and depression

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