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Contact me if you are looking for an online therapist specializing in Online Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of OCD.

Online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD

Find Online Psychotherapy for overcoming OCD

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy via Skype for Overcoming Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Overthinking without using medications.

Mindfulness Therapy provides an extremely effective treatment plan for gaining freedom from obsessive-intrusive thoughts and behaviors by teaching you how to work with your OCD thoughts and impulses using mindfulness training and the methods of Mindfulness Therapy.

One of the primary problems that sustains OCD is the habit of becoming identified with your obsessive thoughts. We have to break free from this conditioned habitual reactivity.

This is the primary focus of Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for overcoming OCD and is what I will be teaching you during our online sessions together.

Everyone that I have worked with really enjoys the mindfulness approach that I teach for healing emotional suffering…

“I had three sessions with Peter (4 hours total) and am very glad I had a chance to do therapy with him. Even after one session, I already felt better about some of the trauma I have had since I was young. With him, I learned to dissolve the trauma and came to terms with what happened in the past. I very much appreciate Peter’s kindness, wisdom, and patience.”


Find Online Help for OCD

Welcome. I’m a professional psychotherapist and I provide online psychotherapy for OCD. So if you’re interested in getting help from an online psychotherapist for the treatment of OCD and for work with intrusive thoughts and intrusive memories and other forms of intrusive thinking, then please reach out to me.

I offer all my sessions through Skype. Skype is really important for online therapy because it allows you to see each other and this greatly improves the effectiveness of communication, which clearly is needed for good quality psychotherapy.

During our online psychotherapy sessions for OCD we learn how to break free from the blind habitual reactivity in the mind where we become blindly identified with these intrusive thoughts or obsessive thoughts.

This is critical because if we become blindly identified with the thoughts, then they basically control us. And this leads to the proliferation of more intrusive thoughts, which in turn feeds the underlying emotion, whatever that may be, that’s feeding the intrusive thoughts. So we need to stop this process of proliferation of reactive thinking in the mind.

The way we go about that in Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I teach for the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder and intrusive thoughts is by learning how to meditate on those thoughts.

So we don’t avoid the thoughts. That’s the worst thing you can do, because if you try to avoid the thoughts, as painful as they may be, you will simply feed the underlying fear, the emotional charge that makes those thoughts intrusive. So we don’t want to avoid our thoughts.

Instead, we want to meditate on them, which is a process of choosing to bring them into the mind, but to remain fully present as a conscious observer. This is what makes all the difference. So by meditating on our intrusive thoughts or memories or images we are training ourselves out of this habit of reactive identification and we start to see the thoughts more as objects in the mind. This helps us detach from them. They become objects and we become the observer of those objects.

This produces a very significant shift in the mind and starts to fundamentally resolve the emotional charge of the thought. When you stop feeding it, it starts to heal.

So we learn to meditate on our thoughts. We learn to develop that healthy distance from the intrusive-obsessive thoughts. Then we we can start to develop a response pattern that helps resolve the underlying fear, learning how to comfort the fear internally.

Finding a way of being with the fear that helps it heal. This is called the response of compassion, which is very much a part of mindfulness, and Mindfulness Therapy is about developing this internal consciousness and compassion towards those emotions that are in pain. This is what is needed for healing. And it’s very effective.

Trying to stop thinking by willpower, trying to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, arguing with them and trying to convince yourself that those thoughts are irrational and you shouldn’t be thinking them is not an effective way of overcoming OCD.

Those kind of cognitive processes don’t really work. The reason they don’t work is because they are at the wrong level. They are at this same level as the intrusive thoughts that you’re trying to change. Thoughts cannot change thoughts very effectively.

If you want to achieve freedom from intrusive thoughts, you have to change and heal the underlying emotion that is feeding those thoughts. And that is the function of meditating on the thoughts so we can find that emotion, which is usually fear, and help it heal.

We can help it heal mostly by developing this internal relationship where you are the observer, which is your True Self, and that does not react out of fear to those fear-based intrusive thoughts. This is what is needed to heal intrusive thoughts. You have to bring your True Self into connection with the Little Self, the fear.

So if you’d like to learn more about working with an online psychotherapist for OCD and you like the idea of online psychotherapy via Skype, then do please contact me and schedule a therapy session via Skype.


Online Psychotherapist for managing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional On line Therapist. I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy for treating a range of conditions, including anxiety, depression, stress, addictions and also for the online treatment of OCD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

So, how does Mindfulness Therapy work? Well, briefly, Mindfulness Therapy teaches you how to control the reactive thoughts that cause reactive-compulsive behaviors.

We learn how to establish what is called a Mindfulness-based Relationship with our compulsive thoughts, so that we can hold those thoughts in our awareness without becoming overwhelmed by them. When we can do this, then we can start to examine the underlying emotion that duels the obsessive thoughts – and this is essential for the treatment of OCD.

Working with that underlying emotion using mindfulness allows us to change the structure of how that emotion operates in the mind. So, once you can change the underlying emotions, then you take the fuel away from the obsessive thinking and this then stops that obsessive thinking converting into compulsive behaviors.

So, if you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy for OCD, please contact me through my website. Send me an email and then we can discuss if Online Therapy for OCD is a good choice for you, and I will explain more detail about how this works, and then we can schedule a Skype Therapy Session for your OCD. So, please, if you are interested in Online Mindfulness Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, contact me now.


Online OCD Therapy

How to treat OCD without medication through Online Mindfulness Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and intrusive thoughts

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety, for depression and also for working with obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD.

So if you’re interested in online treatment for OCD without depending on medications, then do please go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service.

Mindfulness Therapy is very good for treating all forms of anxiety disorders because it teaches you how to work with your thoughts in a very direct and practical way, and that is essential in working with OCD.

We have to basically change the way that we relate to our thoughts. Some people teach that we have to overcome irrational thoughts. I do not agree with that. Whether the thoughts are rational or irrational is of no particular importance. What matters is the emotional charge of those thoughts and the nature of your relationship to them.

So typically when we experience an obsessive thought or an intrusive thought we become immediately identified with that. This is called reactive identification, and then we tend to react even further to intrusive thoughts by creating more thoughts that feed the first intrusive thought, and that is called reactive proliferation of thoughts.

So this is what typically happens out of habit for most people with OCD. But with mindfulness training and the methods that I will teach you during our online therapy sessions, you will begin to be able to break free from the compulsive aspects of those intrusive thoughts.

You do not require medication to treat OCD. Medication simply masks the intensity of the emotion, but it doesn’t do anything to change the underlying process that is causing those intrusive-obsessive thoughts to arise in the mind, and that’s what we address with Mindfulness Therapy.

So the first step is learning to be with your intrusive thoughts without becoming overwhelmed by them. And then when you establish this relationship with them, then you can begin to change the emotional component of those intrusive obsessive thoughts, and I will explain in great detail how to do this.

If you want to work with me, if you would like to learn how to overcome OCD without resorting to medications, then please go to my website and send me an email so we can schedule a trial therapy session for you.

With the mindfulness approach, because it is so practical and so focused on overcoming the underlying cause of your OCD, most people will see significant changes after the first three to four sessions with me. It doesn’t take that long to break out of these habitual patterns of reactive thinking and reactive identification with thoughts.

It just requires some skillful guidance and then practice of the methods that I will teach you. So please contact me if this interests you and let’s get started.


Effective Online Therapy for OCD

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I’m a professional psychotherapist based in Boulder, Colorado and I offer online therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression and addictions and many other common psychological problems that respond well to mindfulness-based therapy.

Mindfulness Therapy is my preferred approach because I find it to be vastly superior to conventional talk therapy and certainly a great improvement over medications, which really do nothing to change the underlying cause of your emotional suffering.

So anxiety disorders are the most common condition that I work with and this includes obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I’m often asked how to stop OCD thoughts, how to break free from those intrusive thoughts that cause so much emotional suffering and anxiety for a lot of people.

So working with intrusive thoughts. First of all we have to ask what is it that makes them intrusive? How does this work? Well, there’s four major factors that I have identified that really cause a thought to become intrusive.

The first is the emotional charge of the thoughts. So with all OCD thoughts it’s not the content of the thought that matters, it’s not the narrative that’s important. What is important is the emotional charge of that thought. When a thought has a very high emotional charge then it tends to stay in the mind longer and it tends to return more frequently than a thought with a low emotional charge.

The emotional charge is what gives the stickiness to intrusive thoughts and leads to obsessive behaviors based on those intrusive thoughts. So working with that emotional charge and learning how to neutralize it is essential, and much more important than trying to change the narrative, or your beliefs, or trying to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, or any other cognitive manipulation like that, because it really won’t work if that emotional charge is not first neutralized.

Working with the emotional charge of the thoughts is very important. The second factor that causes those thoughts to be intrusive is really just plain habit. That is, the lack of conscious awareness. We tend to simply identify with these thoughts when they arrive and we get caught up in them and we start trying to fight them or resist them in some way. So this process of pure habit operates when there is very little consciousness. Like any habit it operates unconsciously.

Developing much more consciousness around our OCD thoughts is very important, and in fact we learn how to meditate on those thoughts rather than trying to make them go away, which is not practical or trying to resist them in some other way or distract ourselves from those thoughts.

Any kind of effort to try and remove thoughts by distraction just won’t work. We have to completely change our relationship to those thoughts. We have to, in fact, create more consciousness, not less.

The third factor that causes thoughts to become intrusive is really just the problem of what I call reactive identification, and that is where we really become consumed by that thought; we take on the identity of the thought. We take it to be who we are. We take it as the truth of things and we simply blindly fall into that thought.

The fourth factor that’s closely related to reactive identification is general reactivity to those unpleasant emotionally charged thoughts. As I mentioned earlier we tend to try to escape or avoid unpleasant experiences, including thoughts. We try to avoid them or we react with self-hatred, aversion or extreme dislike for those thoughts, which is understandable because they cause so much pain for us. But unfortunately reactivity simply feeds the problem.

So if you would like to learn more about how to work with intrusive thoughts and OCD thoughts in general, please contact me.

Send me an email. Tell me more about yourself and how I can help you and then we can schedule a Skype Therapy session to help you overcome your OCD thoughts using the very effective and well tested methods of Mindfulness Therapy that I teach and have developed over the last ten or twelve years now.

So please contact me if you would like help overcoming your OCD.


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