Online Help for Agoraphobia

Overcome agoraphobia through mindfulness-based exposure therapy

Online Help for Agoraphobia via Skype Therapy Sessions

I specialize in online mindfulness therapy for treating anxiety disorders like agoraphobia. Please contact me if you would like help with agoraphobia. The Mindfulness Therapy approach is very effective because it is very practical and focuses on helping you overcome anxiety through mindfulness-based exposure therapy.

Please feel free to contact me by email to schedule Online Psychotherapy sessions via Skype with me.

During these online therapy sessions I will teach you how to use mindfulness for facilitating recovery from all forms of anxiety, including agoraphobia by applying the very practical methods of Mindfulness Therapy.

This approach is very effective and most clients notice noticeable improvements after the first 2-3 online sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy is extremely effective for stopping anxiety and depression without using medications. It is always better to treat the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression instead of just treating symptoms.

The main healing factors developed during mindfulness-based psychotherapy are Conscious Awareness, which is necessary for overcoming the reactive psychological habits that cause emotional suffering, and Inner Compassion, which is what allows healing and resolution of anxiety and depression.

“Having visited with many-a-therapist in the past, Dr. Strong stands out as a genuinely good listener and offers pointed and intuitive responses in return, that are real, constructive, and compassionate. His caring, non-judgmental, nature is apparent and has aided me in the healing process.”

Go to my Contact Page to learn how to schedule online therapy via Skype for effective help in overcoming agoraphobia.

All sessions are via Skype, which means I can help you in real time as you do your exposure challenges.

Online Therapy for agoraphobia

Main LinkedIn article: Online Therapy for agoraphobia

Online Help for Agoraphobia

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I provide online therapy for agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders via Skype. So if you’re looking for online help for agoraphobia, then I invite you to look at my website, learn more about the online therapy service that I offer via Skype, and then reach out to me by email.

Simply go to the contact page and tell me more about yourself and what you’ve tried so far and any questions you may have. And if you are ready, we can go ahead and schedule a Skype therapy session to treat your agoraphobia.

So being able to get online help for agoraphobia is extremely important simply because it’s so difficult to leave home, to leave that secure zone and go into an anxiety producing place like a therapist’s office.

So during these online sessions, I’ll be teaching you a method called Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy, which is an extremely effective way of managing and overcoming anxiety.

By taking a very structured approach, doing incremental exposure challenges each day combined with mindfulness training will allow you to neutralize those anxiety reactions and break free from those conditioned habitual reactions that create the anxiety that keeps you housebound.

So in the mindfulness approach, the key concept is to learn how to fundamentally change the relationship that you have with your anxiety and also with the thoughts that feed that anxiety.

We have to change that relationship from a blind, habitual relationship that’s reactive to a conscious non-habitual and direct relationship that is not reactive and based on mindfulness.

We have to learn how to develop this quality of our true self that we call the observer presence, the part of us that is the observer. We have to develop objective consciousness in relationship to our emotions. This is what is typically missing in people who are struggling with anxiety.

We simply become slaves to these anxiety producing habits, and anxiety is a habit. It is produced by conditioned reactive habits. Habits thrive on not being seen, they operate at the subconscious level.

The way to change any habit is to bring consciousness to it, is to make it very conscious. Now, that’s different than being aware. You are, of course, aware of your anxiety, but you’re only aware of the product of that conditioned habitual reactivity. You’re not aware of the anxiety itself. You do not have a conscious relationship with it.

In fact, what happens is that we become identified with the anxiety and we collapse into the emotion. We become the anxiety. So instead of being able to see anxiety, we become afraid. This is the unconscious, reactive process that we need to change. And mindfulness therapy is one of the best approaches there is for changing that relationship to a conscious, mindful relationship.

When you can establish that mindful relationship in which you are the observer watching the emotion and watching thoughts without identifying with them, then you start activating the process of healing.

Reactivity inhibits healing. Consciousness promotes healing. It allows the emotion to start undergoing a change process by which it starts to heal itself. The reactivity freezes, the anxiety in place prevents it from changing, from undergoing that healing process.

So, learning to develop this mindful relationship with the anxiety is absolutely central to healing. And the better you do it and the more often you do that, the faster you will recover.

So, the exposure challenges are incremental challenges, it might be simply walk into the street or walking around the corner. Or it might be going into a shop. It might be driving a short distance.

Whatever it is, we make sure that we put them in a list and then work through these challenges on a daily basis and training with each challenge until we completely overcome the anxiety.

The mindfulness training is where we practice rehearsing the challenge before we actually do it. So we play it through in our mind. It’s like watching a movie. We imagine walking to the end of the street.

We play it through in the mind to look for any of those blind habitual reactions, the emotional reactions of anxiety and fear and the thought reactions that feeds the anxiety and fear.

When we find these reactions, we then start training with them to develop this objective consciousness where we are holding them in our conscious awareness without reacting and without identifying.

We can then also work with the emotion in various ways to increase the rate of healing. There’s a number of different mindfulness methods we can use, but one of the most important ones is the response of compassion.

We have to learn how to be compassionate towards the anxiety. We learn to see the anxiety with compassion the same way that we might see a child in pain and respond with compassion or see an animal that is scared and respond with compassion. That compassionate response greatly accelerates the healing process.

In many ways, you could say the problem is that the anxiety has become disconnected from your true self, that objective consciousness that is naturally able to respond with compassion. It needs that compassion and needs that connection with your true self to heal.

So, in the training, which is mindfulness meditation, we are developing this conscious, compassionate connection with the anxiety. And we can watch it heal, we can see it heal as we meditate on it, it loses intensity.

So we’re now training the mind how to heal that anxiety and that becomes a new learned pathway, a new habit, but a positive habit that leads to the resolution of suffering.

So, there’s lots to learn about Mindfulness-based exposure therapy. If you want to learn more reach out to me and let’s schedule a Skype therapy session.

Most people respond very well to this approach and you can expect to see significant improvements in the first few weeks.

The key is to learn how to work with your anxiety using mindfulness and then to practice at home between sessions with your exposure challenges and the training that goes along with each of those challenges.

So exposure therapy by itself is not sufficient. You have to train with the anxiety. You have to train it to heal before you do the exposure challenge. This is what really makes the difference.

So if you would like to learn more, please go to my contact page and send me an email and we can get started with your treatment plan for overcoming agoraphobia. Thank you.


Online Help for Agoraphobia via Skype

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I’m a professional psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy, and I provide online help for agoraphobia. Many people suffering from agoraphobia find it very difficult to leave home or leave a secure area where they feel comfortable and so the online therapy option is very convenient option.

So I’ve been offering online help for people suffering from agoraphobia for about ten years now and it works extremely well. The online therapy sessions are organized via Skype and all you need is an internet connection and we can set up a Skype Therapy session to help you learn how to manage the anxiety and panic attacks associated with your agoraphobia.

During sessions I will teach you a practical mindfulness-based methods of working with agoraphobia that have being well tested and have proved very effective over the last ten years or so that I’ve been offering this service.

Overcome habitual reactive identification

The most important thing that you will learn is how to change the way that you relate to your emotions and to your thoughts.

The biggest problem for most people is that as soon as anxiety or fear gets triggered that they become completely overwhelmed by that emotional reaction, and that identification with emotion leads to the proliferation of reactive thinking which then feeds the underlying fear and anxiety.

So this produces a perfect storm, essentially, a feedback mechanism that reinforces the fear and prevents it healing and resolving, and this is what we attempt to change during mindfulness therapy sessions for agoraphobia.

Through training in mindfulness you begin to break free from the reactive identification that feeds the underlying anxiety. We then go to the next stage which is to help those inner emotions heal.

Mindfulness therapy involves developing inner compassion and friendliness, which is essential for healing fear. You have to make friends with the fear and learn how to comfort it.

One of the best models in Mindfulness Therapy is to see the emotions as being like a child in need. The good news is that you already know how to comfort a real child and help them heal. Well, you can do the same internally too.

It just takes training. I will teach you how to work with your anxiety using mindfulness and I am convinced you will find the results to be very appealing.

If this interests you then please go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service and then contact me and we can schedule a therapy session over Skype to help you overcome your agoraphobia.

So if you’re looking for online help for agoraphobia please go to my website and EMAIL ME. Thank you.

Go to my Contact Page to learn how to schedule online therapy via Skype for effective help in overcoming agoraphobia

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