Talk to an online therapist via Skype

Skype therapy sessions are completely confidential, just like face-to-face sessions but much more convenient for you.

Speak to a therapist online via Skype for anxiety and depression

Speak with a Therapist Online via Skype for effective online counseling for Anxiety and Depression, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Thoughts, Addictions, and other emotional problems, including PTSD.

Online therapy is extremely effective providing you use Skype so that you can see each other during your sessions together with your therapist.

Contact me to find out more about this online counseling service and organize a Skype therapy session with me. Your inquiries always welcome!

Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

“Working with Peter and developing mindfulness has been instrumental in helping me break from my habitual mental suffering. His form of therapy is effective for many reasons, but primarily I think it’s because Peter works with you to help you discover the truth of your suffering for yourself, rather than judging you or telling you – his presence is always calm and kind, and provides a great atmosphere for healing.


Specific conditions treated by Online Mindfulness Therapy:

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See an online therapist for help with anxiety & depression

Talk to a Therapist Online Now – Skype Therapy

Talk to an online therapist through Skype for help with anxiety and depression

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional online mindfulness therapist. I specially in Mindfulness Therapy because I find that to be the most effective way of working with anxiety, depression, and also addictions.

If you would like to speak to a therapist online, please go to my website, the link is below, and email me and then I can answer your questions and explain to you in more detail how online therapy works.

The first session is called a Trial Session, which means there is no upfront payment and in fact payment is made on your satisfaction, on your total satisfaction with the outcome of that session. So, this a way for you to get a sense of how online therapy works, how I work as an online therapist, and to see if this is the right approach for you and if you wish to continue online therapy with me.

So, what do we do during these online therapy sessions? Well, what I focus on is teaching you how to overcome those underlying patterns of reactive thinking and emotional reactivity that cause your anxiety or depression.

This really quite different than conventional talk therapy, which is more about having an avenue to release your emotional stress to someone who is sympathetic and willing to listen and encouraging you to express yourself. That is, of course, very important; and important part of good psychotherapy. But, in my experience, talk therapy is not enough. We have to look at changing that underlying process. We have to learn how to break free from the habitual patterns of negative reactive thinking.

And, this is where mindfulness is so effective, because it is a very powerful awareness skill that allows you to explore that underlying structure of your emotions. It allows you to see those patterns and it allows you to change those patterns.

More than this, Mindfulness Therapy also allows you to explore how emotional reactions work, themselves. Now, emotions are really quite different than thoughts, their primary language is not words but it is imagery. Imagery is the natural language of emotions. When we say, for example, “I feel overwhelmed,'” that give us a clue to the internal imagery of the emotion. We literally see the emotion above us, at a higher position, weighing down on us. We feel OVER-whelmed by the emotion. That is a part of the imagery that makes the emotion work.

So, when we explore this imagery with Mindfulness Therapy, we see all the details of how that emotional imagery works and we can change that emotional imagery through mindfulness. We can explore making all kinds of modifications in that internal imagery that allows the emotions to neutralize itself, to discharge itself, to change. We teach the emotion how to change itself, essentially.

Emotional imagery, just like reactive thinking is primarily habit, and habit thrives on not being seen. Mindfulness is all about exploring in great detail what is actually happening; it’s about exploring that structure. It is about learning how to become a scientist, basically, exploring how things work in your mind.

So, this is one reason why Mindfulness Therapy is so powerful. Another reason why Mindfulness Therapy works is because it teaches you how to change your whole relationship to your thoughts and emotions. It teaches you how to observe your emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them, without becoming identified with them, without becoming reactive.

So, if you would like to speak to a therapist online, do please go to my website and email me and I will explain this in more detail, and then we can schedule a trial session.


Speak with a Therapist Online for Help with Anxiety & Depression

Talk to a therapist online now for anxiety and depression.

Perhaps you would like to talk to a therapist anonymously rather than going to visit them in an office. Many people are choosing the online therapy option these days, not only because of convenience but because it’s much more comfortable for you the client. It’s less intimidating and in fact I believe over the years that I’ve been practicing online therapy that my clients tend to recover or improve much faster when they can talk to me online rather than come into the office.

It’s very important that during psychotherapy you are learning to become much more self-reliant, you are developing your own powers of working with your mind, with working with your emotions, and you don’t want to become dependent on a therapist or anyone else. You have to develop these skills internally. This is very, very important, especially if you’re struggling with anxiety or depression or addiction. And that’s what I specialize in teaching you during online therapy sessions.

During these sessions I will be basically teaching you how to work with your emotions using mindfulness. Now mindfulness is an immensely powerful way of changing the relationship that you have with your mind, with your emotions, with your emotional suffering, with your anxiety, with your depression, or whatever it may be.

Mindfulness training teaches you how to form a compassionate and very conscious relationship with your emotions instead of avoiding them or suppressing them, which is what most people learn how to do. They simply learn how to avoid their emotions or suppress them rather than actually making friends with them. Helping those parts of yourself that are in pain heal. That’s the central focus of mindfulness therapy and it works extremely well.

If you’d like to talk to a therapist online and you’d like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy then I invite you to go to my website and simply email me with any questions you may have about the online therapy approach. And when you feel ready you can schedule a therapy session with me via Skype at a time that works for you.

I see people worldwide. Most of my clients are in America but I also see clients in Western Europe and of course in the UK. I’m based in Colorado, but I find that it’s very effective talking to people who are genuinely interested in changing their emotional reactivity and overcoming patterns of suffering, and you don’t need to be an American to do that.

So if you would like to learn more about online therapy and you like to schedule a session with me and learn how to work with your emotions more effectively, then please send me an email. Thank you.


See an online therapist for help with anxiety & depression

Learn how to more effectively control anxiety or depression. Speak with a Psychotherapist Online through Skype for effective online therapy for Anxiety and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Addictions, Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) or any psychological problems not requiring medical treatment. Email me to find out more about this online counseling service and to organize an online Skype therapy session with me.

Speak to a Therapist Online – Therapy via Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional online therapist. If you would like to talk to an online therapist for help with anxiety or depression or addictions, please go to my website and contact me and then we can schedule an online therapy session.

Many people prefer talking to a therapist online because it is so much more convenient and also it’s a way of getting the help that you need for anxiety or depression when living abroad or if you are not able to find a local therapist to work with where you live.

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

The style of therapy that I provide is called Mindfulness Therapy, which is extremely effective for anxiety. It’s a way of, basically, changing the underlying process that causes anxiety or depression. It’s a way of breaking free from those patterns of reactive thinking that sustain anxiety, depression and, of course, addiction, also.

We have to change the way we relate to our thoughts and emotions. The greatest obstacle to change is aversion and avoidance.

In Mindfulness Therapy we pay particular attention to developing much more conscious awareness of our reactive thoughts to overcome the avoidance habit, and then we actually develop a friendly relationship with our emotional pain, our anxiety, our depression or even our negative thoughts.

It’s extremely important because it’s the quality of this conscious friendly relationship to your emotions that allows them to change and allows you to change your relationship so that you are no longer overcome by reactive thinking.

If you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy and are interested in talking to an online therapist, please go to my website and email me, and I look forward to talking with you and helping you overcome your specific emotional problems through Online Mindfulness Therapy. Thank you!


Online Mindfulness-based Therapist via Skype for effective help with anxiety and depression

Talk to an Online Mindfulness Psychotherapist for Managing Anxiety and Depression via Skype

So if you’re interested in Mindfulness Therapy and you would like to talk to a psychotherapist like myself who specializes in Mindfulness Therapy for treating anxiety and depression then do please go to my website, learn more about this service and contact me if you would like to schedule some online therapy sessions with me.

So I offer online Mindfulness Therapy using Skype. Skype is important. It makes online therapy much more effective when you can see each other. When you can see each other then there’s really no difference between Skype Therapy when compared to meeting a therapist in person.

So Mindfulness Therapy is quite different than conventional talking therapy or counseling that you may have already tried. The whole focus in Mindfulness Therapy is changing the underlying process that causes your anxiety or depression or addiction or whatever form of emotional suffering that you may have.

There’s always an underlying process, a psychological process going on that produces that emotional state, and most of the time we are not really very aware of how we create anxiety or depression. It becomes an automatic habit and like all habits it operates out of consciousness, so we’re not really aware of how it works.

The whole purpose Mindfulness Therapy is to look very carefully inside to see how it works, to see how the mind creates anxiety or depression or any other form with emotional suffering. And the primary way to do this is through learning how to meditate on our emotions. So this is quite a novel concept for many people. They don’t normally think about meditating on their emotions. People are more likely to want to escape from their emotions. But it is very clear from the work that I have done over the years, that the primary problem for healing is avoidance and also aversion, hating the internal emotional pain.

When me react to painful emotions with avoidance or with aversion then that has the definite effect of reinforcing that emotional suffering and the habit that produces it. So in mindfulness we learn how to change our relationship to any emotions that are creating pain. You learn how to form a conscious and non-reactive relationship with them. That’s the most important first step in helping them heal. So we do this by meditating on our emotions.

We bring the emotion into the mind. Imagining it, but on purpose and on our terms, which is quite different than the normal habitual reaction. We look at it and the first thing we look for is the constellation of reactive thoughts, habitual reactive thoughts, that feeds the anxiety or depression.

So thoughts are essentially a form of fuel that feeds the emotional suffering. Thoughts to not cause anxiety or depression, they feed it. Now when we learn how to see these thoughts clearly then we can begin to change our relationship to them and overcome this habit of identifying with those thoughts and beliefs that tend to feed the underlying suffering.

So breaking the habit of reactive identification is a key feature of mindfulness training and therapy. We can hold the emotion in the mind. We can hold the constellation of thoughts in the mind and not become overwhelmed by them, not become a prisoner of those mental objects.

So developing this objectivity is essential for healing and it’s a central focus of Mindfulness Therapy. I will train you how to do this.It Is really quite surprising. It’s not that difficult.

So if you would like to speak with a therapist online via Skype then please send me an email and let’s schedule a session.


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Talk to a Therapist Online

See an online therapist via Skype for help with anxiety, depression and for stress management.
See an online therapist via Skype for help with anxiety, depression and for stress management.

Talk to a Therapist Online via Skype

Online Therapist for Anxiety and Depression

Online Therapy for anxiety & depression

Online Mindfulness Therapy


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