Online Treatment for Anxiety and Depression

See an online therapist via Skype for help with anxiety, depression and for stress management.

Online Mindfulness Therapy is an excellent choice if you want to overcome the underlying cause of your anxiety and depression and you want to develop greater resilience and well-being.

Please feel free to email me to schedule Online Mindfulness-based psychotherapy with me.

Online Psychotherapy via Skype – A Better Choice for You

During these sessions I will teach you mindfulness-based methods for facilitating recovery from all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, OCD, persistent depression, and addiction, including alcohol addiction and other emotional problems, by using the well-tested techniques of Mindfulness Therapy.

This approach is extremely effective and most clients notice significant changes after the first 2-3 online sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy is very effective for controlling anxiety and depression without using drugs. Treat the psychological cause of your emotional pain instead of just treating symptoms.

The main healing factors cultivated during Mindfulness Meditation Therapy are Conscious Awareness, which is necessary for overcoming the reactive habits that cause anxiety and depression, and Inner Compassion, which is what promotes healing and resolution of psychological suffering.

”The thing that distinguishes Peter’s approach from other forms of therapy is that the results are pretty much instant, but you are still working with your emotions at a very deep level (unlike, for example, CBT) so are able to create lasting change.”


Specific conditions treated by Online Mindfulness Therapy:

Online help for anxiety and depression – Online Mindfulness Therapy

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I’m a professional mindfulness-based psychotherapist and I offer online therapy via Skype for help with anxiety and depression. If you would like online help for anxiety or depression then please go to my website and learn more about the online therapy service that I offer via Skype.

This service is available worldwide. I’m based in America and most of my clients live in the USA, but I also see clients in Canada and as far away as Western Europe and Australia. If you’re interested in learning how to work with anxiety and depression using mindfulness then please contact me.

Mindfulness is extremely effective for treating anxiety and depression and mindfulness therapy is a process of teach you how to do this, how to Use mindfulness effectively.

We actually learn how to meditate on our anxiety and depression. Learning to meditate on our emotions is a central feature in mindfulness therapy. Generally, we tend to do the opposite. We spend all our time trying to avoid anxiety or depression, even using meditation as a distraction from our emotional pain, trying to get away from the mind in every way we can, and most of us generate internal aversion towards our emotional pain. We don’t like anxiety, we don’t like our depression, we don’t like our loss of control, we don’t like these compulsive drives that seem to ruin our life.

So, really, from a mindfulness perspective, avoidance and aversion are your main enemies and they are the main forms of reactivity that actually feed anxiety and depression and prevent it from healing. So this is why we learn to meditate on our anxiety or depression.

We actually learn to develop a friendly and conscious relationship with our emotions because this is essential for their healing. You cannot overcome anxiety if you try to avoid it, or if you try to avoid situations that might trigger anxiety. That is not recommended. In fact, I will teach you the opposite – you need to face your anxiety. You need to go to those very situations that cause anxiety or trigger anxiety and you need to practice with those situations using mindfulness until you have overcome the anxiety habits, because it is habit that causes our anxiety or our depression and these habits thrive on not being seen, on ignorance, unawareness.

So that’s what we overcome by meditating on our emotions. We actually bring conscious awareness to them and non reactivity to see our emotions very clearly. This is the first part of mindfulness training.

THe second part of mindfulness training is actually interacting with your emotions and helping them change. This is the response of compassion, which is an essential feature of mindfulness.

If you would like to learn more about how to get help for your anxiety or depression online using mindfulness then simply go to my website and learn more about the mindfulness approach to healing anxiety and depression, and then contact me to schedule a therapy session. I have many spaces available and we simply email each other to find the time that works, taking into account your timezone, etc. So if you’d like to learn more about how to use mindfulness to overcome anxiety and depression do please send me an email. Thank you.


Online Psychotherapy for Treating Anxiety and Depression

Online Mindfulness based Therapy via Skype for overcoming Anxiety and Depression

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide online mindfulness-based therapy for overcoming anxiety and depression without using drugs.

So drugs may have usefulness in extreme circumstances for managing symptoms but, of course, that’s all the drugs are able to do. They do not treat the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression or OCD or any other psychological problem.

The underlying cause for anxiety and depression is psychological. It’s the result of certain unconscious habits that have become established. These habits are triggered by various factors maybe internal factors like thoughts and memories. It can be external factors such as a phobia for example around driving.

So the external site of a highway or being stuck at a cross section red light can be a trigger that triggers this underlying habit that creates the anxiety or a panic attack.

We do this in Mindfulness Therapy by actually developing conscious awareness, that’s mindfulness, around these habits because typically the habits simply become unconscious; they become reactive, they become conditioned and they operate out of consciousness. So the first step must be to bring consciousness back to see those habits very clearly to be able to identify the triggers, whether that’s internal thoughts or memories, maybe traumatic memories, or whether it’s external triggers.

So we learn to sit with these emotions and with the thoughts that are triggers and not become lost in them and not become overwhelmed. So this is a training process, and mindfulness meditation is fundamentally a training process. Retraining yourself on how to relate to your thoughts and emotions and memories without becoming identified.

The second part of our mindfulness meditation process for healing anxiety and depression is to look at the internal structure of your emotions, and that internal structure is almost always based around imagery. Internal psychological imagery is the primary organizing force that keeps anxiety depression in place. The reactive thoughts, they feed the anxiety, but the anxiety itself is maintained through internal imagery.

So this is how emotions heal. They will have to undergo some form of image transformational reprocessing in order to fully heal, for the emotional content to really change. So we basically speed up this process by really examining that imagery in detail and then exploring in great detail how to change the imagery and find what it is that helps the imagery and the emotion resolve itself and heal.

So working with imagery is extremely important. It’s a fundamental part of mindfulness-based psychology and psychotherapy.

If you would like to learn more about online mindfulness-based therapy for overcoming anxiety and depression and OCD and also for working with PTSD then please do contact me and let’s schedule a Skype Therapy session.

So I offer therapy via Skype worldwide. All you need is an Internet connection and we can schedule our Skype Therapy sessions. Skype Therapy is very effective, in general, because you can see each other. It’s many times more effective than chat-based therapy or email therapy because those don’t have this visual component.

If you use Skype and you can see each other there is really no difference whatsoever in the effectiveness of online therapy compared to meeting a therapist in person. And in many cases I would argue from my experience that Skype Therapy can be more effective because it is much more comfortable for you. It’s less intimidating. It has less that clinical feel to it which is not good because it makes you feel like a victim. And that’s not going to help the process of recovery.

So especially if you’re suffering from an anxiety disorder, Skype Therapy is a very good choice for you to consider.

So please contact me if you’d like to get started with me. Most of my clients see results in a very short time. Often after three or four sessions people see and experience big changes in the intensity of their anxiety and depression. They feel much more empowered, much more able to do things that they weren’t able to do before. They feel more in control. That’s the whole aim here is to restore that sense of being in control of your happiness and well-being. 


Psychotherapy via Skype for anxiety and depression

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional psychotherapist. I provide online therapy via Skype for help with anxiety, for the treatment of depression and also I provide addiction counseling online as well.

If you are interested in an online therapy service like this, please visit my website and email me and then we can see if online therapy is a good choice for you.

Online therapy is becoming very popular these days and it’s very easy to start online therapy. So, how do we go about starting online therapy? Well, basically, all you need to do is make sure you have a good internet connection, that your have downloaded Skype, because I offer my online therapy sessions over Skype, which is actually very effective indeed, especially for the style of Mindfulness Therapy that I teach. Besides Skype, you will need a PayPal account, which allows you to make secure online payments after completion of each online therapy session.

This online therapy service is available wherever you live. I have clients throughout America and also abroad, in Europe, the UK, and as far away as South Africa. So, it really depends on the time zone, finding a time that is convenient for you and also for me. So, if you would like to learn more about Online Counseling Therapy via Skype, please do contact me through my website.

The other thing you should do before starting online therapy is to make sure that the therapist you are interested in explains to you what to expect during online therapy sessions. In the online therapy that I offer, I always explain to you what the time course should be for online therapy. You should expect to see results within 3 to 6 sessions of the style of therapy that I offer, which is called Online Mindfulness Therapy. It’s quite a different approach than traditional talk therapy – not so much talking about your emotions but rather changing the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression or addiction.

So, Mindfulness Therapy basically helps you break free from those patterns of reactive thinking that keep you trapped, that keep you recreating anxiety, depression or a compulsion. Because it works on changing the underlying cause, Mindfulness Therapy is much more effective than general online counseling or talk therapy. And, it’s also a very good alternative to medications. Medications, of course, treat the symptoms but not the underlying cause.

So, if you are interested in learning more, please do visit my website and send me an email, and I’ll be happy to answer your questions and help you get started with online therapy via Skype. Thank you!


Online Treatment for Depression and Anxiety – Online Mindfulness Therapy

Online Counseling and Online Therapy Services for Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Depression, Stress, PTSD and Addictions

The Online Mindfulness Therapy Service that I provide is VERY effective for Anxiety and for helping you overcome difficult emotional reactions and those negative emotional habits that keep us stuck. Most people see tremendous benefits after as few as 3-4 sessions.

The Boulder Center for Mindfulness Therapy Online with Dr. Peter Strong. Skype-Based Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety and Depression, Traumatic Stress and PTSD, Addictions, Emotional Abuse Recovery and other Emotional Problems: A convenient and effective Online Counseling Service.

Many people prefer the convenience of an online counseling therapy service – it is certainly more convenient than in-person counseling sessions. Online Therapy is also a good choice if you are struggling with recovery from an addiction. Again, online therapy sessions are more private and less intimidating for most people.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional Online Psychotherapist. I provide an Online Counseling Service and an Online Therapy Service to people throughout the United States and Canada, and also abroad in the UK and Europe. The style of therapy that I offer online is called Mindfulness Therapy, and this works particularly well for anxiety disorders, including agoraphobia or social anxiety, as well as depression and emotional stress. I also provide an Online Counseling Service for Addictions and other forms of problematic emotional habits that you may be struggling with.

So, please, head on over to my website and learn more about this Online Therapy Service, and I hope that you will contact me and ask your questions and let’s go ahead and schedule a Skype Therapy session. There is no charge if you do not like the Skype Therapy session, but most people are delighted by this service and they like the mindfulness therapy approach that I specialize in and find it very much more effective than many of the older styles of talking therapy. So, any case, head on over to my website and contact me. Thank you!


Online Mindfulness-based Counseling via Skype for Overcoming Anxiety and Depression without medications

Online therapy sessions – Skype therapy

Discover how mindfulness therapy can help you more effectively control anxiety and depression. Get help from a Psychotherapist Online using Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Addictions, PTSD and Traumatic Stress or any other emotional problems not requiring treatment by a medical professional. Email me to discover more about this online counseling service and to book a online therapy session with me.

This online therapy service is available world-wide, including the USA, UK and Europe. All you need is a reliable internet connection and you can start online psychotherapy with Dr.Peter Strong.

Standard counseling can be helpful, but often common talk therapy does not change the underlying psychological process that is the real cause of your emotional suffering.

The same can be said for medications – the medication may reduce symptoms for a while, but medications can not change the underlying psychological process that causes the emotional pain.

The kind of psychotherapy that I provide is known as Mindfulness Therapy, which is quite effective for managing chronic anxiety and for treating chronic depression and other emotional issues caused by habitual negative thinking. Most of my clients see quite dramatic improvements after 3-4 sessions of Mindfulness Therapy.

Online Psychotherapy Sessions via Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional online therapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy. If you would like to talk to a therapist online through Skype, do please go to my website and email me to set up a Skype therapy session.

Online therapy sessions are very effective and a very good alternative to the more conventional style of psychotherapy that you will find in most therapy offices. It is really focuses much more on teaching you methods that you can use yourself to overcome your own anxiety or depression or other form of emotional suffering.

The mindfulness techniques that I teach are very effective indeed for all forms of anxiety. So, if you are suffering from anxiety I recommend that you give this a try. Simply email me and tell me about yourself and how I can help you and then we can schedule a trial Skype Therapy session.

Generally, most of my clients start seeing quite dramatic improvements once they start employing the techniques that I teach, helping you work with your emotions directly by yourself.

Anxiety and depression essentially are psychological habits, and these habits can be changed, like any other habit, once you start focusing the consciousness of mindfulness on them. They will change quite quickly once you start developing a mindful relationship with your emotions and that is the key.

For most of us, we simply become reactive to our emotions. We don’t like our anxiety or depression, we try to push them away or avoid feeling them, and this, of course, simply makes them stronger.

In order for anxiety to change you have to develop a quality of conscious awareness that allows you to sit with your anxiety without becoming reactive. When you can do that, then you create the right internal psychological conditions that allow that anxiety to start to change. You can begin to interact with your own emotions with compassion and intelligence in way that helps them heal and transform.

So, if you would like to learn more about Skype therapy and mindfulness therapy, simply go to my website. Email me to schedule a Skype therapy session.

Skype Therapy Service – Online Therapy Service – Talk with a Psychotherapist online via Skype for effective online mindfulness-based therapy for Depression and Anxiety, Social Anxiety and Agoraphobia, Addictions, and other forms of emotional stress, including PTSD.

Contact me to learn more about this online therapy service and to organize an online Skype session with me.

This online counseling service is available throughout the USA, UK and Europe and world-wide. All you need is a good internet connection and you are ready to start online therapy with me.


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Online Therapy for anxiety & depression

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Online Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

See an online therapist via Skype for help with anxiety, depression and for stress management.
See an online therapist via Skype for help with anxiety, depression and for stress management.

Online Therapy for anxiety & depression

Online Mindfulness Therapy


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