Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy via Skype

I provide mindfulness-based online CBT therapy via Skype for anxiety and depression.


Get Help from an Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapist via Skype

Struggling with Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression?

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Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is very Effective for Anxiety & Depression

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Online

Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a particularly effective way of working with anxiety and depression and other forms of emotional stress or compulsive thinking. The first step is to become aware of the habitual patterns of reactive, negative thinking, including beliefs that fuel our emotions.

During these Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Skype sessions I will teach you exactly how to gain control over reactive thinking, rumination and catastrophic thinking using the very powerful techniques of mindfulness that I have developed.

The second stage of Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is to work on resolving the underlying emotions that fuel reactive thinking, using the healing properties of mindful acceptance and compassion.

The third stage of Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy via Skype is to apply our mindfulness skills to changing our behaviors and breaking free from destructive patterns of action and speech using mindfulness.

The combined effects of mindfulness-based Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are very powerful, and most people see dramatic changes in as few as 3-6 sessions on online cognitive therapy.


Online CBT via Skype for Anxiety and Depression

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I am a professional online psychotherapist. I live in Boulder, Colorado, and I offer online psychotherapy via Skype wherever you live, at home or abroad. This is a very convenient way of getting the help that you may be needing for managing difficult emotional problems: anxiety, depression, stress, and PTSD, which is one of my particular interests.

The style of therapy that I offer is called Mindfulness Therapy, and this is a form of Cognitive Therapy, that focuses on exploring the particular thought habits that you may have that create emotional stress, whether that’s anxiety, depression, anger or stress of any kind. Most of these thought patterns that we work with operate out of our normal state of awareness; we are really unaware of these thought patterns. And, of course, like anything, it’s what you don’t see that controls you. So, the first part of any form of Cognitive Therapy or CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, involve trying to develop an awareness of these negative thought habits, patterns of reactive thinking. That is a big step in itself.

But, in Mindfulness Therapy we go a little further than that, and that is we want to look at the underlying emotions themselves, because this unresolved emotional energy is what give fuel to the cognitive reactivity. Without that emotional energy, the thoughts will not persist; they will tend to fade away and be replaced by other thoughts. But, when there is a high emotional charge, then the thought patterns and habits persist and they reoccur and become intrusive thought patterns. So that’s where Mindfulness Therapy becomes extremely good. This form of Cognitive Therapy allows you to change the underlying emotions that fuel your negative reactive thinking.

So, if you are interested in scheduling a session with me through Skype to work on your difficult emotions, please visit my website and contact me by email, and then we can discuss whether this form of Cognitive Therapy is a good choice for you and we can discuss scheduling a Skype therapy session. So, please, head on over to my website and email me. Thank you!

Online CBT Therapy

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional online therapist. I provide mindfulness-based online CBT therapy for anxiety and depression.

Now, during online cognitive therapy, I teach you specific ways of working with the underlying reactive thinking that fuels anxiety and depression. During these online cognitive behavioral therapy sessions you learn specific ways of working with these reactive thoughts and beliefs.

Of course, the most important thing in any form of CBT therapy is to first recognize those thoughts and beliefs. They tend to be habitual, and being a habit they thrive on not being seen. So, the first step in changing anxiety and depression is, actually, learning to see these thought habits, then it becomes possible to change them.

Now, during the online CBT therapy sessions that I offer via Skype, we focus on using a technique called Mindfulness Therapy. This is very effective for working with the underlying emotions that fuel the reactive thoughts and beliefs. You have to change these emotions if you are going to change the thought habits that create and sustain anxiety and depression.

So, if you would like to learn more about online cognitive behavioral therapy, please visit my website and email me. Tell me about what you are struggling with and why you are interested in online CBT, and I will happily answer your questions, and when you are ready, we can schedule an online CBT therapy session. So, please visit my website now and contact me. Thank you!

Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is becoming a very popular choice for people seeking professional help for managing anxiety, depression or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – and for a good reason – because Online CBT really works. Now you can get help online via Skype from an online cognitive therapist.

Online Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on changing dysfunctional patterns of reactive thinking and beliefs by making you aware of these cognitive habits and then challenging them. Instead of just being a victim of these habitual thoughts, you learn to take responsibility for your thoughts – and this is a major factor in psychological change and healing.

The NHS has a very good website page on Cognitive Bhavioural Therapy. There are many research papers out, demonstrating the effectiveness of CBT for treating anxiety, depression and insomnia (see this article by the Mayo Clinic on CBT for Insomnia).

The primary starting point is to overcome the unawareness that causes us to blindly accept our core beliefs and reactive thinking. Then we examine and test the validity of our beliefs. Eventually, we start to construct more functional positive beliefs to replace the dysfunctional negative beliefs.

We can also challenge dysfunctional beliefs through behavioral experiments. Again, we take charge of the process, rather than blindly accepting our beliefs. This is why Online CBT works so well for phobias and panic anxiety.

My role as an online cognitive therapist is to encourage you to face your fears one step at a time, in a controlled way so that you do not become overwhelmed by your emotions. Eventually, you begin to develop a relationship with your emotions (we call this “sitting with your emotions”) that is not reactive. This mindfulness-based relationship is the most important step that leads to healing and transformation.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is now one of the most recommended forms of psychotherapy, and with good reason. Unlike many older styles of “talk therapy” CBT works on changing the process that generates and sustains anxiety, depression, stress, addictions and other forms of emotional suffering. We can call it a process-centered therapy to distinguish it from the more content-based approaches of the past.

The theory goes that emotional suffering is produced by uncontrolled reactive thinking and irrational beliefs, and the purpose of CBT is to make the client aware of these dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs and then to remove them or change them into more positive thoughts. This will stop feeding the emotional formation and the anxiety or depression will diminish in direct proportion.

Now, it is certainly true that reactive thinking will feed emotional suffering and will reinforce emotional reactivity. Rumination, excessive worrying, anticipatory thinking, “what if” thinking, etc become like fire wood that fuels the fire of anxiety, depression, addiction and stress.

However, in Mindfulness Therapy we recognize that changing reactive thoughts is not sufficient by itself to transform and resolve emotional reactivity, anxiety or depression. This is because, there are underlying Core Emotions that feed the reactive thinking. The thoughts depend on this underlying emotional energy to feed the thoughts which then feeds the core emotions in a positive feed-back loop.

We have to transform and resolve the core emotions in order to effect a complete change. This was implied in a recent study published in JAMA Psychiatry. Mindfulness Therapy plays close attention to changing the core emotions. What is so interesting is that if you resolve the emotion that feed the thinking the reactive and dysfunctional thoughts and beliefs tend to drop away, to be replaced by more functional thinking, and quite naturally.

Online Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy for Anxiety & Depression

Email me to schedule a Skype therapy session with me.



The Boulder Center for Mindfulness Therapy Online with Dr. Peter Strong.
Skype-Based Online Psychotherapy for Anxiety & Depression, Traumatic Stress and PTSD, Addictions, Emotional Abuse Recovery and other Emotional Problems: A convenient and effective Online Counseling Service that you can access from home.

I would like to get help from an Online CBT Therapist

It is very easy to get started. Simply email me now. Let me answer all your questions and when you are ready, you can schedule a Skype session and start benefiting from Online Mindfulness Therapy. Most people see positive results after only a few sessions. Try a session and see for yourself. There is no charge if you don’t like it – but you will!


There is no charge unless you are completely satisfied with each session. This is my satisfaction guarantee to you

Peter Strong, PhD is a Professional Psychotherapist, Online Therapist, Spiritual Teacher and Author, based in Boulder, Colorado. Peter developed a system of cognitive psychotherapy called Mindfulness Therapy for healing the root cause of Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, Addictions, PTSD, and Marriage Problems.

Get Help from a Professional Online CBT Therapist via Skype for better managing emotional problems like anxiety and depression

Online Mindfulness Therapy - Talk to a therapist online
Talk to a therapist online via Skype



Online Mindfulness Therapy


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