Online Therapy for overcoming OCD

Best Online Therapy Service for OCD

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy over Skype for Stopping Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Overthinking without using drugs.

Mindfulness Therapy provides an extremely effective therapeutic approach for gaining freedom from obsessive-intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors by teaching you how to work with your OCD thoughts and impulses using mindfulness training and the methods of Mindfulness Therapy.

Online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD

To successfully overcome OCD and obsessive-intrusive thoughts you MUST learn how to neutralize the underlying fear, that fuels obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors.

This is the primary focus of Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for overcoming OCD and is what I will be teaching you during our online therapy sessions together.

Everyone that I have worked with really likes the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

“I came across Dr. Peter Strong’s website when I was doing some research on the benefits of mindfulness for anxiety. I am so happy I took the next step and contacted him. I always looked forward to each session, he made my day lighter, made me feel stronger and happier.”


Online Psychotherapy for treating OCD

Welcome. I provide online therapy for the treatment of OCD. If you’re looking for an online therapist for OCD and you would like help in overcoming intrusive, obsessive thoughts using the techniques of mindfulness therapy which I teach online via Skype, then do please contact me.

Reach out to me through the Contact Page. Tell me more about yourself and ask any questions you may have about the online therapy program that I teach for overcoming OCD.

When you are selecting an online therapist to work with for an anxiety disorder like OCD it is very important that you use Skype so that you can see each other. If you can see each other, then that will improve the quality of communication substantially. It’s not necessary to be in the same room as your therapist, but it is very important that you see each other. This will make the therapy sessions much more effective.

So during our online Skype Therapy sessions together, I’ll be teaching you how to work with intrusive thoughts using the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy, and the central methodology that we use for breaking free from the influence of reactive intrusive thinking is to learn how to meditate on your reactive thoughts.

The worst thing you can do is fall into a habit of avoidance, trying to run away from your intrusive thoughts, trying to suppress them. That will simply feed those intrusive thoughts because any reaction based on avoidance is basically fear-based. It’s a fear based reaction and that will add to the fear, which is the most common emotion that is fueling your intrusive thoughts. If you want to break free from an intrusive and obsessive thoughts, you need to heal and resolve the emotion that is fueling those thoughts.

Thoughts only become intrusive when they have a strong emotional charge. And that’s what we have to neutralize. And that’s what I will teach you during Mindfulness Therapy.

We learn to meditate on our intrusive thoughts. That means that we consciously bring them into awareness and then we train with them. The training is about learning how to stay with the thought without becoming reactive and without becoming overwhelmed by the fear that accompanies the intrusive thought. This takes training and mindfulness meditation, is training with the mind to resolve suffering and promote freedom.

So you meditate on the thought. This is how you can achieve freedom. You can not achieve freedom by avoidance. But you can achieve freedom from the influence of those thoughts if you meditate on them.

So you train to sit with the thoughts and not react. You then respond to the underlying emotion, which is usually fear, but it could be other emotions like guilt or shame or anger or trauma.

We learn to respond to these emotions with mindfulness, with full conscious presence, accompanied by compassion. Mindfulness is the combination of conscious awareness and compassion. They are both present in mindfulness. Compassion means interacting with that fear in a way that helps it resolve.

So you’re training to resolve the fear that is the fuel for those intrusive thought. When that fear is resolved, then the thoughts will no longer be intrusive. They will essentially just disappear because they are no longer relevant. They will be naturally replaced by other thoughts that are more relevant and probably more positive, because they are not based on fear.

So what keeps intrusive thoughts in the mind is that underlying emotional charge, the fear itself. Heal the fear and the thoughts will subside.

So this is part of what I’ll teach you during our Skype therapy sessions together. This approach of learning to meditate on your intrusive thoughts or obsessive thoughts is very, very powerful. And most people see very welcome improvements within a very short time, usually within three or four sessions.

I will teach you the methods of how to work with your intrusive thoughts and obsessive thoughts using mindfulness. You will take these methods and practice them at home between sessions. This is what makes all the difference in your recovery from OCD.

If you’d like to schedule online therapy with me for your obsessive compulsive disorder or intrusive thoughts, then please contact me so we can schedule a Skype Therapy session.


Suffering from OCD? Try Online Psychotherapy

Through Mindfulness Therapy we learn how to neutralize obsessive and intrusive thoughts, images and memories as well as learning how to neutralize the compulsive impulses that lead to compulsive behaviors.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I’m a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression and OCD and other emotional problems using mindfulness therapy and mindfulness-based techniques rather than medications or the conventional talking therapy that you may be familiar with.

Mindfulness Therapy really tries to address the underlying process that causes your anxiety or depression or problem with intrusive thoughts and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Skype Therapy for OCD is one of the services that I offer. All my online therapy is done via Skype. It’s very important that you use Skype or Zoom or FaceTime or similar video platform because it’s important that you can see each other during these sessions. This makes the therapy sessions much more effective.

During the online Skype therapy sessions that I offer I’ll be teaching you how to work with the two primary elements of OCD.

So excessively worrying about that and obsessing over hygiene is one kind of reactive thinking that greatly accentuates the underlying anxiety. The thinking fuels anxiety feeds anxiety and it intensifies the anxiety. So that’s one kind of thinking process.

The other kind of problems that people run into with thinking is intrusive thoughts. Intrusive thoughts, intrusive images, intrusive memories. So this is sometimes called “Pure O” sort of a pure form of obsession that is caused by intrusive thoughts that really upsets the minds and cause considerable anxiety.

So that’s one side of the work. We work with these obsessive or intrusive thoughts. On the other side of OCD is working with the compulsive behaviors.

So the thoughts convert into behaviors like hand washing or trying to clean every surface in the house multiple times over, or whatever it might be. The compulsive behavior is a response to the obsessive thinking.

We would typically imagine the obsessive-compulsive thought or activity, we would play it through in the mind and we would watch to see what kind of emotion is triggered. Typically, fear or anxiety, but it could be other emotions as I say. When we see that emotion we then start to build a relationship with the emotion itself based on consciousness, that’s where the mindfulness comes in.

The second part of our work in mindfulness therapy is to see how those emotions work, to look at their structure. And it’s become very clear to me through working with people over many years now, that the primary structure of the emotions, it is not thoughts, it is imagery.

So the thoughts are products of the emotion, but what causes the emotion is imagery, psychological imagery. The way that you see that fear or anxiety in the mind is what determines its intensity and that in turn leads to the propagation of thoughts and compulsive activities.

We examine this imagery in great detail during mindfulness work on our OCD. We literally meditate on those thoughts and the emotions underneath the thoughts to see how they work, to look at their imagery, to see what it is about the imagery that causes them to be intense, that creates that intense emotional charge.

So if you would like to learn more about how to work with either obsessive thinking or intrusive thoughts, memories and images, and also to work with compulsive behaviors, then please contact me. Let’s schedule an online psychotherapy session via Skype.

Skype Therapy for OCD is a very effective way of learning how to manage OCD. Most people see quite dramatic changes after the first three or four sessions. Once you learn how to apply mindfulness to work with your OCD you’ll see very encouraging results.

If you are interested in Skype Therapy for OCD then please reach out to me. Contact me. Tell me more about your particular situation. Tell me what times and days work for you and then we can go ahead and schedule the first Skype Therapy session to help you overcome your obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Find an Online Therapist for help with OCD

How to overcome obsessive compulsive OCD intrusive thoughts through Online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD.

The secret is to learn how to train with your intrusive thoughts or memories using mindfulness so that you can break out of the habit of emotional reactivity that creates the anxiety or depression. I will teach you how to do this.

My name is Peter Strong. I’m a professional psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy which I offer online via Skype for the treatment of anxiety disorders including obsessive compulsive disorder, using mindfulness therapy, which is very effective for helping you manage the uncontrollable habitual thought reactions that characterize OCD.

So working with intrusive thoughts is very important for managing not only OCD but also other anxiety disorders and depression as well. This reactive thinking or rumination is what fuels anxiety and depression. And the problem that most people find is that they become a prisoner of these intrusive thoughts, that they keep coming back and stimulating and recreating the anxiety or depression.

So managing intrusive thoughts is very important for working with almost all forms of emotional suffering. Mindfulness Therapy is a way of training with these thoughts. So the biggest problem typically is that people avoid intrusive or negative or emotionally painful thoughts. When you avoid intrusive thoughts you prevent them changing. You prevent them healing or resolving.

So avoidance is the first thing that we must overcome. We must not fall into the trap of avoiding intrusive thoughts or trying to get away from them or trying to push them away or trying to replace them with positive thoughts. That may seem like a good idea, but it’s just another form of avoidance, and avoidance feeds the problem of habitual reactive thinking.

So we must stop avoiding and instead we actually learn to develop a conscious relationship with those disturbing intrusive thoughts based on conscious awareness, based on mindfulness. I will teach you how to meditate on these disturbing thoughts. This is the way that leads to resolution that helps end those intrusive thoughts.

Learning to meditate on them means building that conscious and non-reactive relationship to the thoughts. That’s what’s needed to resolve them. And it’s a process whereby we train, essentially train with the thoughts, learning to be non-reactive and not becoming identified with them.

This is something that is quite easy for you to do as long as you understand clearly what you’re doing and you get a little guidance, and that’s what I will teach you during these online therapy sessions for OCD.

I will teach you how to work with these intrusive thoughts, how to train with them so that you can overcome this pattern of habitual identification and reactivity that simply feeds the thoughts.

So if you like to learn more about how to work with intrusive thoughts using mindfulness therapy, and really get into the heart of the problem and changing those underlying habits, then please do email me and schedule a Skype Therapy session.

People see results quite quickly when they start applying this very mindfulness and consciousness focused approach to working with intrusive thoughts on other aspects of OCD such as intrusive memories. That’s a very common feature for PTSD. Working with very emotionally charged and disturbing memories that become intrusive.

We use the same kind of principles in mindfulness therapy. We do not avoid them. Instead we learn how to train with them so that we can help those memories resolve naturally so they no longer become a problem.

So if you would like to learn more, simply email me and schedule a session. I see clients via Skype. I like Skype because it allows you to see each other and that is really important for psychotherapy, because you need to understand the principles that I will be teaching, and to do that you really need to see me and I need to see you so we can establish a really good level of communication.


OCD Online Therapy

You do not need medications to treat Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Instead you should learn how to work with the emotional part that makes intrusive thoughts intrusive. This is what we work on during online mindfulness therapy sessions.

So how to treat OCD without medication? So, OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, is a problem in which we become prisoners of intrusive thoughts. Essentially we become prisoners of highly emotionally charged thoughts whatever they might be. There can be many many different types of obsessive thoughts or beliefs that we’re struggling with.

But the key component here is that the thoughts are emotionally charged. So in order to overcome OCD you have to neutralize this emotional charge that makes those thoughts so intrusive. And that’s what we focus on during online Mindfulness Therapy sessions for treating OCD.

We actually learn how to meditate on those thoughts. We introduce those intrusive thoughts into the mind and then we learn how to change our relationship to those thoughts so that we can become the Observer observing the thought as an object in the mind instead of our usual habit which is to become identified with the thought and therefore become reactive and overcome by the thought.

When we become reactive and identified with intrusive thoughts that simply feeds those intrusive thoughts, it feeds the emotional energy behind the thoughts and that leads to proliferation of intrusive thoughts, which creates even more emotional suffering.

So when we are meditating on the same intrusive thoughts, we’re learning to break that pattern of reactive identification, we learn to see the thoughts without reacting. And that’s the first essential step in the treatment of OCD using mindfulness.

We have to completely break the habit of becoming overwhelmed by the thoughts, we have to be able to learn how to sit with those thoughts without becoming identified with them. That’s an essential part of mindfulness training to overcome OCD.

A second part of working with the emotional content of the intrusive thoughts is to actually work with their imagery, and this is quite a novel concept to most people, but emotional imagery is very, very important. This is what actually creates the emotion that is triggered by the thoughts.

The imagery: how you see it in the mind. How big are the intrusive thoughts? What position does it have in your psychological space? Do you see it in the mind? Do you see it in the heart or the stomach? Do you see it in front of you or above you? The position of thoughts is part of their imagery and that’s an extremely important part of what makes those thoughts emotionally charged.

So the imagery is what creates the emotion and the emotion is what causes the thoughts to become intrusive and repetitive and prevents the thoughts from simply resolving themselves like other thoughts.

So we work with this imagery and we work on changing this imagery and when we change the imagery you change that emotional charge. When you change the emotional charge of a thought, the thought begins to subside and lose power in the mind.

So those are two parts of what I will teach you during online therapy sessions for your OCD, and the mindfulness approach works extremely well and most people will see quite substantial changes after three to four sessions of practicing mindfulness meditation on thoughts.

If you’d like to learn more and please email me if you’d like to schedule a therapy session with me via Skype to help you overcome your OCD.


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Online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD

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