Online Counseling for Anxiety via Skype

Online Mindfulness Therapy for help overcoming Anxiety

Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety by Skype

Contact me via email if you would like to learn more about Online Therapy with me.

Everyone that I have worked with really enjoys the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

“Working with Peter and developing mindfulness has been instrumental in helping me break from my habitual mental suffering. His form of therapy is effective for many reasons, but primarily I think it’s because Peter works with you to help you discover the truth of your suffering for yourself, rather than judging you or telling you – his presence is always calm and kind, and provides a great atmosphere for healing.”

During these Skype sessions I will teach you how to use mindfulness for working with all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, depression, and for help with and other emotional problems, by applying the well-tested techniques of Mindfulness Therapy.

This approach is extremely effective and most of my clients/students experience significant results after 3-4 online sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness-based Skype Psychotherapy is very effective for stopping anxiety and depression without relying on drugs. It is far better to treat the cause of your anxiety or depression as opposed to just suppressing symptoms.


Online Anxiety Therapist via Skype

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy for Stopping Anxiety and Panic Disorder without relying on drugs

Contact me to learn more about Online Therapy with me.

Online Therapist for overcoming Anxiety and Panic Attacks

So as a professional psychotherapist I am often asked by my clients: Is it possible to overcome anxiety without using medications? Is it possible to heal from anxiety without using medications? And the answer is yes it is.

So medications have a place, but they should only be used as a short term way of managing the symptoms of anxiety. If you really want to recover from anxiety and you want to break free from your dependence on anxiety medications then you need to address the underlying psychological cause of your anxiety.

So anxiety, like any other form of emotional suffering including depression, is basically psychological in nature. It is caused by a psychological process. Now that process may be triggered by many different factors including a chemical imbalance in the body or brain, hormonal problems, and so on. There are many different types of triggers. But the important thing for you to understand is that those triggers trigger a psychological mechanism that creates the experience of anxiety and that is basically a habit. It’s a psychological habit and that habit can be changed. And if you want to re recover from anxiety fully you have to change that habit. And that’s what I focus on during my online therapy sessions for anxiety.

As an online therapist for anxiety, I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to heal that underlying habit that causes your anxiety. You do this by actively cultivating a conscious and compassionate relationship with our emotions. We effectively learn how to meditate on our anxiety. This is the best way to promote the healing and recovery from anxiety.

You have to change the way that you relate to it. You have to change from being reactive towards your anxiety to being compassionate towards your anxiety. If you fall into the habit of becoming reactive you simply feed the anxiety and it cannot heal. But if you generate and cultivate a relationship based on compassion with your anxiety then you create the right conditions that allow that anxiety to heal itself.

So it is the quality of your relationship with your anxiety that is the key factor for recovery from anxiety. The more that you can develop that compassionate relationship that is non-reactive, the more that you effectively teach the anxiety how to heal itself.

So we do this by meditating on our anxiety. We cultivate that quality of mindful relationship with it that allows it to learn how to heal itself. We can also help the anxiety heal by interacting with it. One of the most effective ways known for interacting with any kind of emotion, including anxiety and depression, is to interact with the imagery of that emotion.

So all emotions are based around imagery. It’s how you see the emotion in the mind that really determines how strong that emotion is.

During our meditation on our anxiety we explore this imagery and then we explore changing the imagery. Because when you change that imagery you change the emotion.

So that’s one of the methods that we can employ to help the anxiety learn how to change itself, by changing his imagery.

If you would like to learn more about the mindful approach to working with anxiety and you would like to learn how to overcome your anxiety without medication. And you also like the idea of working with an online therapist for your anxiety, then please contact me.

Go to my website, learn more about the mindfulness therapy approach and then e-mail me and let’s schedule a Skype Therapy session.

You will see changes after the first session, when you start applying the mindfulness techniques that I will teach you. And in subsequent sessions we will refine these methods until you become self-sufficient and that you will know how to manage your anxiety using mindfulness therapy methodology. The process is very, very effective indeed and most people see dramatic improvements after the first few sessions. Even After that very first session you should expect to see significant changes.

So you would like to get started with me and you’d like to work on your anxiety using mindfulness, then please contact me now and let schedule a therapy session via Skype. Thank you.


Mindfulness-based therapy – See an online therapist for help with anxiety via Skype or FaceTime or Zoom

I teach Mindfulness Therapy – one of the most effective ways to learn how to control the habitual reactive thinking that feeds anxiety.

So if you’d like to see an online therapist for anxiety and you’d like to get help with overcoming anxiety or panic attacks, please go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service that I offer for the treatment of anxiety without the use of medications.

So, online therapy is a very good option indeed for treating anxiety and depression and other common emotional problems that basically are the result of habitual reactive thinking.

So, anxiety is a classic example of this, where we become, essentially, identified with patterns of reactive thinking that proliferates and feeds the underlying anxiety. So, technically anxiety thoughts don’t cause anxiety but they do feed the emotion of anxiety. So learning to work with reactive thoughts is a very important part of overcoming anxiety.

I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy, which is particularly focused on helping you control habitual reactive thoughts.

If you’d like to learn more about this and you’re interested in online therapy then do go to my website and contact me with any questions you may have.

Being able to see a therapist online for anxiety is, of course, very convenient and is very effective indeed, especially if you find it difficult to travel to see a therapist in their office. And really as long as you can see each other using Skype, there’s no difference in the effectiveness of online therapy compared to in-person therapy. You need to be able to see each other. That is the main thing and that is made possible by Skype.

So again if you’d like to see an online therapist for help with your anxiety do please reach out to me and send me an email.

I see people throughout North America and I also see people in Western Europe, and as far away as Australia and New Zealand and even Japan.

All you need is a good internet connection and you can schedule Skype Therapy sessions with me.

So if you’d like to see an online therapist for help with your anxiety give me an email and schedule a therapy session so you can see for yourself just how effective Mindfulness Therapy is for overcoming those patterns of habitual reactive thinking that feed anxiety. Thank you.


How to overcome anxiety using mindfulness – Mindfulness Meditation Therapy

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I specialize in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression. If you’d like to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety or depression do please go to my website and learn more about the mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression approach that I teach.

Please email me if you’d like to schedule a Skype therapy session for using mindfulness to manage anxiety.

I will teach you how to apply mindfulness to overcome anxiety. This approach is very very effective. It’s designed to teach you mindfulness-based methods for working with reactive thoughts and with your emotions themselves. We have to learn how to control habitual reactive thinking because that’s one of the main factors that fuels anxiety.

So that’s very important, but we also use mindfulness to work on the emotions themselves. You learn to meditate on your anxiety. This is the most effective way to heal the anxiety. We don’t want to just put up with it. We don’t want to indulge it. We want to heal it and there’s no better method than learning how to meditate on your anxiety. So I’ll teach you how to do that during these online therapy sessions.

So if you would like to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety and you’d like to learn about mindfulness meditation for anxiety, please go to my website and email me to schedule a session. Thank you.


Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety by Skype

Online Therapy Sessions over Skype to overcome Anxiety Disorders

I offer Skype counseling for help with anxiety and depression and other emotional problems. The best form of therapy is going to be involved in helping you learn how to manage your emotions more effectively, and we do this by developing a conscious mindful relationship with our emotional habits whether this is anxiety or depression or OCD or anger or the compulsive impulses behind an addiction. Whatever the emotional habits we need to develop very conscious relationship with that part of ourselves. This is how you fundamentally change that habit.

You cannot change a habit by avoiding it; you can’t change a habit by fighting it or resisting it or trying to suppress it. The only way to change emotional habits like anxiety is by actually coming into relationship with that habit, seeing it like an object within yourself. This conscious relationship is what we describe as mindfulness. It is learning to be present with your emotions, learning to be present with your anxiety or depression or other emotion. When you do this you begin to essentially disengage from that
reactive habit and this allows the habit to change itself.

All emotional habits, all forms of emotional suffering are fundamentally trying to change themselves. They are trying to heal and return to a state of balance. This is a natural property of the mind, the psyche, in the same way that it is a natural property of the body. If the body is injured it begins a process of
healing and there’s a natural intelligence in the body that guides that process of healing and the process of healing is a process of returning from a state of imbalance to a state of balance again. That same mechanism, that same intelligence operates within the psyche as well.

It’s only when we become blind to that natural healing within us that emotional problems like anxiety and depression persist. In order for an emotional habit to change we have to develop consciousness. It needs consciousness to change and that’s what we bring to our emotional habits when we meditate on them using mindfulness and I will teach you how to do this.

I will teach you how to form a conscious relationship with your emotions that facilitates their healing and change. It is not difficult and most people will see very dramatic changes within three to four sessions all online therapy via Skype.

So, if you’re interested in Skype counseling and you’d like to learn more about this approach to changing anxiety or depression or any other emotional suffering that we experience, simply contact me – send me an email, ask your questions and then let’s schedule a Skype counseling session. This is the best way to produce real lasting change. So,Ii look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!


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Online Counseling for Anxiety

Read my LinkedIn articles: Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety

Online Mindfulness Therapy

This service is available worldwide, including USA, Canada, UK, Ireland and Western Europe.

Online Therapy for help with Anxiety
Online Therapy for help with Anxiety

Online Counseling for Anxiety

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety

Online Mindfulness Therapy

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