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Find an Online Therapist for agoraphobia available via Skype.

Overcome agoraphobia through Online Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy via Skype.

See an online therapist for help overcoming agoraphobia.

I will help you through the process and you will see significant improvements after each Mindfulness Therapy session.

Mindfulness Therapy teaches you how to work with your anxiety to promote healing and recovery instead of becoming continually overwhelmed.

The key is to develop a strong conscious relationship with your anxiety and anxiety-producing thoughts based on mindfulness and compassion. This relationship is what promotes healing and recovery.

Online Therapy for agoraphobia

Online Treatment for Agoraphobia through Skype

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Recovery from Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without relying on medications

Speak with a Psychotherapist Online using Skype for highly effective online help and mindfulness therapy for overcoming Agoraphobia, Chronic Anxiety, Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety.

If you want to recover fully from agoraphobia you must treat the underlying habitual anxiety reactions.

Medications don’t do this. Medications only provide a tempry relief from anxiety symptoms, but do very little to change the underlying psychological cause of your anxiety.

During Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy (Mindfulness Therapy) we work on neutralizing these habitual reactions directly at the psychological level. This approach is extremely effective and most of my clients see significant improvements after 3-4 Skype sessions.

Online therapy works very well as long as you use Skype, FaceTime or Zoom so that you can see each other. Being able to see each other is necessary for good communication and effective psychotherapy.

Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for Agoraphobia

One of the most effective ways of overcoming the intense anxiety reactions of agoraphobia is through training in Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for Agoraphobia.

Effective strategies for the management of agoraphobia will involve some form of Exposure Therapy, but what make Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy particularly effective is that it involves training with the anxiety reactions before you do your exposure challenges.

Repeated exposures by themselves is not likely to have much beneficial effect, but if you train yourself to neutralize your anxiety reactions before each challenge then the results from each challenge will be very much better.

The method used to neutralize your anxiety reactions is called Focused Mindfulness Meditation, where you deliberately play through the challenge in your mind in order to access the anxiety and then neutralize that anxiety through changing your relationship to the anxiety through the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy that I will be teaching you during our sessions together.

Email me to learn more about this online psychotherapy service and organize an online therapy session with me. Inquiries welcome!

Everyone that I have worked with really benefits from the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

“Sessions with Peter are enjoyable – he is kind and patient and gentle. I love that the understandings I’m gaining in the sessions not only help me to heal my emotions but also contribute so much to my spiritual path.”


Online Help for Agoraphobia via Skype

How to overcome agoraphobia – Online Mindfulness-based Therapy for Agoraphobia

Contact me to schedule a Skype therapy session with Dr. Peter Strong, specialist in online mindfulness therapy for anxiety and depression.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I’m a professional online therapist offering online therapy as a way of helping you overcome your anxiety or depression or addiction. And it’s much more convenient and much more comfortable for you. I really enjoy working with people over Skype. It is much more empowering than going to see a therapist in an office. This approach, I feel, is much more effective, especially if you’re working with anxiety and particularly if you’re struggling with agoraphobia.

So agoraphobia usually begins with a series of panic attacks often appearing for no particular reason but that are very distressing, very unpleasant. And what happens is that we tend to develop fear, reactive fear to the reoccurrence of these panic attacks, and that fear then converts into avoidance. So we try to avoid any situation in which that panic attack may reoccur. So these patterns of avoidance tend to proliferate and we start avoiding more and more things based on that fear.

The problem is that avoidance fuels fear, so the more you become wrapped up in patterns of avoidance the more fear you will experience and then that leads to more avoidance behaviors. And so it sort of spirals out of control and you become more and more limited and confined to a smaller and smaller space. Sometimes people are unable to leave their house. They’re afraid of any kind of zone that is out of that immediate comfort zone of their house. So going to the grocery store, driving a car, even walking around the neighborhood may be way too challenging. And this is the result of this accumulation of avoidance and the fear that is fed by avoidance.

So the first understanding we must have if you want to beat agoraphobia, if you want to overcome agoraphobia, is that you must not accept these avoidance habits. Instead we must turn that around and start facing each situation. But we have to do this in a strategic way and with lots of training and that is what we find is usually lacking in classical exposure type therapy.

It is not enough to just force your way through a traumatic situation. That will simply reinforce the fear. It will not resolve it. So exposure therapy as it’s usually taught is basically going to be mostly ineffective. You cannot expect yourself to habituate to that situation simply by repeating it over and over again. That could also simply repeat the fear, the trauma, over and over again.

In many ways agoraphobia is really a kind of post-traumatic stress disorder. It’s that reaction to the trauma of the panic attacks that you had originally.

So exposure therapy by itself is absolutely not enough. You must take a much more strategic approach, but it is, of course, a necessary part of your recovery. If you want to beat agoraphobia you must undertake progressive exposures. We understand that. But how do you do that? That’s the question.

So in the mindfulness approach, what I call mindfulness-based exposure therapy, we will start by making a list of all of our challenges, those situations that we are currently avoiding. We turn that into a list and we train with each one of those challenges on that list and we do it thoroughly until we experience no anxiety whatsoever.

The way that we train is the vital component here. This is what makes the difference. You must train in a very thorough way before you do any of those challenges so that you can avoid that re-traumatization.

So we train through a process called mindfulness meditation. And this, basically, is where you would meditate on the challenge before you do it. So you play that challenge through your mind in detail and you look very carefully for any fear reactions and any thought reactions that get triggered as you imagine going into the grocery store, or whatever it may be.

So if you’d like to learn more about this approach then please contact me and we can discuss this further and we can set up some online therapy sessions via Skype.


Get Help from an Online Psychotherapist for Agoraphobia

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I provide online therapy via Skype. So if you’re suffering from agoraphobia then Skype therapy can be a wonderful opportunity for you to get the help that you need to uncover these awful habitual patterns of reactivity that keep you imprisoned in your home or in a very restricted area.

So it’s very important to find a way of overcoming these habitual anxiety reactions and I have been developing an approach that’s called Mindfulness Therapy that’s very effective for agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders.

Whatever style of psychotherapy you select, it’s important that you find one that’s very practical, such as cognitive behavioral therapy or Mindfulness Therapy, which is my specialty, and whatever approach you use must include some form of exposure therapy that enables you to start pushing those boundaries out to start overcoming your habitual anxiety reactions.

So I’ve developed a system called mindfulness-based exposure therapy for agoraphobia, which works extremely well and is very easy to learn via Skype. I will teach you how to approach your anxiety using mindfulness techniques that you can practice yourself and start to push back those boundaries.

So typically I see people once a week and then they practice the methods that I teach between sessions, and you should expect to see significant changes and improvements after the first three or four weeks.

Once you start applying the methods I will teach you, you will rapidly overcome your anxiety and start to break free from the prison of habitual anxiety.

So the online therapy option of course is very beneficial if not completely necessary if you’re suffering from agoraphobia because it’s so difficult for you to leave home or travel to see a therapist in their office; it’s often impossible.

So if you would like to learn more about Skype therapy for agoraphobia, then do please contact me. Just ask me any questions you have; anything that you want to discuss about this approach. I’m happy to answer questions.

When you’re ready though, let’s schedule a trial session. I offer a no risk policy. That is that if you don’t like the session, you don’t like this approach or it doesn’t feel right for you, then there’s no charge. There’s certainly no upfront charge for my sessions. The sessions are based entirely on your satisfaction with the results. So you pay after each session but on condition that you are happy with the results of that session. So it’s a no risk approach and I think that’s very important.

So if you would like to schedule a trial session with me and get started on a treatment plan that will help you overcome your anxiety and allow you to develop greater freedom from agoraphobia, then do please contact me and we can get started.

I see people throughout North America, but also in Western Europe as well. I am from the UK originally. I now live in Colorado but I see people all over the world and especially people who want to take a very practical and focused approach to working with their anxiety. In my opinion Mindfulness Therapy is one of the most effective approaches there is, followed by CBT. So please contact me if you’d like to get started.


The best agoraphobia treatment without medications – Online treatment for agoraphobia with panic disorder

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I’m a professional psychotherapist and I offer mindfulness based online therapy for agoraphobic anxiety and panic attacks.

The mindfulness approach is extremely effective and during online therapy sessions I will teach you how to work with your agoraphobic anxiety using the techniques of mindfulness to help you prevent your becoming overwhelmed by the anxiety reactions. We do this by actually meditating on our anxiety before we do any challenges.

Meditating helps to change the relationship that you have with your anxiety and this is absolutely essential, because the biggest problem that I encounter is that people suffering from anxiety tend to become identified with their emotions. They tend to become consumed by their emotions. They effectively lose their identity and become the emotions and this creates a very reactive place that is very difficult to escape from.

So with mindfulness training you can change this pattern and learn to develop a relationship with your anxiety whereby you do not become identified with it where you can see the anxiety as an observer. This is essential for change. Once you begin to do this the rate of recovery from agoraphobic anxiety and panic attacks increases dramatically, and most people will see quite substantial changes after only four or five sessions with me once they start applying the mindfulness-based techniques.

So the basic idea is that you will schedule sessions with me and we will work on setting up a series of challenges that you can manage and then you prepare for these challenges using mindfulness meditation. You do that challenge and you meditate on any anxiety that arose during that challenge.

And each time we learn a little more about how to change our relationship to our anxiety so that we basically break free from the habit of identification and becoming overwhelmed by it. And this approach is, from my experience, the most effective there is for overcoming agoraphobic anxiety. So if you’d like to get started with me simply go to my website and then email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.


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Online Mindfulness-based Therapy for agoraphobia. Online Therapist for treating agoraphobia

Online Therapist for Agoraphobia

Online Therapy for agoraphobia

Online Mindfulness Therapy

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