Online Psychotherapy via Zoom

Online Psychotherapy via Skype or Zoom is a very effective choice for treating anxiety and depression and for stress management.

Online Therapy through Skype or Zoom

Please feel free to email me to find out more about Online Psychotherapy sessions via Skype or Zoom with me. Online therapy is an excellent choice for most people as long as you use Skype or Zoom so that you can see each other.

During these sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness, including mindfulness meditation for working with all forms of anxiety, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, persistent depression, and addiction recovery and other forms of emotional suffering, by applying the very successful methods of Mindfulness Meditation Therapy.

This approach is remarkably effective and you can expect to see noticeable improvements after 3-4 Skype or Zoom sessions with me.

Online Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy is very effective for managing anxiety and depression without the need for medications. It is better to treat the underlying psychological cause of your psychological suffering instead of just managing symptoms.

The principle healing factors cultivated during Mindfulness Therapy are Conscious Awareness, which is necessary for breaking free from the reactive psychological habits that cause anxiety and depression, and Inner Compassion, which is what allows healing and resolution of anxiety and depression.

“After each session, I come away with something of substance to work on throughout the week. Often, I recall something in everyday life, that was said in our session; A nugget of wise advice or a helpful technique, that provides an alternative avenue, to my habitual way of reacting to a life situation.”


Specific conditions treated by Online Mindfulness Therapy:

Online Treatment for Anxiety

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional therapist living in Boulder, Colorado. I offer online therapy via Skype.

Now, online therapy is becoming very popular these days, lately because of it’s convenience, but also because it’s generally more enjoyable for the client; far less intimidating than having to meet a therapist in his or her office. And this is very important; you need to feel comfortable with the process in order to be able to learn how to manage your anxiety or depression or addictions, or other issues that you are dealing with.

So, the online therapy option is now becoming very common indeed. So, I offer online therapy for anxiety disorders, including social anxiety, agoraphobia, panic attacks, and general anxiety disorders. I also offer online therapy for depression, and online therapy is a good choice for working with addictions, too. Again, it is more comfortable for you, as the client. Sometimes people are embarrassed talking about their emotions in front of a group or even in front of a therapist in person. It’s just easier talking to a therapist online.

The style of therapy that I offer online is called Mindfulness Therapy, and this is very, very effective for anxiety, particularly. It’s a way of teaching you how to sit with your emotions, how to be present with your emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them. And this is the essential first step for overcoming anxiety, panic attacks, depression and addictions. You have to be able to form a relationship with your emotions; you have to be able to sit with them. And that way, you create the right conditions in which they can start to heal.

You can learn much more about Mindfulness Therapy by visiting my website and please, contact me. Send me an email and ask your questions about online therapy and I will be happy to answer your questions, and then we can schedule a Skype session. So, please, head on over to my website and contact me. Thank you!

Online Treatment for Depression

Mindfulness therapy is a good choice for treating depression because the focus is on teaching you practical methods for managing reactive thinking and painful emotions. Depression Treatment Online may also be the best choice if you are also suffering from anxiety and find it difficult to leave home to visit a therapist in-person.

The Boulder Center for Mindfulness Therapy Online with Dr. Peter Strong.
Skype-Based Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression, Traumatic Stress and PTSD, Addictions, Emotional Abuse Recovery and other Emotional Problems: A convenient and effective Online Counseling Service that you can access from home.


Online Therapy Sessions – Learn how to overcome anxiety and depression without drugs

Online Mindfulness based Therapy via Skype for overcoming Anxiety and Depression without using Drugs

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide online mindfulness-based therapy for overcoming anxiety and depression without using drugs.

So drugs may have usefulness in extreme circumstances for managing symptoms but, of course, that’s all the drugs are able to do. They do not treat the underlying cause of your anxiety or depression or OCD or any other psychological problem.

The underlying cause for anxiety and depression is psychological. It’s the result of certain unconscious habits that have become established. These habits are triggered by various factors maybe internal factors like thoughts and memories. It can be external factors such as a phobia for example around driving.

So the external site of a highway or being stuck at a cross section red light can be a trigger that triggers this underlying habit that creates the anxiety or a panic attack.

We do this in Mindfulness Therapy by actually developing conscious awareness, that’s mindfulness, around these habits because typically the habits simply become unconscious; they become reactive, they become conditioned and they operate out of consciousness. So the first step must be to bring consciousness back to see those habits very clearly to be able to identify the triggers, whether that’s internal thoughts or memories, maybe traumatic memories, or whether it’s external triggers.

So we learn to sit with these emotions and with the thoughts that are triggers and not become lost in them and not become overwhelmed. So this is a training process, and mindfulness meditation is fundamentally a training process. Retraining yourself on how to relate to your thoughts and emotions and memories without becoming identified.

The second part of our mindfulness meditation process for healing anxiety and depression is to look at the internal structure of your emotions, and that internal structure is almost always based around imagery. Internal psychological imagery is the primary organizing force that keeps anxiety depression in place. The reactive thoughts, they feed the anxiety, but the anxiety itself is maintained through internal imagery.

So this is how emotions heal. They will have to undergo some form of image transformational reprocessing in order to fully heal, for the emotional content to really change. So we basically speed up this process by really examining that imagery in detail and then exploring in great detail how to change the imagery and find what it is that helps the imagery and the emotion resolve itself and heal.

So working with imagery is extremely important. It’s a fundamental part of mindfulness-based psychology and psychotherapy.

If you would like to learn more about online mindfulness-based therapy for overcoming anxiety and depression and OCD and also for working with PTSD then please do contact me and let’s schedule a Skype Therapy session.

So I offer therapy via Skype worldwide. All you need is an Internet connection and we can schedule our Skype Therapy sessions. Skype Therapy is very effective, in general, because you can see each other. It’s many times more effective than chat-based therapy or email therapy because those don’t have this visual component.

If you use Skype and you can see each other there is really no difference whatsoever in the effectiveness of online therapy compared to meeting a therapist in person. And in many cases I would argue from my experience that Skype Therapy can be more effective because it is much more comfortable for you. It’s less intimidating. It has less that clinical feel to it which is not good because it makes you feel like a victim. And that’s not going to help the process of recovery.

So especially if you’re suffering from an anxiety disorder, Skype Therapy is a very good choice for you to consider.

So please contact me if you’d like to get started with me. Most of my clients see results in a very short time. Often after three or four sessions people see and experience big changes in the intensity of their anxiety and depression. They feel much more empowered, much more able to do things that they weren’t able to do before. They feel more in control. That’s the whole aim here is to restore that sense of being in control of your happiness and well-being. 


Online Therapy through Skype/Zoom

Learn practical mindfulness methods to help you more effectively control anxiety and depression. See a Therapist Online via Skype for effective online mindfulness therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD, Addictions, Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) and emotional trauma or any other emotional problems not requiring medical treatment. Email me to discover more about this online counseling therapy service and to organize a therapy session with me.

Psychotherapy over Skype is particularly suitable for helping you overcome anxiety or depression.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide psychotherapy via Skype. Psychotherapy over Skype is a very good way of getting the help that you need to overcome patterns of anxiety, or to deal with ongoing depression, or even for help with recovery from an addiction.

Many people prefer taking a more self-help approach to working with psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, and that is a very good movement. Typically, you will gain much more benefit if you see yourself as being in charge of the process of change rather than going to a therapist and taking on the role of a patient, for example. That tends to put you in a weaker position and can actually get in the way of change.

I prefer encouraging a much more empowered approach in which you are directing your own process of transformation and healing.

The Mindfulness Therapy approach that I offer during these online Skype therapy sessions is particularly effective for working with anxiety and depression in this way.

The focus is really on teaching you two very essential skills. The first is learning how to change the nature of your relationship to your emotions; and the second approach we teach during these mindfulness therapy sessions is learning how to investigate and change the actual structure of the emotion, the actual process that operates habitually to create anxiety or depression.

So, in the first approach, the first part of mindfulness therapy, it is all about establishing the right kind of relationship with your emotions.

We have to break the habit of avoidance and resistance, or aversion. Avoidance and aversion are your worst enemies. These prevent anxiety or depression from changing and healing. We have to actually learn to do the opposite to avoidance and aversion.

We have to learn to embrace our emotions in full consciousness and with a quality of friendship. We need to learn to see our emotions as being parts of our self that are in pain and require our help; they require you to develop a relationship based on compassion with your anxiety or depression or other emotions.

This is what promotes change and with all of the clients that I have worked with over the years, I have found this to be most essential predictor of change; and that is when you can begin to establish a friendly relationship with your anxiety or depression or painful emotions, without becoming overwhelmed and without becoming reactive, then the emotions will change very substantially. They need this quality of relationship in order to heal.

So, you have to learn how to become a friend to your emotions. Learn to see the emotions as being like visitors, as being parts of you that are in pain and that need your conscious and compassionate help in order to change.

The second part of the mindfulness therapy approach that works so well for psychotherapy online, is learning how to change the structure of emotions.

All emotions have a structure, and that structure is based on imagery; how you see the emotion or the thoughts in the mind is what actually determines the intensity of the emotion. This is a vital factor that we investigate during the therapy sessions together. We start to actually investigate how your emotions work and what kind of imagery is creating those emotions.

The more you learn about the imagery of the emotion the more you can change that imagery, and when you change that imagery, you change the emotion. So, this is quite an essential part of the transformation and healing process is working with emotional imagery.

So, if you would like to learn more about psychotherapy via Skype, if you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy and how it can help you, simply go to my website and contact me and we can schedule a Skype therapy session at a time that works for you.


Online Mindfulness Therapy for Anxiety and Depression – MBCT Therapy Online

Talk to an online therapist for practical help with anxiety, depression, stress and addictions. Go to my website to learn more about Online Mindfulness Therapy.

Online Therapy Service with an Online Therapist

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I am a professional psychotherapist. I provide online therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety, and for the treatment of depression, and also for help with recovery from addictions, including alcohol addiction.

Now, why online therapy? Well, one of the primary reasons why people choose online therapy is because of it’s convenience. It means that you can get the help you need for your anxiety or depression or help with addictions without having to commute to a therapist’s office; without having to leave home, in fact. And, for people suffering from social anxiety disorder or agoraphobia the possibility of having sessions from home is very attractive, indeed.

Many people like online therapy because it’s also much less clinical and less intimidating than the traditional medical approach. During the online therapy sessions that I offer, I will basically help you learn practical methods based on Mindfulness Therapy, which is my specialty; practical methods that help you better manage your emotions. Mindfulness Therapy is an evidence-based therapy that is very effective, indeed, for anxiety, depression and stress, and it is a very good choice if you are wanting to learn practical methods for reducing your level of emotional suffering.

If you would like to learn more about online therapy and working with an online therapist, please visit my website and send me an email. You are welcome to ask any questions you have about online therapy, and when you feel comfortable, you can schedule a session of online therapy via Skype. All you need, besides Skype, is PayPal for making your payments after the completion of each session, and you need a good internet connection, and of course, a computer. So, if you are interested in learning more about online therapy and you would like to learn practical ways of working with your anxiety, depression or addictions, please contact me now. Thank you!


Online Counseling Service for Managing Anxiety & Depression

Learn practical mindfulness methods to help you break free from anxiety and depression

Get help from a Psychotherapist Online over Skype for highly effective online mindfulness therapy for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression, Social Anxiety Disorder and Agoraphobia, OCD and intrusive thoughts, Addictions, including eating disorders, Post Traumatic Disorder (PTSD) and emotional trauma or any other emotional problems that do not require treatment by a medical professional. Email me to learn more about this online therapy service and to arrange for a Skype therapy session with me.

Best Online Therapy Sites using Skype

There are now many online therapy sites to choose from that are offering some form of counseling or coaching or psychotherapy. The online therapy option is, of course, very convenient for people because it means that you can conduct your therapy session from the comfort of your home or your office or wherever you are, and you can have a therapy session with your therapist at a time that is convenient for you.

If you are living abroad, then, of course, working through some online therapy service is going to be very convenient indeed. So, it’s certainly worth considering, looking at various online therapy websites to find one that serves you best. They are very different in quality, some are basically just directories that will put you in touch with a therapist, and others are really high quality, offering you really effective help for managing whatever emotional difficulties you are experiencing.

During the online therapy sessions that I offer I will be helping you learn much more effective ways of managing anxiety and depression using the very practical methods of Mindfulness Therapy, which I developed some years ago, now.

These techniques of Mindfulness Therapy are designed to help you change the actual process that creates anxiety and depression. This is quite different than conventional talk therapy, or counseling. I want to help you break free from those underlying psychological habits that cause your anxiety or depression or addiction.

We do this by focusing on changing the way that you relate to your emotions. This the most important first step in Mindfulness Therapy. Most of the time we are simply overwhelmed by our emotions. We are not aware of our emotional habits and whenever they get triggered we simply become identified with our emotions or thoughts or beliefs, and then we act them out. It’s an automatic process that gets triggered and this is what we aim to change during our online mindfulness therapy sessions.

I will teach you how to become more aware of these emotional habits and how to break free from them through changing your relationship to your emotional habits. The trick is to see them as basically objects that arise in your mind, without becoming identified with them.

Just because a habit gets triggered does not mean that we have to become that emotion or that thought. We can see the thought or the emotion as an object. We can observe the emotion or thought without becoming identified with it, without becoming controlled by the emotion or thoughts that arise.

So, this is learning to develop what is sometime called emotional tolerance or, what I call, gaining independence from the content of mind. You can learn to observe the contents of mind without becoming identified with them.

This is a very important step that we learn during mindfulness therapy sessions, because when you can become independent from your thoughts and emotions, then you create a space in which you can begin to change those thoughts and emotional habits. You can begin to change them and effectively neutralize them through developing more conscious awareness and choice.

So, this is one aspect of Mindfulness Therapy. If you would like to learn more about how to overcome difficult emotions, please go to my website, the link is below, and email me and then we can schedule a Skype therapy session. Thank you!


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Online Psychotherapy via Skype or Zoom is a very effective choice for treating anxiety and depression
Online Psychotherapy via Skype or Zoom is a very effective choice for treating anxiety and depression

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Online Therapy for anxiety & depression

Online Mindfulness Therapy


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