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Find an Online Psychotherapist for treating Anxiety through Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype

How can I overcome anxiety without using medication?

Reach out to me by email to find out more about Online Psychotherapy sessions via Skype with me.

Everyone that I have worked with really enjoys the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

“I have been suffering from severe depression and chronic anxiety for over a year now. In the pursuit to heal myself, I came across Peters work online. The insights I have gained from two Skype sessions with Peter, have put me onto a pathway healing and recovery. I am so grateful for Peter’s teaching and would recommend his service wholeheartedly.”

During these sessions of Mindfulness Therapy I will teach you how to apply mindfulness for recovering from all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, chronic depression, and addiction, including alcohol addiction and other forms of emotional suffering, by applying the very practical techniques of Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy.

This approach is extremely effective and you can expect to experience tangible recovery after the first 2-3 sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness-based Skype Therapy is extremely effective for stopping anxiety and depression without the need for medications. It is always better to treat the psychological cause of your emotional pain instead of just managing symptoms.


Anxiety Help Online – Talk to someone about anxiety online

Anxiety attack treatment without using medication

Online Therapist Specializing in the Treatment of Anxiety Disorders via Skype

Contact me to schedule Online Mindfulness-based psychotherapy with me.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional online therapist specializing in the treatment of anxiety disorders. I also treat depression online and I offer addiction counseling online, as well.

The psychotherapy that I offer is called Mindfulness Therapy, which is particularly effective for treating the underlying cause of anxiety and other emotional states like depression and OCD.

When we are working with anxiety, we need to not just talk about our emotions as in conventional “talk therapy”, but we need to look at the underlying process, the process of reactive habitual thinking that creates the anxiety. Mindfulness Therapy focuses very closely on identifying these patterns of negative thoughts that generate anxiety, depression or addictions.

When we find these thoughts, we then begin the process of changing how they affect us. We do this mostly by the process of developing conscious awareness of those thoughts themselves. A thought only has power if operates habitually, out of awareness, and this is what we overcome during Mindfulness Therapy.

If you can develop conscious awareness of those reactive thoughts, then they are not able to convert into the emotion. It’s like, the same as a car, if you place the car in neutral, that car can no longer move, no matter how much you press the accelerator. It’s the same with reactive thoughts, they only have power if we are unaware of them and if we become identified with them, and we become overwhelmed by them, lost in those thoughts.

The second part of Mindfulness Therapy for treating anxiety disorders involves looking at the actual structure of the emotion underneath the reactive thoughts. What is the nature of that emotion? What is the internal imagery that holds that emotional imagery together?

For example, if an emotion is very intense, then the chances are that your internal picture of that emotion will be very large and very close. That’s what you see internally and that’s what you react to through over-thinking, or that’s what your body also reacts to in the flight-or-fight type response.

When we can find this internal imagery, we can change it, using mindfulness to explore detailed changes that we can make that produce changes in the emotion. In this way we can actually reprogram that emotion, we can change it totally, we can defuse it, so that it doesn’t get triggered. When we neutralize the emotion, then the reactive thinking begins to change also, because there is nothing fueling that reactive thinking.

So, these are two of the focuses of online Mindfulness Therapy that I offer via Skype.

If you would like to learn more about this online therapy service, please visit my website and email me, and then we can schedule an online therapy session.


Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety over Skype or FaceTime or Zoom

Please contact me via my website if you would like to talk to an online psychotherapist for help with anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, OCD and phobia.

So would you like to see an online therapist for anxiety? Seeing an online psychotherapist for the treatment of anxiety is a very good option if you specifically want to learn how to manage your anxiety yourself without relying on continual treatment by a psychotherapist or medications.

Medications are useful in some cases but typically do very little, indeed, to change the underlying cause of your anxiety. And that’s what you really need to focus on if you want to recover.

So we don’t want to become reliant on a therapist or medications or other treatment protocols to overcome our anxiety.

Rather focus your efforts on learning how to manage your emotions and thoughts more effectively. And that’s what I teach during my online Mindfulness Therapy sessions.

I will show you very practical ways of eliminating anxiety by working with your emotions using mindfulness.

So Mindfulness Therapy is similar in some ways, some properties, to CBT but it’s actually much more focused on helping you change emotions directly, on promoting healing rather than trying to get you to change your views or beliefs as is the typical focus in CBT.

We want to find those emotions that are stuck, essentially, and we want to help them change and heal so that you no longer feel anxiety when you encounter the triggers in your life that trigger anxiety. That’s the goal and, in my opinion, Mindfulness Therapy is one of the most effective methods for achieving this goal.

So if you like to learn more and you are interested in seeing an online psychotherapist for anxiety then simply go to my website and contact me and we can schedule a Skype Therapy session at a time that works for you.

Most of my clients come to me for help with anxiety and want to learn how to use mindfulness to overcome their anxiety.

Typically clients have already tried conventional talk therapy, sometimes for years. Most of my clients also have had experience with prescription medications and anti-anxiety medications, and usually want to do something different.

The overwhelming opinion from my clients is that talk therapy, just talking about your emotions, is not really very effective in the long term, and the same for medications, they may provide a temporary relief, but they do not provide a long-term solution for anxiety.

So people come to me, and if you want to start with me, then simply send me an email, and you will see significant improvements after the first three or four sessions with me because the focus of Mindfulness Therapy is to teach you how to work with your emotions and how to promote healing of the anxiety and depression and other emotional suffering.

So please contact me if you’d like to get started with online therapy for your anxiety. Thank you.


Online Counseling for Anxiety via Skype

How to Overcome Anxiety through Mindfulness Meditation Therapy

Mindfulness Meditation Therapy is one of the most successful psychotherapies available for overcoming anxiety disorders. It has elements of CBT but focuses much more on changing the actual process that creates anxiety and depression in the mind.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist offering Mindfulness Therapy, which is my specialty and which I talk about in my book, “The Path of Mindfulness Meditation.”

If you would like to learn more about how to overcome anxiety through mindfulness meditation, do please go to my website and learn more about this unique approach to overcoming anxiety.

Mindfulness Therapy is particularly effective for anxiety and also for depression, and this is because it teaches you how to change your relationship to your emotions and to your thoughts so that you don’t become so easily overwhelmed by recurring patterns of emotional reactivity or intrusive thoughts.

This is the major problem that most people face – is what we often call “rumination” or “automatic reactive thinking” that triggers the underlying emotion of depression or anxiety.

Mindfulness allows us to break free from this automatic process by making it conscious. We begin to see the thoughts as triggers and the moment we see the process happening we can stop it right there and then through becoming conscious of that trigger.

With practice you can learn to see thoughts and emotional reactions as they arise in the mind, but then you are able to stop them turning into anxiety and depression. In this way, we take the fuel away from that underlying anxiety or depression. If you stop feeding the fire of anxiety or depression then the emotion will burn itself out and healing becomes possible.

During Mindfulness Therapy we learn how to actually meditate on our anxiety or depression or other painful emotions. And, it is through this process that you begin to change the whole process that creates the emotional suffering.

If you would like to learn more about how to overcome anxiety or depression using Mindfulness Therapy, please go to my website and CONTACT ME and then we can schedule a therapy session over Skype.

Mindfulness Therapy works really well through online Skype therapy sessions. So, please go to my website and contact me. Thank you!


Online Therapy to Overcome Anxiety and Panic Attacks without Medication

How to overcome anxiety disorder without medication. Online Therapist for Anxiety via Skype

My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional registered therapist based in Boulder, Colorado, USA. I offer online counseling via Skype. I will be most happy to answer your questions about therapy via Skype, and when you are ready, you can a Skype session with me. I typically see clients once-a-week for the first few weeks.

My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy for anxiety and other emotional problems that don’t require medical treatments. So if you’d like to learn how to overcome anxiety disorder without medication then please go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service.

I employ mindfulness therapy as a way of working with the underlying psychological process that causes anxiety disorders. Essentially we have to change the underlying emotional habits, the blind reactive hobbits by which we become identified with the emotional reaction to triggers. Triggers could be events, it could be social interactions, it could be driving a car, it could be thoughts. Whatever the trigger, the effect is that it triggers this internal psychological reaction, and it’s a conditioned process, that is, it happens unconsciously without us being aware of of what’s happening.

So the first part of mindfulness therapy is about uncovering these unconscious habits by which we, if you like, fall into the trap of becoming reactive and suffering with anxiety or depression. So this is the most important thing, we have to uncover these habits and mindfulness provides a very, very effective way of doing this. Mindfulness is really a form of consciousness that we apply to the emotional habits that are causing problems for us.

We learn to, essentially, meditate on our anxiety and on the triggers that promote that anxiety. We focused conscious awareness on them, and then when we make them conscious then we can bring in the element of choice. We can begin to counter that habitual reaction to those triggers, and through time we we can desensitize ourselves, we can neutralize that habitual reaction, altogether, so that you can be in the anxiety producing situation without being overwhelmed by anxiety. So, this is what we explore during mindfulness therapy sessions and I will teach you practical mindfulness-based methods for working with your emotional reactions so that you can break free from them.

It’s quite effective, and most people see dramatic changes to three to four sessions of mindfulness therapy once they start to really become more conscious of these emotional habits.

If you’d to learn more about how to overcome anxiety disorder without using medication, then please do go to my website. Learn more about this service, and then simply reach out to me, e-mail me and tell me about yourself and I’ll be happy to explain to you how mindfulness therapy works, and we can schedule the trial therapy session using Skype. Skype therapy is a very effective tool for psychotherapy. So if you’re interested in learning more about how to overcome anxiety disorder without using medication, then please go to my website and e-mail me now.


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Online Mindfulness Therapy

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Online Psychotherapist for Anxiety

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety

Online Mindfulness Therapy

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