Online Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder

Learn how to overcome social anxiety disorder through Online Mindfulness Therapy

Online Therapist for Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia Treatment

This online therapy service is designed for people who are highly motivated to change and overcome the psychological habits that cause anxiety, depression and emotional suffering.

If this describes YOU then please CONTACT ME and schedule a Skype therapy session.

Go to my Contact Page to schedule online therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder via Skype

  • All sessions are with Dr. Peter Strong via Skype
  • Schedule a session to see if Mindfulness Therapy is right for you
  • There are NO upfront payments. You make your payment via PayPal after each session and only if you are completely satisfied with the therapy session
  • You should expect to see significant improvements after 3-4 sessions

How to overcome Social Anxiety Disorder – Mindfulness-based Skype Therapy Online

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder Playlist

How to overcome Social Anxiety Disorder – Skype Therapy Online

It will take some effort, but it is VERY possible to overcome social anxiety disorder by practicing the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy that I will teach you if you decide to work with me. Most of my clients see dramatic improvements after 3-4 Skype therapy sessions.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy over Skype. If you would like to learn how to overcome social anxiety disorder, then please go to my website, learn more about the Mindfulness Therapy techniques that I teach for overcoming social anxiety disorder, and then contact me. That is the most important thing – simply email me and talk about the issues that are affecting you and ask any questions you have about the online therapy process and I will be happy to answer them.

Overcoming social anxiety disorder is a very structured process that we explore during the online therapy sessions. I will teach you very practical methods, based on mindfulness, for actually changing the underlying habitual reactive process that generates social anxiety.

The most important thing for most people is to actually begin to develop a relationship with your anxiety that is not reactive and that is not struggling with the anxiety, pushing it away or trying to get rid of it or fighting it in some way.

In almost all cases, if there is any form of resistance to anxiety the effect is going to be counter-productive. It will simply strengthen the anxiety. The same goes for avoidance, too, which is another form of resistance. Many people try to avoid their anxiety and that makes it worse also.

The key to changing any form of anxiety, including social anxiety disorder is to actually focus your conscious awareness on the anxiety itself, and generate a friendly relationship with the underlying emotions. This is what creates the conditions that allow the anxiety to heal and change and finally resolve itself entirely. This is what we explore in great detail during Mindfulness Therapy.

If you would like to learn more about how to overcome social anxiety disorder, please go to my website, learn more about the process of Mindfulness Therapy and then email me. Thank you!

Go to my Contact Page to schedule online therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder via Skype


If you are suffering from social anxiety, also know as social phobia or agoraphobia, which is the more extreme form of social anxiety disorder, then you know how challenging it can be to find a therapist to work with. The challenge of leaving the security of your home to attend your therapy session may be too difficult for you to contemplate. This is why I provide online therapy for social anxiety disorders.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional psychotherapist living in Boulder, Colorado, and I offer Online Therapy as one of my choices to clients who are seeking help in managing Social Anxiety or Agoraphobia.

Now, as you know, it can be very challenging indeed to get the kind of help that you need for your anxiety if you find it very difficult to leave home, or if you are struggling with a Driving Anxiety, which is very common for people with Social Anxiety Disorders. So, this Online Therapy becomes a very good choice to consider.

If you are interested in Online Therapy for your Social Anxiety or Agoraphobia, please read the relevant pages about Online Therapy for Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia. Then, if you are considering trying this approach, please contact me and we will discuss if this is the right approach for you. It’s very important that you find an approach that you feel comfortable with, so we will discuss that before you schedule a session. All you need, of course, is Skype and PayPal accounts and then you are ready to go. Very easy to get started and I can help you with that.


So, what is Mindfulness Therapy, and how can this help with Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia?

Well, primarily, Mindfulness Therapy teaches you how to work with those emotions, those very strong emotional reactions that get triggered by thoughts about leaving the security of your home or other secure area. Agoraphobia is often translated as a fear of open spaces, but that is not quite true. What it is really pointing to is this extreme fear of leaving a controlled environment, a secure area where you feel in control, and it is often associated with panic attacks and the fear of having a panic attack in a public area, where it is out of your control.

So, these kind of reactions can be very intense indeed and it takes some work to work with them, but it is entirely possible, and Mindfulness Therapy is one of the best methods that I know, because it changes your relationship to these underlying emotional reactions, these habitual emotional reactions. It changes your relationship to them from becoming identified with them and reacting to them with further reactivity to a relationship based on friendship, awareness and compassion; the primary hallmarks of Mindfulness Therapy.

It’s about learning how to make friends with those emotions. If you try to fight them or resist them, they don’t change; you’ve probably tried that already. If you try to argue with them, or tell yourself I shouldn’t be feeling this way, that seldom works very well either. What is truly needed is to establish a true level of presence, mindfulness, with those underlying emotions. This is the heart of friendship; friendship is what heals; love is what heals. This is what we cultivate in a very detailed way. You learn how to transform your emotions, or more specifically, how to allow your emotions to transform themselves.

So, if you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy for your Social Anxiety or Agoraphobia, please visit my website and contact me, and I look forward to helping you through Mindfulness Therapy. Thank you.

The style of therapy that I provide for anxiety is called Mindfulness Therapy, which teaches you specific ways of working with your emotions so that you do not become overwhelmed by them. You can learn much more about this approach by visiting my website.


In-home counseling for social anxiety and agoraphobia – Get the help you need without having to leave home.

I welcome your inquiries and I look forward to meeting you and helping you break free from social anxiety, social phobia and agoraphobia. The methods I use are effective and you will see results after only a few sessions. The first session can be quite significant in getting you started on your road to recovery, so please contact me to schedule a Skype therapy session now. There is no charge unless you are completely satisfied with the first session.

I offer Mindfulness Therapy, which is a modern form of Cognitive Therapy (CBT) and woks very well online for the treatment of social anxiety disorder. If you are looking for help with social phobia or social anxiety disorder (SAD) please VISIT MY WEBSITE and CONTACT ME to learn more about how to overcome social anxiety.


Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional online psychotherapist. I provide online therapy via Skype. I provide online therapy for anxiety, including social anxiety disorder, and the style of online therapy that I provide is called Mindfulness Therapy, which is extremely effective for Social Anxiety Disorder. So, if you are interested in online therapy for social anxiety disorder, please email me, and then we can discuss whether online therapy is a good choice for your social anxiety, or social phobia, and then we can schedule a Skype therapy session.

The Mindfulness Therapy approach works by teaching you how to be present for your anxiety without becoming overwhelmed by it and without becoming lost in reactive thinking, which effectively feeds the underlying anxiety. So, through very practical and direct methods using mindfulness, you can learn a totally different way of processing this emotional reactivity and the cognitive reactivity that underlies social anxiety.

This is quite a different approach to the usual style of talk therapy or counseling. We are not talking about our emotions, so much, as we are investigating the process that creates that anxiety in your mind – the actual patterns of reactive thinking, and also the nature of your relationship to the anxiety itself. Most people have a very poor relationship with their emotions, especially, of course, if they are unpleasant emotions. We tend to avoid them or we resist them with some form of aversion or hatred.

However, avoidance and aversion simply make the problem worse and prevents that anxiety from resolving. It keeps the anxiety in a state of agitation and feeds the fire essentially. So, in Mindfulness Therapy, we learn to be with that anxiety or other emotions without feeding the fire, and we allow the anxiety to heal.

So, this is a very effective approach indeed, especially for anxiety, but it’s also effective for depression, and also for working with addictions, too.

If you would like to learn more about online therapy for social anxiety disorder or social phobia or if you would like to learn about online therapy for working with other forms of anxiety or depression, or addictions, do please contact me. Email me with your questions and I will be happy to discuss and I will be happy to discuss whether online therapy is a good option for you, and when you are ready, we can schedule a Skype therapy session. So, please visit my website and contact me and we can go from there. Thank you!


Online Therapy for Social Phobia

The first step to overcoming social phobia is to control the underlying habitual reactive thinking that supports the anxiety. Mindfulness therapy is very effective for doing this.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional online therapist. I provide online therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety, depression and addictions. I also provide online therapy for social phobia. Social phobia occurs when we have an extreme fear of what people might think about us, and it’s characterized by rapid reactive thinking, and this is something we can control very effectively through a system of therapy that I teach, which is called Mindfulness Therapy.

This is a way of working with habitual reactive thinking. It allows us to see these thoughts and stop them from proliferating, because it’s the proliferation of thinking about the fear of what people might think, or fear of being judged, that creates social anxiety and social phobia. So, this is a very important part of changing our social phobia – learning to deal with these thoughts.

You must develop internal compassion

Also, during these mindfulness therapy sessions for social phobia, we focus on the underlying emotion itself, the emotional reaction that precedes the reactive thinking. And, in this case we use mindfulness to form a very effective healing relationship with that underlying anxiety. Typically we develop an aversion towards that underlying fear. We need to change that relationship from hatred to a relationship based on compassion. This is an essential requirement for healing any kind in internal fear and Mindfulness Therapy focuses on this and you will get the necessary guidance during our Skype sessions on exactly how to make this inner transformation.

Of course, reactive thinking and reactive behaviors simply reinforce that underlying anxiety. So, when we can stop the reactive thinking, we are already well on the way to healing that underlying anxiety. But, there are other processes involved in healing anxiety besides managing thinking, and that is something we explore in great detail during these online therapy sessions.

So, if you would like to learn more about online therapy for social phobia, please email me and then we can discuss in more detail if online therapy is a good choice for you to manage your social phobia. Thank you!

The Boulder Center for Mindfulness Therapy Online with Online Therapist, teacher and author, Peter Strong, PhD.
Skype-based Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia, Depression, Traumatic Stress and PTSD, Anger Management, Recovery from Addictions, Emotional Abuse Recovery, Eating Disorders and Bulimia, Insomnia, and other Emotional Problems: A convenient and effective Online Counseling Service that you can access from home or work using Skype.


Learn how to overcome social anxiety and phobia
Online therapy for social anxiety disorder

Online Treatment for Social Anxiety Disorder via Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I’m a professional psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy, which is very effective for the treatment of anxiety and depression. I also work with a lot of people who suffer from social anxiety disorder.

So if you’re interested in online treatment for social anxiety that does not use medications but that uses mindfulness therapy, then please contact me and ask any questions you may have about this approach.

social anxiety treatment online
Social anxiety treatment online

Mindfulness Therapy is designed to teach you how to work with the anxiety directly. How to overcome that anxiety, how to break free from the habit that creates anxiety in social situations. The approach, really, is a combination of classical mindfulness therapy techniques that I have developed over the years and mindfulness-based exposure therapy.

So this is a slightly more refined form of exposure therapy that is made effective by training before you do your exposures. So an exposure is simply going into a social situation that generates anxiety. But doing this in a very strategic way and planning and preparing and training before you undertake a particular exposure. So that’s really what makes mindfulness-based exposure therapy different than classical exposure therapy.

We train for each exposure event, or challenge, by meditating on that particular situation. We play it through in the mind and we look for any anxiety that gets triggered as we imagine going into that particular social situation.

When we encounter the anxiety we then meditate on that anxiety using mindfulness. So mindfulness meditation is extremely powerful for working with the mind, with working with emotions and reactive thoughts. Basically we learn to change the relationship that we have with the anxiety. You change it from an unconscious reactive habit to a conscious relationship that is based on compassion.

Essentially we are helping that anxiety heal and that’s the primary focus of our training, is to heal the anxiety that typically gets triggered out of habit. We work with it using a variety of techniques that I will explain to you and teach you during our online therapy sessions. Basically we learn to develop compassion for the anxiety itself. Seeing it very much the same way we might see a child who is frightened. We learn to embrace that child and develop a conscious and friendly relationship with it because that is exactly what a child would need to overcome it’s fear. We need to do the same thing with our own emotions, our own inner fears. We need to develop a strong and non-reactive relationship with that internal fear and that is based on friendliness and compassion.

Online Therapy for Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Online Therapy for Anxiety and Panic Attacks

This is what works. This is what has been tried and tested over and over again. The real problem with social anxiety and other anxiety disorders in general, is not only the reactivity that feeds the anxiety but the reactivity of avoidance and aversion, whereby we we try to escape the anxiety, and we do this by trying to escape those social situations. But if you fall into the habit of reacting with avoidance or aversion towards your own fear you will simply strengthen that fear.

So we do not under any circumstances cultivate any kind of avoidance, but rather we turn it around and we turn those situations into challenges that we work with using mindfulness, as a way of strengthening our ability to overcome that anxiety habit. And this approach works extremely well. If you do this kind of strategic approach to social anxiety you will see dramatic changes often with in the first three or four sessions. It’s all about changing the habit of reactivity and learning how to work with those habits using mindfulness.

If you’d like to learn more about mindfulness-based exposure therapy and mindfulness therapy in general for working with anxiety then please go to my website and e-mail me with any questions you might have, and when you feel ready e-mail me to schedule an online therapy session via Skype.

Online Skype counseling therapy - see an online therapist for anxiety and depression via Skype
See an online therapist via Skype for help with anxiety and depression

All my sessions are via Skype and they work extremely well and even after the first session you’ll start to see results when you start applying the mindfulness methods that I will teach you. So please contact me if this interests you and you would like to overcome your social anxiety without resorting to medications.

Medications are not a reliable treatment for social anxiety disorder. They only reduce symptoms but they do not treat the underlying habit, the psychological habit that causes your anxiety. If you want to fully recover and get back to a position of complete confidence again you must address the underlying psychological habits. So please contact me if this interests you and we can get started and you will see for yourself after the first few sessions just how powerful mindfulness therapy is for anxiety. Thank You.

Go to my Contact Page to schedule online therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder via Skype

Does this interest you? Send me an email now. Tell me about yourself and how I can help you. Schedule a trial session via Skype now.

social anxiety treatment online
social anxiety treatment online

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety

Online Mindfulness Therapy

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