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Find Online Therapy for the treatment of Anxiety

Online Psychotherapy Sessions to Overcome Anxiety

Please feel free to contact me if you would like to schedule Online Therapy with me.

Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

After just three sessions with Peter my OCD’s strength was cut in half, and then a few more sessions – it no longer had control over me. Even if intrusive thoughts came back they did not cause any or very little anxiety. My sleep got 1000% better, appetite came back.”

During these sessions of Mindfulness Therapy I will teach you mindfulness-based methods for promoting recovery from all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, OCD, persistent depression, and addiction, including alcohol addiction and other forms of emotional suffering, by applying the very practical methods of Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy.

This approach is extremely effective and most of my clients/students notice significant reduction in the intensity of your anxiety or depression after the first 2-3 online sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness Therapy is extremely effective for managing anxiety and depression without the need for anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants. It is far better to treat the psychological cause of your emotional pain rather than just treating symptoms.


Anxiety Help Online – Talk to someone about anxiety online

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Controlling Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder without relying on medications

Reach out to me by email if you would like to learn more about Skype Therapy with me.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional online therapist specializing in the treatment of anxiety disorders. I also treat depression online and I offer addiction counseling online, as well.

The psychotherapy that I offer is called Mindfulness Therapy, which is particularly effective for treating the underlying cause of anxiety and other emotional states like depression and OCD.

When we are working with anxiety, we need to not just talk about our emotions as in conventional “talk therapy”, but we need to look at the underlying process, the process of reactive habitual thinking that creates the anxiety. Mindfulness Therapy focuses very closely on identifying these patterns of negative thoughts that generate anxiety, depression or addictions.

When we find these thoughts, we then begin the process of changing how they affect us. We do this mostly by the process of developing conscious awareness of those thoughts themselves. A thought only has power if operates habitually, out of awareness, and this is what we overcome during Mindfulness Therapy.

If you can develop conscious awareness of those reactive thoughts, then they are not able to convert into the emotion. It’s like, the same as a car, if you place the car in neutral, that car can no longer move, no matter how much you press the accelerator. It’s the same with reactive thoughts, they only have power if we are unaware of them and if we become identified with them, and we become overwhelmed by them, lost in those thoughts.

The second part of Mindfulness Therapy for treating anxiety disorders involves looking at the actual structure of the emotion underneath the reactive thoughts. What is the nature of that emotion? What is the internal imagery that holds that emotional imagery together?

For example, if an emotion is very intense, then the chances are that your internal picture of that emotion will be very large and very close. That’s what you see internally and that’s what you react to through over-thinking, or that’s what your body also reacts to in the flight-or-fight type response.

When we can find this internal imagery, we can change it, using mindfulness to explore detailed changes that we can make that produce changes in the emotion. In this way we can actually reprogram that emotion, we can change it totally, we can defuse it, so that it doesn’t get triggered. When we neutralize the emotion, then the reactive thinking begins to change also, because there is nothing fueling that reactive thinking.

So, these are two of the focuses of online Mindfulness Therapy that I offer via Skype.

If you would like to learn more about this online therapy service, please visit my website and email me, and then we can schedule an online therapy session.


Anxiety attack treatment without the need for medication

Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety via Skype

Get help from a psychotherapist online using Skype for effective online treatment for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, PTSD or any psychological problems not requiring medical treatment. Email me to learn more about this online therapy service and to organize a Skype session with me.

If you wish to speak with an online therapist, then visit my website to discover more about Online Therapy over Skype for eliminating chronic anxiety and excessive worrying and chronic depression, help for recovery from an addiction, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Emotional Trauma and other varieties of emotional suffering not requiring medical treatment.

Standard counseling can be beneficial, but often common talk therapy does not alter the underlying psychological process that is the real cause of your depression or anxiety.

This also applies to the use of medications – the antidepressant may provide a temporary relief from symptoms for a while, but medications are not going to change the underlying process that produces the emotional pain.

The type of psychotherapy that I teach online is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which can be quite powerful for overcoming anxiety as well as for treating chronic depression or other emotional problems resulting from conditioned negative thinking. Most people see significant reduction in the level of anxiety and depression after the first couple of sessions of Mindfulness Therapy.

Online Therapist for Anxiety Disorders

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression, OCD and many other common emotional psychological problems. As an online therapist for anxiety I specialize in teaching mindfulness skills for managing the anxiety and the reactive thinking that supports the anxiety.

Mindfulness therapy is extremely effective for helping you break free from those automatic habitual patterns of reactive thinking that fuel anxiety and panic attacks and other anxiety disorders. When we learn how to apply mindfulness we actually learn to sit with our emotions, we learn to meditate on our emotions. So, I will teach you exactly how to do this, how to sit with your anxiety, how to meditate on your anxiety, without becoming overwhelmed by it and without becoming reactive. This is the essential training that’s needed to change the habits of reactive anxiety.

The real problem is that we simply are not conscious of this habit of becoming caught up in reactive thinking we get lost in patterns of worrying, of rumination and excessive thinking, which simply feeds the anxiety. But with mindfulness training you learn how to become an observer. You learn how to sit with the emotions and with the thoughts without becoming lost in them, without becoming overwhelmed by them, without becoming essentially controlled by your emotions or your thoughts. This process it isn’t quite easy to learn if you get good guidance. You have to learn how to meditate on your emotions. Common mindfulness meditation practices usually involve meditating on the breath and this is a good relaxation exercise, but it will not really help you with your anxiety.

You have to meditate on the cause of your anxiety, which is your relationship to your emotions and your thoughts. If that relationship is unconscious then your emotions and thoughts will govern you, you will be controlled by them. They’ll be little choice.

But once you start to develop more consciousness around the anxiety and the thoughts then you begin to break free from them. You begin to neutralize the effects of emotions and thoughts on you.

If you’d like to learn more about mindfulness therapy and you’d like to schedule a session with me as an Online Therapist for anxiety to help you, then please go to my website and send me an email, and we can schedule Skype therapy session at a time that works for you.


Online Treatment for Anxiety via Skype

How to overcome anxiety using mindfulness – Mindfulness Meditation Therapy

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I specialize in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression. If you’d like to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety or depression do please go to my website and learn more about the mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression approach that I teach.

Please email me if you’d like to schedule a Skype therapy session for using mindfulness to manage anxiety.

I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to overcome anxiety. This approach is very very effective. It’s designed to teach you mindfulness-based methods for working with reactive thoughts and with your emotions themselves. We have to learn how to control habitual reactive thinking because that’s one of the main factors that fuels anxiety.

So that’s very important, but we also use mindfulness to work on the emotions themselves. You learn to meditate on your anxiety. This is the most effective way to heal the anxiety. We don’t want to just put up with it. We don’t want to indulge it. We want to heal it and there’s no better method than learning how to meditate on your anxiety. So I’ll teach you how to do that during these online therapy sessions.

So if you would like to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety and you’d like to learn about mindfulness meditation for anxiety, please go to my website and email me to schedule a session. Thank you.


Online Therapy for overcoming Anxiety Disorder

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy for generalized anxiety disorder as well as other anxiety disorders.

And this online therapy service is available via Skype worldwide. All you need is a good internet connection and PayPal to make secure online payments for your sessions and you can schedule online therapy for your anxiety with me.

The approach that I use is called Mindfulness Therapy, which is very, very effective indeed for working with anxiety and particularly working with the incessant worrying and catastrophizing and repetitive thoughts that constitutes generalized anxiety disorder.

So the real problem here is that we tend to become lost in these thoughts, we become identified with the anxiety and that causes us to become controlled by these thoughts, and they tend to proliferate and feed that underlying anxiety.

Now Mindfulness Therapy, the training that I will give you during our online therapy sessions, will teach you how to change your relationship to your thoughts so that you can regain control.

This is the most important thing to understand: it is not the thoughts themselves that cause anxiety, it’s your relationship to those thoughts. And when we have an anxiety disorder like generalized anxiety disorder we tend to become blindly identified with these thoughts.

But with mindfulness training you will learn to re-establish yourself as the Observer of these thoughts instead of becoming swept away by them.

When you can establish an objective relationship with thoughts then you basically stop that process that feeds the anxiety and feeds the proliferation of more worried thoughts or intrusive thoughts.

So we do this by actually learning how to apply mindfulness meditation to meditate on our thoughts and the underlying anxiety that is fueling those thoughts.

We don’t try to stop the thoughts, we don’t try to make them go away, we don’t argue with them, and it doesn’t matter whether the thoughts are rational or irrational. It doesn’t matter what the thought is.

All that matters is to change the relationship that you have so that you can see these thoughts but not be affected by them. And one of the best ways is to actually invite those worry thoughts or intrusive thoughts into the mind, but with the express purpose of learning how to develop this mindfulness-based relationship with those thoughts.

So thoughts by themselves are not the problem. It’s our relationship to them that is the problem. When you have an objective relationship then the thoughts become really no different than any other objects that arise and pass away in our field of consciousness.

But when you become identified with the thoughts then that prevents them from resolving themselves and they tend to persist and proliferate because of that identification.

With using mindfulness and practicing the methods that I will teach, you can expect to see significant reduction in the intensity of your anxiety episodes within usually three to four weeks.

I meet with you once a week and we learn how to apply mindfulness to work with intrusive thoughts during the session and we refine that process in each subsequent session until you have the tools to actually apply yourself to neutralize the reactive thinking and prevent the anxiety from feeding, essentially.

There are some other techniques we teach as well that work extremely well for all kinds of anxiety disorders, and I will teach you those as well during our online therapy sessions.

So, if you are looking to make real changes and you prefer not to rely on medications, which of course do nothing to change the underlying psychological habit that creates anxiety, do please contact me and we can schedule a therapy session at a time that works for the both of us. Thank you.


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Online Mindfulness Therapy

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Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety

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