Anxiety Treatment Online via Skype

Online Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of anxiety without medications.

Online Treatment for Anxiety


Best online treatment for anxiety and panic attacks

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I’m a professional online therapist and I specialize in mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety and panic attacks and also for working with depression and addictions and also for OCD.

So I’m often asked what is the best treatment for anxiety and panic attacks. Well, from my experience over the years it’s quite clear to me that the best treatment there is Mindfulness Therapy, that is learning how to apply mindfulness to work with your anxiety and help that anxiety heal.

Learn to be the Observer

So the primary job in mindfulness therapy is healing the underlying fear and anxiety. So we go about this in a number of ways.

The first most important principle that I will teach you during our sessions together is how to disengage ourselves from the reactive habitual thoughts, such as worrying and rumination and patterns of negativity, that feeds the anxiety.

This is something we do by developing mindful awareness to see those reactive thoughts very clearly and to break the habit of blindly identifying with them.

Thoughts in themselves are not the problem and they are not the cause of anxiety. But if we become identified with them then they become a powerful fuel that feeds anxiety, so the first job in our path of overcoming anxiety and panic attacks is to isolate these thoughts, to see them very clearly to find those habitual thoughts that feed our anxiety.

When we find these thoughts we do not try to get rid of them. We do not try to let go of those thoughts. That of course is a pointless exercise. They will simply return again. What we have to do is focus on helping those thoughts heal themselves, to basically resolve themselves, so that they do not repeat and come back again.

So we do this by learning to develop our capacity has the Observer of those thoughts.

So the more we become the Observer, the less identified we become with the thoughts. And this basically neutralizes that habitual pattern of identification, which causes the thoughts to proliferate and feed the underlying anxiety.

So we learn to sit with our thoughts, with our anxiety producing thoughts, without becoming identified and without becoming reactive.

We take this a stage further. We not only sit with them and develop non-reactivity, or equanimity as it’s called, which is one of the principal features of mindfulness, but we also develop compassion and friendliness towards these anxiety thoughts. This is where the real healing occurs.

Develop inner compassion for your anxiety

So you can think of anxiety producing thoughts as being rather like children that are in pain or suffering in some way. What they most need is our compassion, to be present with them without reacting, without becoming judgmental, without becoming hostile, but rather being with them with a attitude of love and kindness and patience and all the other qualities that are associated with compassion.

So compassion is another essential component of mindfulness. If there is no compassion it is not mindfulness; also if there is no clear conscious non-reactive awareness there is not mindfulness. The two together are what constitute mindfulness.

So we learn to be present with our anxiety thoughts and then we learn to respond to them with compassion, really helping those thoughts heal. And this then starts to establish healing pathways in the mind that heal the underlying anxiety. You are taking away the fuel and then we’re helping the anxiety heal. This is the primary mission in mindfulness therapy for anxiety and panic attacks.

Learn how to meditate on your anxiety

So the practical way that we go about doing this is to develop our skills in mindfulness meditation, where we meditate on the anxiety. We meditate in order to build a better quality relationship with the anxiety and its thoughts that is based on conscious awareness that is non-reactive and compassion that helps heal those reactive thoughts.

One way that we do this in our meditation is by seeing the thoughts as objects. Really understanding they are not who you are. You are not your thoughts; you are not your anxiety. The problem is we think we are. We become identified and then we feed that anxiety, and not only do we feed it, but we prevent it from healing itself.

So when we can sit with our thoughts mindfully we actually are learning to see those thoughts and the emotion as being objects in the mind.

We become the Observer of those objects and that is different than the objects of thoughts or emotions. So by meditating with them we are not only helping the anxiety heal and breaking free from these habitual reactive processes of thinking that feeds the anxiety, but we are also developing this totally different side of our being, which is as the Observer.

So this is called the liberating effect of mindfulness. The more present you are the freer you become from the anxiety and the thought habits that feed it. The freer you become the more able you are to respond with wisdom and compassion that facilitates and accelerates the healing process.

So meditation is the preferred method, the most effective way of healing anxiety and also panic attacks. Panic attacks simply refer to a very intense form of anxiety reaction. It’s also habitual by nature and its fed by a constellation of reactive thoughts that feed that anxiety and intensify it. So we meditate on our panic attacks also.

We learn to change our relationship to the anxiety, to the thoughts, so that we become freer and the anxiety learns to heal itself rather than simply proliferate itself through habitual reactivity. So meditation is very effective, much more so than medications.

Medications simply mask the symptoms. It may dull the emotional pain of the anxiety but, of course, medications will do nothing whatsoever to change the underlying habitual process that causes your anxiety or panic attacks.

So meditation is attempting to really change that underlying process itself at a very deep and lasting way.

So when we stop avoiding our anxiety and panic attacks through medication, but rather really focus on developing a conscious and compassionate relationship with our anxiety then the rate of healing greatly increases.

And most people that I work with start to see dramatic changes in the level of their anxiety within a few weeks of practicing the mindfulness methods, including mindfulness meditation, that I will teach you in great detail during our online therapy sessions together.

So if you are interested in learning how to effectively overcome anxiety and panic attacks, then I invite you to contact me and let’s schedule a session.

You will see changes even after that very first session when you start to understand how to work with your emotions, how to work with them directly rather than escaping from them or trying to avoid them in some way, which will be not productive in the long run.

So if you would like to get started, then please contact me. All my sessions are done via Skype. Skype is a very effective way of allowing effective communication and it’s really no different than meeting in person.

You have to be able to see each other, that’s the most important thing that Skype makes possible, and when you can see each other, then the communication becomes very effective. And for learning mindfulness-based treatments for anxiety and other emotional problems Skype is perfectly adequate.

So please feel free to contact me if you’d like to get started and really, really make a change in your anxiety. Thank you.

See an online therapist for the treatment of anxiety over Skype or FaceTime or Zoom

I teach Mindfulness Therapy – one of the most effective ways to learn how to control the habitual reactive thinking that feeds anxiety.

Online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online psychotherapist. I provide online treatment for anxiety.

During these online Skype therapy sessions I will teach you very specific and very practical ways of overcoming anxiety.

You will learn how to form a very stable and non-reactive relationship with your emotions, and this is key to changing the habitual pattern of reactive thinking that creates that anxiety. You learn how to break this pattern by actually forming a mindful relationship with the anxiety itself.

We learn, in effect, how to meditate on our anxiety, and this is the most effective way to break free from that pattern of reactive thinking that creates the anxiety. When you can hold the anxiety in your awareness without reacting to it and without becoming overwhelmed, then you are not feeding the anxiety any more, and the anxiety will begin to burn itself out, to change, to heal and resolve.

If you are interested in online treatment for anxiety, please email me, and then we can discuss whether this online treatment is suitable for your anxiety. So, please, if you are interested in online treatment for anxiety, or depression as well, please contact me via email and schedule a session.

During the first session we will explore this approach and see if it is right for you. If you feel that it is not right for you then there is no charge for the first session. You only pay if you continue that first session to the end, and usually sessions are between 60 and 90 minutes, and so it’s no risk to you. But, you will fins that the sessions are very effective indeed and you will see benefits even after the first session.

So, please, if you are interested in online counseling for anxiety or depression or any other difficult emotions that you may be experiencing, please contact me and let’s schedule your trial session. Thank you!

See a therapist online for the treatment of anxiety and panic attacks

If you would like to see a therapist online for help with anxiety, I invite you to contact me and tell me more about yourself and how I can help you, and then we can schedule a session via Skype to help you overcome your anxiety.

So many people, these days, really like the convenience of online therapy for their anxiety. It’s much easier and it’s also just as effective, as long as you use a video platform like Skype.

If you can see each other, then the effectiveness of communication is just as good as it is seeing a therapist in person.

So if you’d like to see an online therapist for help with generalized anxiety disorder or social anxiety disorder or OCD or for agoraphobia or any other form of anxiety, then please email me and we can schedule a session at a time that works for you.

The style of psychotherapy that I offer via Skype is called Mindfulness Therapy and this is particularly effective for anxiety.

Basically, during the online sessions, I will teach you how to apply mindfulness for working with your anxiety, for neutralizing those anxiety reactions that have become habitual.

We do this by actually learning how to meditate on our emotions and our thoughts using mindfulness meditation, where we make the emotion the central focus of your meditation.

We learn how to build a relationship with your emotions whereby you do not react or identify with those emotions, but are able to sit with the emotion in very much the same way that you would be able to sit with a child that was in pain.

In order to be comforting to the child and help the child you need to be able to sit with the child without becoming reactive, and that the first stage of mindfulness training. We call this developing equanimity, which simply means that you can sit with your emotions without becoming reactive, in that same way.

When you can do that then you can respond to the anxiety, or other emotions that you have detected that feed that anxiety, in a way that helps them heal.

So the first step is not making the anxiety worse by reacting to it. The second stage is learning how to respond to your anxiety with compassion, how to help that anxiety heal, and one of the primary ways we do this is by building that very relationship itself, the relationship between your True Self. And the emotion, which we often call the Little Self.

When that anxiety feels the presence of your True Self then that facilitates the healing and resolution of that anxiety. In most cases the real reason why the anxiety does not heal is because it becomes isolated from your True Self.

And that is similar to the situation in which a child is abandoned and isolated from its parents. It needs its parents in order to overcome its own fear and to grow in a healthy way.

And so it is with our emotions. Typically they become isolated and cut off from our True Self, and this prevents them healing.

So during mindfulness meditation we strive to re-establish this relationship between your True Self, the Observer, and the emotion itself. This is the first stage of mindfulness therapy for anxiety.

And there are many other aspects of Mindfulness Therapy for anxiety, which you can learn about by spending more time on my website and reading more of the pages there and watching more of the videos on my website.

But if you’d like to get started with me and see for yourself just how effective online Mindfulness Therapy is for treating anxiety, then simply email me and we can schedule is Skype Therapy session for your anxiety.

Most people see results within the first three to four sessions. The mindfulness approach is extremely effective for treating anxiety.

So if you’d like to see an online therapist for help with your anxiety and you like the mindfulness approach that I am specialized in and teach you during the online therapy sessions, then simply reach out to me via email and schedule an online therapy session. Thank you.

Online therapist for treating anxiety

When selecting an online therapist be sure that you communicate via email first and that he or she answers all your questions. It is also recommended that you use Skype so that you can see each other. Also, never pay upfront for a session; only pay after you have had your session and feel completely satisfied with the service provided.

There are a growing number of online therapists available to help you manage your anxiety. I recommend those that will teach you specific practical methods that you can apply yourself at home. CBT and Mindfulness Therapy are good choices.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I’m a professional psychotherapist and I offer online therapy via Skype for treating anxiety and depression, addictions and other common psychological-emotional problems that respond well to Mindfulness Therapy.

I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy because I find it to be very effective and my clients really like the skills that they learn. So I’m often asked are there any online therapists that can help overcome anxiety? And there are a growing number and some of them specialize in Mindfulness Therapy like I do.

Others provide a service to help you discover new understandings and ways of looking at your anxiety that can be useful. In general, what I recommend is that you work with an online therapist for your anxiety who really is good at teaching you specific methods, practical methods and tools that you can apply yourself between sessions.

It is learning how to become more skillful in working with anxiety and other forms of emotional reactivity. This is what is most important.

People like the convenience of online therapy means you can. First of all, you can have your sessions from home without having to travel to see your therapist.

Sometimes there just are not local options available. If you’re living abroad or if you’re living in a rural area or even if you’re living in a big city, sometimes it’s very difficult to find an affordable therapist to work with.

Also online therapy gives you more options. Like any other online browsing it makes available a much greater range of options for you to find something that you feel really good about and that meets your needs.

So if you’re looking for an online therapist for anxiety I’d definitely recommend you do a good Google search first of all and then be sure that you can establish a line of communication with the prospective therapist where you can ask your questions and make sure that those questions are well answered.

Also when you’re selecting an online therapist be sure that you don’t have to pay upfront for an online session. You should be selecting therapists that will allow you to determine if the sessions are providing the right kind of support, and pay only when you’re satisfied with the outcome of each session. I think it’s quite important. That’s the policy that I use and it’s a satisfaction-based arrangement. I think that’s best for everyone.

So the mindfulness-based approach that I offer online is particularly effective for giving you those tools and methods for reducing the level of your anxiety. I will teach you precisely how to apply mindfulness for working with anxiety and you will start to see quite significant improvements, even after the first one or two sessions, once you learn how to work with your anxiety use mindfulness.

So if you’d like to learn more about online therapy for anxiety and specifically Mindfulness Therapy for anxiety, then please go to my website and feel free to contact me and ask any questions you have about this approach and whether it’s the right approach for you. Most people really enjoy Mindfulness Therapy.

It is very empowering. It’s very positive in nature and most people see results fairly quickly with this approach. So please contact me if you would like to learn more, and of course, please contact me if you would like to schedule a Skype Therapy session.

Go to my Contact Page if you would like to talk to an online mindfulness therapist via Skype for help with chronic anxiety

Online Therapist for the Treatment of Anxiety and Panic Attacks

So if you’re looking for an online therapist to help you overcome anxiety, I invite you to take a look at my website and learn more about the online Mindfulness Therapy service that I offer over Skype for the treatment of anxiety without using medications and without other procedures like that.

This is a very different kind of approach, one that focuses on teaching you how to work with your emotions more effectively using the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy, including mindfulness meditation.

So the way that I teach meditation is that you learn how to meditate on the mind and in this case on your emotions and specifically on your anxiety. You have to develop a very close and conscious relationship with your emotions if you want them to heal.

The biggest problem that I see is that people try to run away from their anxiety and fear. Trying to avoid anxiety and trying to escape from anxiety producing situations is not a good strategy.

The avoidance is classified as a form of reactivity, emotional reactivity that is itself based on fear. And so if you react to anxiety with avoidance, you are basically feeding that underlying anxiety with more fear. So avoidance is not a suitable strategy.

Medications also can be viewed as a form of avoidance. They may provide a temporary relief from the unpleasant sensations of anxiety, but that is not an effective treatment for anxiety. The medications are really just reinforcing that underlying anxiety.

So if you want to heal anxiety, you must work on developing a conscious relationship with that anxiety that’s not based on avoidance, but is based on being totally consciously present with that emotion and other associated emotions.

This is what I will teach you during our therapy sessions together. I will teach you how to develop a mindful presence with your anxiety. In that process you will be training out of the primary process of reactive identification that also feeds the anxiety.

You learn to be present with your anxiety without becoming identified with it. That means without becoming overwhelmed and consumed by that anxiety. We learn how to develop a conscious presence with our anxiety in which we remain free from that anxiety.

So this is an essential condition if you want to heal anxiety, you have to learn how to be present for your anxiety in the same way as a parent learns to be present with a child that’s suffering. You cannot avoid the child’s pain, you must be present with it if you want to help that child heal its suffering.

Our emotions are very much like a child. They are conditioned, they are very limited in the consciousness and are not very good at resolving their own suffering, just like a child, the child doesn’t have the resources to heal its own suffering. That’s what the parent is for. So we have to learn to be like a parent to our anxiety and to any other emotions that are causing suffering.

And this is the whole purpose of meditation. Meditation means learning to be present with your anxiety by focusing your mindful attention on that anxiety and then bringing in the qualities of fearlessness and love, which is the natural condition of your True Self.

You learn to comfort the anxiety, you learn to look at the structure of the anxiety and see how it works, and then you intervene in a way that helps that anxiety heal.

So building this internal relationship between your True Self and the anxiety or the Little Self is a vital process and it’s very, very effective for healing anxiety. And I will teach you how to do this in detail.

The other thing that we often look at when we’re working with anxiety is the imagery of the anxiety. So all emotions are based around internal psychological imagery. That is what provides structure to the anxiety.

So investigating that imagery is also a part of meditating on the anxiety. It’s a way of discovering how the anxiety works because that imagery is the primary cause of the anxiety.

When you see that imagery in more detail, you can help it change. And the rule here is that when you change the imagery of an emotion, then the emotion changes and this is how emotions heal, it is through changing the psychological imagery.

This happens quite naturally in the mind. This is how emotions heal themselves. This is how we overcome many emotions that we experience, like loss or grief or sadness or fear. These emotions do not remain forever. They heal. And how do they heal? They heal by the process of image transformation. This is how the mind heals emotions. And during meditation, we simply bring this into consciousness so we can do this healing consciously; we can speed up the process of healing by helping that imagery change.

So working with imagery is a very important part of Mindfulness Therapy and I will teach you this all online during our sessions together.


Online therapist for treating anxiety without medications

There are now many online therapists to choose from that can help you overcome your anxiety or depression without depending on drugs, which, of course, do nothing to heal the underlying cause of your emotional suffering.

When you are in the process of choosing an online psychotherapist use the same precautions as you would for selecting an in-person therapist. Make sure that you feel comfortable with them and that you resonate with their approach to psychotherapy. All therapists are not created equal and not all approaches are equal in effectiveness and not all approaches may be right for you.

Welcome. If you’re looking for online therapists to help you overcome anxiety without depending on medications, then I invite you to take a look at my website.

My name is Peter Strong. I’m a professional mindfulness therapist. I specialize in a system of psychotherapy called Mindfulness Therapy, also known as mindfulness meditation therapy, that I’ve developed some years ago now and have been perfecting over the last ten years at least and offering online to people who are interested in learning how to overcome emotional suffering without using medications or without years of talk therapy.

This style of therapy that I teach is really designed to teach you practical methods that you can use yourself to work with your mind.

These are methods that are based on years of experience and have been found to be extremely effective for treating anxiety and depression and also for working with addictions and other forms of emotional suffering.

So all emotional suffering is basically based on patterns of reactive conditioned habits. Anxiety is not a disorder it’s a habit. Depression is not a disorder it’s a habit. These are habits that we learn.

We are not born with anxiety or depression. These are habits that we acquire usually through the experience of emotional trauma and other forms of emotional suffering that we are unable to resolve at the time, so that they become stuck and then they form reactive habits.

But really the problem is simply the habits themselves and we need to focus on changing these habits and this is what we do during online Mindfulness Therapy. We change the underlying psychological habits that create your anxiety or depression.

How we do this by cultivating mindfulness, which means that instead of avoiding your anxiety or depression or emotional trauma we actually approach it in a very mindful and conscious way. This will include Meditation. That’s why I use the term mindfulness meditation therapy, because we understand the importance of learning how to meditate on our anxiety or depression or other emotional pain.

If you try to avoid it, it will not heal and will simply grow. If you try to reject it or suppress it or distract yourself away from your unpleasant feelings then that will reinforce the underlying habits and the emotional suffering doesn’t heal.

The tried and tested way to heal anxiety and depression is to meditate on your anxiety or depression. Now this is a skill and training. It takes some practice. And that’s my job. I will teach you exactly how to do this, how to meditate on your anxiety to help it resolve and heal.

Healing is the objective here, not just treating symptoms or trying to manage anxiety. We are not trying to manage it, we’re trying to heal it, and the same goes for depression and the other forms of emotional suffering that we experience.

So if you would like to learn more about how to overcome anxiety or depression without using medications, then please send me an email and lets schedule a Skype Therapy session. I see people worldwide. All you need is a good Internet connection and a quiet place to conduct your sessions and then we can get started.

The mindfulness training that I offer online is very powerful and people see changes very quickly.

So medications may have some value and providing a temporary relief from symptoms but medications are not going to change those underlying psychological habits. And often talking about your emotions is really not getting to the heart of the emotions themselves and working on this reactive habit.

That really requires consciousness much more than understanding. You have to see clearly what is going on. That brings with it choice and choice allows you to begin to change the way that you respond to those conditioned stimuli, whether they’re external or internal in the form of thoughts.

Just because something unpleasant happens is not a sufficient cause for anxiety or depression. Even having negative thoughts, in itself, is not a cause of anxiety or depression. These can be seen as objects and like any other object they can be seen consciously without causing emotional reaction.

You can learn sit with your anxiety and not react. You can sit with a painful thought or belief or a memory, including traumatic memories, you can sit with those experiences and not react. That is the whole basis of mindfulness training. When you stop reacting, you stop feeding the emotional suffering.

When you stop feeding the emotional suffering it makes it possible for it to heal. And you can then participate in helping that emotional suffering heal. And this way you’re training the mind how to heal its own suffering. And this becomes automatic after a while.

So Mindfulness Therapy is very effective because it does this and it does it in a very focused and very practical way, during sessions and gives you the tools to practice between sessions. So most people see dramatic changes in the intensity of their anxiety or depression or other emotional suffering usually within the first three or four weeks of working with me.

And then what you learn will continue to grow and you’ll get more and more back to a state of wellbeing, which is our natural state. Anxiety and depression are not natural states of being. They are learned habitual states of being.

So if you would like to learn more and you like the idea of online therapy and you would like to work with me then please send me an email and schedule a Skype Therapy session. Thank you.

Go to my Contact Page if you would like to see an online mindfulness therapist via Skype for the treatment of anxiety

Online Treatment for Anxiety Disorders via Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional therapist living in Boulder, Colorado. I offer online therapy via Skype.

Now, online therapy is becoming very popular these days, lately because of it’s convenience, but also because it’s generally more enjoyable for the client; far less intimidating than having to meet a therapist in his or her office. And this is very important; you need to feel comfortable with the process in order to be able to learn how to manage your anxiety or depression or addictions, or other issues that you are dealing with.

So, the online therapy option is now becoming very common indeed. So, I offer online therapy for anxiety disorders, including social anxiety, agoraphobia, panic attacks, and general anxiety disorders. I also offer online therapy for depression, and online therapy is a good choice for working with addictions, too. Again, it is more comfortable for you, as the client. Sometimes people are embarrassed talking about their emotions in front of a group or even in front of a therapist in person. It’s just easier talking to a therapist online.

The style of therapy that I offer online is called Mindfulness Therapy, and this is very, very effective for anxiety, particularly. It’s a way of teaching you how to sit with your emotions, how to be present with your emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them. And this is the essential first step for overcoming anxiety, panic attacks, depression and addictions. You have to be able to form a relationship with your emotions; you have to be able to sit with them. And that way, you create the right conditions in which they can start to heal.

You can learn much more about Mindfulness Therapy by visiting my website. And please, contact me. Send me an email and ask your questions about online therapy and I will be happy to answer your questions, and then we can schedule a Skype session. So, please, head on over to my website and contact me. Thank you!

People suffering from anxiety often find the thought of going to see a therapist it very intimidating. The online treatment option is much easier and means that you can get the help you need without leaving home. Online treatment is ideal if you are suffering from social anxiety or agoraphobia.


Anxiety attack treatment without medication

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I’m based in Boulder, Colorado, and I’m a professional mindfulness based psychotherapist. I offer online therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression.

So if you’re looking for anxiety treatment without using medication then please go to my website and learn more about this mindfulness based therapy service that I offer online via Skype.

So, medications do not treat the underlying cause of your anxiety. They only provide a temporary relief from symptoms. And you don’t want to become dependent on medications because they have side effects and they tend to lose effectiveness over time, as well.

If you really want to recover from anxiety attacks you need to address the underlying process that causes that anxiety and that process is psychological in nature.

It’s basically a psychological habit that becomes established and that gets triggered by various triggers and that habit creates the anxiety. But habits can be changed.

And one of the best ways of changing the “anxiety habit” is to actually learn how to apply mindfulness to meditate on that anxiety, instead of trying to run away from anxiety or trying to distract ourselves from anxiety, which do nothing to change the anxiety.

We actually learn how to meditate on our anxiety. In that process we learn to develop a stable and non-reactive relationship to the emotion itself and that is vital because if we react to our emotions we end up feeding those emotions rather like throwing fuel on a fire.

When you stop reacting to your anxiety then you stop feeding that anxiety and that is the first to helping that anxiety resolve itself and heal.

So you have to learn how to be present with your anxiety or other emotions without reacting to them. So this is the first step in mindfulness training: how to do that, how to see your emotions as objects in the mind instead of becoming overwhelmed by those emotions.

The second stage in Mindfulness Therapy is to investigate the structure of your anxiety. What actually is there? what happens in the mind that feeds that anxiety, that creates it?

So that involves looking at those patterns of habitual reactive thinking that feeds the anxiety.

As we begin to see these thoughts we can begin to break free from the habit of that reactive thinking in the same way.

We can see that thought but not become identified with it, not become overwhelmed by it, not become lost in that reactive thinking, and in that way we stop feeding the fire of reactive thinking, which is one of the causes of our anxiety.

Another thing that we do in our mindfulness meditation on our anxiety is investigate the imagery of the emotion.

All emotions are accompanied by some form of imagery, how you see it in the mind, and generally, intense emotions are too large, too close and too high in our visual field.

They are overwhelming because we see them above us literally in the mind. And in order to be overwhelming the emotion has to be very large in size.

And it will also have certain colors that support the anxiety, maybe red or orange.

These details are very important. That imagery is actually what creates the emotion in the first place. And the reactive thoughts simply stimulate that imagery.

Now when you can see the imagery you can begin to change that imagery. When you change the imagery, you change the emotion.

So part of our mindfulness meditation work is to explore the imagery and explore changing the imagery of our emotions. And this is what promotes their healing.

There are other factors that we explore during Mindfulness Therapy and I’ll explain those to you in more detail if you choose to do some online Mindfulness Therapy sessions with me.

If you are interested in learning how to overcome anxiety attacks without medication then please send me an email and let us schedule a trial Skype Therapy session.


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Online Mindfulness Therapy

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Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety

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